Friday, June 01, 2007

Lina Joy was denied her rights to practice her own faith by the Civil Courts. I reserve my comment but the last article republish here I concurs with. Here is also a 'childish debate' with a pompous and pedantic Singaporean Malay whom I detest. It is some in malay enough to say it is vulgar on my part but someone must say it
Dear Malaysians and RPK,
I have read about the outcome of the Lina Joy case. I guess that this is a major victory for those who use religion to seek power. Why ? Because this case is definitely not about faith. It is about power. The power of the majority to impose its will upon others. Of what use is the faith of someone who is compelled by legal force - to utter the Syahadah? Is that what the Prophet and his Companions would have wanted? Is that what God wants? For someone to believe in Him only because he or she is legally forced to do so? Is hypocrisy caused by compulsion in matters of religion - a respectable way forward for Malaysia's Muslims?At times like these - I am so very glad that I am a Singaporean. It seems that one can only find justice in Non-Muslim countries. Where is the Muslim community in Malaysia headed? I guess they must answer that question for themselves. As for Lina Joy - well - I am sure that she and others like her will eventually migrate.Perhaps Malaysia is not concerned about her brain drain. After all - Malaysian clerics have often put down the importance of the rational mind when confronted with their interpretations of Revelation. Which brings me to this point - as a scientist, I believe in the scientific validity and accuracy of the theory of Evolution.Can Malaysia's religious officer's interfere in Singapore's jurisdiction to accuse me of apostasy? Can a a Muslim Biologist in Malaysia declare his or her support for Evolution? But so what I suppose. After all Malaysia does not need Biologists nor scientists etc., etc. Malaysia only needs Article 153 and Article 11. Well done my fellow Malaysian Muslims. And good luck to Malaysia. Bueno suerto!
Dr Syed Alwi
Dear Malaysians,
Thank you for your kind praises. Sometimes I wonder what these extremists think - does God need the faith of those who are compelled to believe ? Is that any kind of faith in the first place ?I for one - do NOT believe that Islamic teachings require Muslim apostates to be compelled to return to Islam. That is not faith - that is a power game. Them versus Us. The power of the Muslim majority imposing its will upon others.What I see happening in Malaysia is that her Malay-Muslims are beginning to resort to compulsion in many matters be it political or even religious. Not a good sign.......We live in turbulent times and Islam is certainly THE controversial issue of our times.Its just sad to see Malaysia slide into some kind of Talibanesque Fascism.....
Dr Syed Alwi
31/05 13:22:12
Kepada A1,
Hukum murtad ada beberapa - ianya masalah khilafiah. Apakah kamu berpegang terus kepada ijtihad abad ke 10 Masehi ?Bagi saya sudah tiba masanya untuk buka pintu ijtihad semula. Kita tak boleh membuta tuli main ikut ijtihad zaman abad ke 10.Yang nyata ulama Malaysia tak mahu bertanggungjawab. Mereka mahu ikut sedap mulut. Apakah Lina Joy tak boleh migrate ke Singapura ? Apakah kalau dia mengucap Syahadah kerana terpaksa pun - kita terima keIslaman nya ?Apakah Islam tu - hidung tak mancung pipi ter-sorong sorong ? Lina dah tak nak Islam - takkan nak main paksa dia masuk Islam semula ? Apakah iman tu boleh main paksa paksa ?Sudahlah Malaysia - yang nyata kamu semua terlalu fanatik hingga tak kena tempat. Akhirnya kamu juga yang binasa. WassalamDr Syed Alwi
31/05 17:06:01
Kepada Malaysian semua,Saya dah puas belajar Islam. Soalnya sekarang ialah - persoalan murtad dalam Islam. Tidakkah ia suatu perkara khilafiah ? Apakah kita di masyarakat majmuk ASEAN dalam abad ke 21 - masih tertakluk dengan ijtihad abad ke 10 ?Bagi saya - sudah nyata bahawa pintu ijtihad harus di buka semula. Nampaknya kes bersangkutan hal agama berlaku hampir setiap hari di Malaysia.Tapi ulama Malaysia - seolah olah masih hidup di Baghdad abad ke 10.Sorry my friend - tapi ini zaman Sains & Teknologi. Dunia telah berubah. Masalah khilafiah perlu di lihat dari sudut yang baru. dari kacamata abad ke 21. Dari segi masyarakat majmuk. Dari segi Maqasid dan sebagainya. Kita tak boleh main ikut buta tuli ijtihad abad ke 10. Buruk padahnya.Bagi Lina Joy - dia hanya perlu migrate ke negeri lain. Tapi bagi Malaysia ? Habis imejnya ! Ulama Malaysia seolah olah tinggal di negeri Arab. Sudah lupa bahawa ASEAN tu bukan Timur Tengah.Fikir masak masak dulu.......WassalamDr Syed Alwi
31/05 20:16:40
Dear Malaysians,
Let me send a clear message to Malaysians of all colours. I am not here to gain popularity among Malaysian Chinese and Indians - but Malaysian Malays must understand that the time has come for a review of the 10th century ijtihad on various aspects of the Syariah. Not a day passes without a religious controversy in Malaysia. Its time Malaysia got its act together.....Developments in Malaysia have an impact on ASEAN. Here in Singapore - Malays generally understand the limitations that multi-culturalism imposes upon Islamic ideals.We know where utopian ideals end and where reality begins. Of what use is it to be so proud of the Malay language ? HOW MANY SCIENTIFIC BOOKS AND REPUTABLE JOURNALS ARE WRITTEN IN MALAY ? You answer that question. As for Special Rights - well - we would rather stand on our own 2 feet. We pride in walking without the tongkat or wheelchair. Sure - we are not as rich as Malaysian Datuks and Tan Sri's - but our corruption index is certainly better than Malaysia's. Of what use is it to be rich and shouting Islam - when the money you earn is dirty money ? No - I have no more doubts whatsoever - the Malaysian dream among many educated Malays in Singapore is OVER. We no longer look towards Malaysia. Its time Singapore Malays aimed at Australia and the good ol US of A. I mean - this whole thing about religion in Malaysia is absolutely ridiculous. How can you be a technological power-house if you are so hung up about religion ? Its almost as if one is dealing with a society stuck in the 10th century ! With each passing day - my attachment to Malaysia drops even further. Maybe thats why the Tunku kicked Singapore out. 15 years ago - I had my doubts about the kicking out of Singapore from the Federation. But today - I am absolutely happy that Tunku did what he did in 1965.I do not want my children to grow up in a 10th century society. Singaporeans may holiday in Malaysia and Malaysia can get a lot of tourist dollars from Singapore. But don't dream that we want to come back to Malaysia. Its OK just to visit Malaysia for a few days.Thats why I oppose the IDR thing. Because the Malaysian Malay does NOT want Singapore to get involved. For me - tak join your IDR pun tak apa. Buat apa ? Asyik bergaduh. Buat cekik darah sahaja. Its better that Singapore does NOT get involved in Malaysia. Better. Thats why we go for New-water. Minum air najis pun tak apa - asal jangan balik ke Malaysia. We treasure our freedom. Lets get this straight once and for all - we do not want you. Frankly if I were Lee Hsien Loong - I would turn down the IDR offer. Duit belum masuk - Malaysian Malays sudah bising. Tak payahlah nak jadi ShenZhen. After all Singapore pun BUKAN Hong Kong. Simpanlah you punya Jalan Wong Ah Fook di JB tu. Kita pun tak ingin !No hard feelings my ASEAN neighbour !Regards
Dr Syed Alwi
01/06 00:37:46
Kepada A1,
Apakah mahkamah Syariah akan akur kepada permintaan Lina Joy ? Yang nyata mahkamah Syariah sering menolak permintaan sebegitu. Yang nyata ada setengah negeri di mana pemurtadan orang Islam boleh di kenakan hukum penjara. Apakah ini bukan suatu pemaksaan yang di lakukan secara halus ?What are you talking about ? It is a crime to apostasise according to the Syariah Courts !
Dr Syed Alwi
01/06 00:45:12
Kepada A1,
Apakah hukum bunuh murtad tu - satu hukum Tuhan ? Atau kah ianya hanya ijtihad ulama salaf berdasarkan iklim sosial mereka di abad ke 10 ? Dan jika mahkamah Syariah terima permintaan Lina Joy - sanggupkah kamu berlapang dada menerima nya ? PEMBELA amacam ? Sanggup terima jika mahkamah Syariah kata Lina berhak murtad ?Jangan jadi munafik - jawab secara terus terang. Bagi saya - Lina patut migrate sahaja....Clean solution.
Dr Syed Alwi
01/06 01:03:57
Kepada A1,
Kalau begitu - jelas sekali Malaysia tiada kebebasan agama. Jangan mengaku ada freedom of religion di Malaysia. Kerana erti kata kebebasan beragama tu works both ways. Orang boleh masuk Islam dan orang pun boleh keluar Islam. Its a two way street brother ! Dan jangan tuduh saya mengapi api kan keadaan wal-hal PEMBELA dan penyokong mereka sampai duduk luar mahkamah tunggu pengadilan dari hakim. Saya tak pernah nak mengapi api kan keadaan. Bukan saya yang berkhemah di luar mahkamah seperti PEMBELA............RegardsDr Syed Alwi
01/06 01:28:21
Dear A1
Saya pun begitu juga. Maaf jika terguris di hati. Memang saya seorang yang outspoken yang mahu melihat keadilan. Saya juga seorang Muslim yang mahu kan Islam di hormati ramai. Tapi caranya bukan dengan memaksa dan sebagainya. Manusia akan hormati Islam jika Ummahnya kuat dan maju. Bukan dhaif dan di belenggu fikiran jumud. Tak apalah - at least kita gentleman juga.
Dr Syed Alwi
01/06 01:52:37
Kepada A1,
Jika Ummah maju dan makmur - apakah akan ada ramai yang mahu murtad ? Fikirkan lah...Kita tak boleh lawan isu murtad dengan menggunakan cara paksa dan kasar. Sebaiknya isu murtad di tangani dengan memajukan dan memakmurkan Ummah. Apabila Ummah sudah numero uno - maka itu isu murtad akan hilang begitu sahaja. Siapa yang mahu ikut suatu golongan yang dhaif, miskin dan jumud fikiran ? Orang semua mahu ikut yang best ! Di sini letaknya penyelesaian isu murtad...Sekali lagi - kita bermaafan untuk kebaikan semua. Tak guna bergaduh di antara jiran..
Dr Syed Alwi
01/06 02:04:50
wanbozo & streptoPergi tanya mufti mufti Malaysia. Pergi tanys PAS. Apakah masalah murtad tu bukan suatu masalah khilafiah ? Hanya pandai cari fatwa dari Internet ! For goodness sake - go and ask your Malaysian ulamas and even Yusuf Qardhawi on IslamOnline - what is the hukum for murtad. Saya cabar awak. Do it if what you say is true !Dan kepada strepto - agaknya Ummat Islam masih mundur kerana orang seperti awak yang dimana ilmu hanya dalam ilmu Islam. Yang lain ilmu tak penting. Jikalau Islam megandungi semua ilmu - kenapa umat Islam mundur ? Pasal belajar kat Kelantan agaknya !
Dr Syed Alwi
01/06 23:01:52
To all Malaysians,Allow me to categorically say this - over my dead body will I ever accept an Islamic State within ASEAN. Come what come may and let go the dogs of war - but I will never accept an Islamic State in ASEAN. There is no doubt whatsoever that ASEAN must remain secular in view of the geopilitical realities we face.
Dr Syed Alwi
01/06 23:29:48
My Comment

Welcome back Dr Syed Alwi a lover of Lee Kuan Yew and definately a traitor to the Malay race. A Doctor of letters not of Medicine, and now presribing medicine to the Malays in Malaysia albeit a Singaporean. Are you Syed Jumaat or a real Syed, The indians Muslim trying to be more holier than thou sometime name their friday born son by adding the prefix Syed, Like Munsyi Abdullah another malay traitor these guys are pompous and pedantic. Come let us duel as before, by fist by words by facts anytime, anyday. Name it, we could do the old way by guns, by swords or as true Malay by Keris. But as you know Man of letters are cowards, they talk about Article 153,they also have article 152 here in toto:
Minorities and special position of Malays152. —
(1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore.
(2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language. Muslim religion153. The Legislature shall by law make provision for regulating Muslim religious affairs and for constituting a Council to advise the President in matters relating to the Muslim religion.
Official languages and national language153A. —
(1) Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English shall be the 4 official languages in Singapore.
(2) The national language shall be the Malay language and shall be in the Roman script: Provided that —
(a) no person shall be prohibited or prevented from using or from teaching or learning any other language; and
(b) nothing in this Article shall prejudice the right of the Government to preserve and sustain the use and study of the language of any other community in Singapore.
Yes the National Language is Malay by golly! yet go to any Singaporean,accept singing the National Anthem they can't read and write Malay! Heck Singaporean can't even read and understand the National Language! Oh my God! What Farce! And look at what it says without exactly stating it, the Malays are Muslims, yet, look how Singapore treats the religion of Islam, you can't even hear the Muezzin callings!Nothing is done to protect the religion and the special position of the Malays!!!! Not one iota in modern and breezy Singapore but it is in the constitution. At least in Malaysia we take pride in our constitution and try to interpret the articles and principle of it the best that we can.We do have warts but it is our warts, we don't need Singaporean to tell us what's wrong with our country since his is much worse!!! So Dr Syed Alwi let's go for it, I challenge you as before my number is 019 569 4011!! Call me lah kalau berani!!!!!
31/05 23:20:09
burn22 betul cakap you, that is the whole gist of the issue. She still a malay and a muslim until she is declared not so by the Syariah Court. In the meantime since the inclusion of Article 11(2) this ruling must be abide. As being put in detention most readers do not understand not all states have detention centres, Wilayah perseketuan where Lina Joy resides do not have one. She is only subjected to counselling. Apasalah nya biarlah orang melayu cuba nak save soul dia bukan kena dera pun tapi kalau dia masih insist insyallah dibolehkan why nak kepoh2.Rwoo tentang bang tu I understand tapi kalau ia menganggu pergi lah jumpa bilal suruh dia perlahan sikit dengan cara baik jangan pulak nak bersifat garang nescaya pasti dia dengar dan mahu tolak ansur. Itulah Malaysia bukan Singapura durjana. Hampar nak tahu dalam forum Dr Syed Alwi yang gatal ni cuba nak miang dengan perempuan,kena ban!!! Orang macam ini hamapr nak dengak, atas botak bawah serabut, pi lah dekat sini baca sendiri Ini semua keturunan musyi Abdullah hang tengok nama bapak dia takda syed pun? Dia mengaku islam tapi bukan melayu, ajak lawan terketak ketak, belum lagi dihamput nescaya terberak!!! Readers please understand to give comments by all means but if you are an outsider and you smell my shit(but at least my stool is pejal compare to yours yang berair) and complain about it and thumb your nose at it ,it is still my shit not yours, so you are a shithead!!! of the highest degree.
01/06 19:35:46
As for apostasy according to our brilliant Dr who seem to believe that what he say is true, death is the penalty for them, pls go here maaf the issue is still being debated. To the conservative yes, but it is not the correct 'law' it is disputable. Jadi Dr ni bodoh ye!! tolol pulak? Baik hisap susu botoi lagi!! pandai bagi hukum! Poodah
01/06 19:42:39
khilafiah ke tidak ke the point is the death penalty on apostasy is debateble please readers go this link and find out yourself who speaks with a fork tongue, luckilly I am not of Indian blood nescaya kepala I musti goyang and the grand iman of alazhar herself sheikh tantawi expressly say that the death penalty for apostate is wrong please go here yes I do cut and paste but at least I do not be definate about any descision made because it is debatable. Qardhawi is a conservative Ulama, he has his opinion. Dr Asri the mufti of perlis is to me an elightened muslim as compare to Harusaani of Perak and the list goes on. The crux of the matter is the jurisdiction of the Courts,how much we can decry in this case apostasy or murtad case is under the realm of the syariah court. although it might be sad or to those so call liberal muslim but as long as the perlembagaan says so, it remain so!Tentang fundemental rights to, no where in the world is there absolute rights given to an individual, there always have been law which curtail this fundemental rights. Ingat rukun negara keluhuran perlembagaan jangan jadi Singapura perlembagaan mereka macam toilet paper saja, boleh lap najis Dr Syed!Official language 4 tapi kalau you tulis pada kerajaan dia tamil atau melayu tak di terima! Apa guna official language kalau jabatan kerajaan tak terima pakai, hanya Ingeriss atau Mandarin! Akuni kan Bozo bukan Dr tapi at least I do my homework sebelum menyebut sayonara pada malaysia. And good luck to Malaysia. Bueno suerto!Hei Syed budak penakut marilah debat biar RPK jadi saksi dan moderator tengok sapa betul!!!!Jangan tulis sepanyol kalau takreti, aku ni hanya tahu melayu saja maklum Bozo!
02/06 12:03:55
31/05: Key to the highway: interfaith issues......gimme a break!
Category: General
Posted by: Raja Petra
A Voice
Biggies has compiled the news nicely for us on the Federal Court's rejection of Azlina's application. Refer here and here.I love to write on it at length (but not in mood yet) on this Azlina Jeilani and various Islam bashing issues (but claimed not to be so and merely) camouflaged (as I see it) as a civil liberty issue. This bloody apostacy and interfaith issues are just pure humbugs!If she wants to convert out, get the clearance from Syariah Court. Thats the rule. Abide by it! They say follow God rule. She is baptised already, so Syariah court doesn't apply?In the case of Muslim women under detention at a faith rehabilitation centre that married a Hindu and have kids, they say its inhuman to deny her to her family. She is a Muslim, isn't it? Now its humanitarian issue?Suzy Teo converted to Islam below legal age but met Islam's baligh and berakal age. Lost in the court for she is a minor. No to God's law but court's law? Where is it about her freedom to profess her chosen religion?IFC not adjudicatory but the fine line says the state has to listen to their recomendation. What the f**k these lawyers think we are? Stupid? Blind?All these Xenophobic prick with hidden hands working in concert! If these are private issues, why is the American based Beckett's funding her defense and expensive legal team? Why is some I called certain deviant Muslim groups getting Konrad Adreneur Foundation's funding and assistance? Why is Singapore sympathiser New Straits Times and Sun giving much voice to those super liberal Muslims and refuse the right of replies by progressive and more authoritative Muslim groups? However, I am not without compassion. The Subashini's case is a tragedy. I felt the husband or precisely the ex-husband lacked finesse. Why did he force his faith on the kids? Preach it to them with kindness and wisdom. Anyway, this is a family matter, sort it. Why revert to lawyers?The way I see it. All this interfaith issues are tragedies we inherited from the colonial legal tradition. If as Malik Imtiaz says, secular court is superior to the syariah court, he should be reminded that the syariah court exist more than 460 years ago here. Respect that! We have to find resolutions to this differences. Legal avenue is not a solution for it is adversarial. Forcing a choice only makes one side happy. Whoever lawyers claim they are embracing humanity are just hogwash. They only love a good fight! They are the ones who created all these interfaith quarells, be them Muslims or otherwise. Political approach will not make it any better. The might is only right. Anyway politician have no balls to takeup a sensitive issue like this. The opposition would perhaps liek to take it up but its more for political mileage.Lets return society's problem back to society for resolution. Let the conversant "man of cloth"s sit together to resolve it. They are all good people. I hope the men and women of religion resolve it amicably and consistent with each other's faith. There should be a way and a way must be found.Too much excitement today and of late. I need a break and some stuff to do. Off Terengganu way...
This press release speak volumes of the issue

01/06: Press Release by Muslim Professionals Forum
Category: General
Posted by: Raja Petra
It is with a sense of relief that we learned of the long-awaited Federal Court decision on the Azalina Jailani (Lina Joy) case. We would like to congratulate the judges who have exercised their wisdom and courage to come to a decision on such a controversial issue under the intense glare of the international and local media, alongside that of interested observers from across the spectrum of human rights and religious organizations.We laud the Federal Court’s decision - upholding that of the Court of Appeal and the High Court - that the jurisdiction to change the religious status of a Muslim properly belongs to the Shariah Court.For many of us this is clearly an issue of administrative procedure. However this has unfortunately been championed into a cause célèbre for the complete secularization of Malaysian society and to undermine the position of Islam in this country by turning it into a Human Rights issue – that of religious freedom under Article 11, in its wake generating unhealthy tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims.For Muslims to feel euphoric that Islam has finally triumphed is also misplaced. This is not a battle between Islam and the rest. It is simply restoring things in their right place, of respecting the separate jurisdictions of the Shariah and Civil courts in accordance to Article 121(1a), and of adhering to procedures.In our enthusiasm to champion religious freedom, let us not turn our backs on these mechanisms and institutions that have held together our complex society and the source of our much praised religious harmony.
Dr. Mazeni Alwi
ChairmanMuslim Professionals Forum


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