Friday, July 27, 2007

This is a posting in Malaysia Today. Those who are mifed by the vulgarities use in the comments forgive me. Hope you read with an open and understanding heart. Please do read my comment and understand fully what I am trying to say

21/07: The Malays in Singapore are more marginalised than the Chinese in Malaysia
Category: General
Posted by: Raja Petra
Mansor Haji Sukaimi's letter to the Singapore Prime Minister
Subject: Please stop publishing issues pertaining to MM Lee's comments about Malaysian Chinese

Dear Prime Minister,
May you and family be in the best of health and blessings.If there is a way, can you ask local papers or media channels to stop from reporting or discussing the remarks made by MM Lee about Malaysian Chinese?I say this coz comments published in Singapore (supporting MM's comments) are made from a skewed angle and do not take into account the historical reasons.
The comments so far are made by Chinese Singaporeans who do not really understand the issues. They also seem to suggest that similar problems do not exist in Singapore when, in fact, Singapore Malays in their own motherland, Singapore, are treated more dismally that Malaysian Chinese in the land of Malay Bumis.Indeed, if this issue is to continue, then it is only fair to show that Chinese leaders in Singapore are doing greater injustice to Singapore Malays than Malay Malaysian leaders to Malaysian Chinese.
The Malaysian Chinese are not bumis in Malaysia yet they get nearly every thing:
a) Right to have Chinese vernacular education from preschool to university.
b) Right to retain their Chinese names [The Chinese in Indonesia and Thailand get nothing of that sort. Worse, they have to have Thai or Indonesian names]
c) Right to display Chinese names in Chinese characters in huge public adverts in buildings and public places)
In development projects, they reap early profits as all projects require infrastructures and these materials are controlled by Malaysian Chinesee) Voting strength by constituencies also show so many Chinese advantage.It is good for us not to say that Malaysian Chinese are "marginalized".
If they want to talk about marginalization or injustices, it is better that they talk about Singapore Malays who, in their own motherland, are marginalized and subject to so many injustices:
1. Malay language has lost its stature in the State and industry. Chinese language has now become a universal precondition in employment
2. Malays are "cordoned off" in National Service. Many key security sites are out-of-bounds to Malays [Even Malay Ministers and MP's are not allowed to enter such areas]
3. The Civil Defence takes in high proportion of Malays considering the lower stature of CD and the higher death and injury risk in CD services
4. No Malays are holding key positions in government and statutory boards.
5. Malay MP's are given sinecures. In fact Malays are deemed fit only to be Ministers in Sewerage, Drainage, Refuse, Welfare and Drugs matters
6. Promotions and postings in government and statutory boards also show the Singapore Chinese' disdain towards Singapore Malays
7. Recent retrenchments also reflected that Singapore Malays "should go first"
8. Proportion of Singapore Malays who remained unemployed is high, notwithstanding good educational and vocational qualifications.
9. Vast in-take of Chinese from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan into Singapore but strict control of Malays from Malaysia and Indonesia.
I hope your office would do something to stop this, or rectify the matter by giving the issue its proper balance.I cc this note to BH Singapore and Malaysia. I do not cc to Straits Times as they do not publish letters of this kind.I cc to TODAY coz two strong letters were published in today’s TODAY edition.Regards.
Mansor Haji SukaimiFormer Member of Parliament (1976-1984)

krisingh1 wrote:
I do not know if this letter was published in the press.If it is, there will be a response from the government. I wonder if Mansor Hj Sukaimi is still in Singapore or is he writing from afar.
21/07 10:34:45
Dr Syed Alwi wrote:
Mansur Sukaimi - why should the Malay language be so special ? How many technical and scientific materials are written in malay ?Singapore is a meritocracy. Promotions go to those who can best uphold the interests of the majority. If Malays are reluctant to uphold the interests of the majority - then why should they be promoted ?Finally - the PAP should have kicked you out a long time ago ! Obviously you are just a pain in.....RegardsDr Syed Alwi
21/07 10:36:11
b) Right to retain their Chinese names [The Chinese in Indonesia and Thailand get nothing of that sort. Worse, they have to have Thai or Indonesian names]Outdated info. Into the bin this letter goes.One of Dr Syed Alwi's ealier letters have already stated the Singapore Malays' position. Better to be a Malay in Singaporea than a bumi malaysian.
21/07 10:47:20
Ooo, hello good doctor! Didn't see you in the room there!
21/07 10:50:50
joseph81 wrote:
Villain is calling others Villain
21/07 10:55:28
Bruce Teo wrote:
If I am a malay, i would definitely would prefer singapore. you need not worry about your future nor your children's future. The future has already been mapped out by PAP - your trustworthy guardian.....although it is bleak but at least you know that you are heading for the dumps (and for sure)
21/07 11:06:30
creeper wrote:
What a load of crap!
21/07 11:11:52
husin lempoyang wrote:
I can see the Malaysian Chinese are very poor and local MAlay very rich!
21/07 11:20:34
Bruce Teo wrote:
hi creeer, where's your load of crap?
21/07 11:27:01
shamadz72 wrote:
Dr Syed Alwi, speechless isn't it? I know the truth hurts and that is why when it hit right on your face instead of rebutting point by point made by the author, you have decided to go for an easy character assasination. Is that how they teach you when you do your PHD? :)
21/07 11:36:31
baiti wrote:
shamadz72, don't we just need more Malay 'intellectuals' like Dr Syed Alwi for Malaysia to take the route of Singapore?
21/07 11:40:16
FrenchFriedTacos wrote:
"coz"?No wonder the Straits Times doesn't publish you.
21/07 11:43:41
temenggong wrote:
The average Singaporean Malay per capita income is four times that of the average Malaysian Malay, lower infant motality rates, longer lifespans, zero poverty, near full emploment, relatively crime free living, public homes provided - what else is there to ask for?
21/07 11:44:38
baiti wrote:
yeah, and money can sure buy dignity, bro!
21/07 11:55:49
Malaysiaputra wrote:
Mansor Haji Sukaimi, my advice to all you Singapore Malays is to migrate enmass to Malaysia.Malaysia has given citizenship to Bengladeshis so I see no problem in giving citizenship to Singapore Malays , aslo you people will have a better chance to reap the reward of NEP than the local Malays.Besides, I am sure Umno will welcome all of you into their rank and file.Adios. see you in Malaysia soon !.
21/07 11:56:16
UniversalLaw wrote:
Full of crap this article. S'pore takes in anyone who can contribute to the growth of their nation, they attract quality human resources.Malaysia open the gate for any Tom Dick and Harry to ballon the population so that they can vote UMNO into power.S'pore don't have quota system, if you are good, you are good.
21/07 12:00:23
UniversalLaw wrote:
Full of crap this article. S'pore takes in anyone who can contribute to the growth of their nation, they attract quality human resources.Malaysia open the gate for any Tom Dick and Harry to ballon the population so that they can vote UMNO into power.S'pore don't have quota system, if you are good, you are good.
21/07 12:00:24
Malaysiaputra wrote:
8. Proportion of Singapore Malays who remained unemployed is high, notwithstanding good educational and vocational qualifications.====Please come to Malaysia . In this Bolih Land, it is heaven on earth for Malays with good educational and vocational qualifications.Come, please come. Malaysia is short of talents. Selamat Datang ke Malaysia guys.
21/07 12:02:15
Dr Syed Alwi wrote:
XXXDear shamadz72,What is there to rebut ? Singapore is a meritocracy and no one owes the Malays a living. If the Malays cannot uphold the interests of the majority Non-Malays - then why should they be promoted ?Why should Malays be given sensitive posts if they are NOT prepared to uphold the political interests of the Non-Malay majority ?There are NO Malay quotas or handouts like the NEP - in Singapore. Its all about merit and being able to uphold the interests of the majority population of Non-Malays.RegardsDr Syed Alwi
21/07 12:12:37
shamadz72 wrote:
Baiti, what intelect is there in this so called "Dr" from Singapore? I remember in one of his pathetic comment he has defended the reason why the Malays can't be place in a strategic position iwthin Military and his reason is because Malay as a Muslim can't be trusted to point their guns at their Muslim brother should there is war between Singapore and Malaysia or Indonesia. Ain't that a very pathetic excuse? Does it means that Malaysia should onl have Iban as their soldiers since Malays surely won't point their guns against another Malays should there is war between Malaysia & Indonesia. What I can about this "Dr" is that he should try harder to justify the glaring racism been done against Malay in Singapore
21/07 12:14:58
shamadz72 wrote:
"Dr Syed" do you ever think that there is a possibility that Singapore might also be at war with China? Your excuse is very pathetic you know... :)
21/07 12:18:35
shamadz72 wrote:
So there goes "Dr" comment of questioning Singapore Malays loyalty against their country. So now you know all Singaporean Malays is untrustworthy in the eye of their Chinese brothers... :)
21/07 12:20:23
seroja wrote:
Most of us only think about our own stomach ...Malaysiaputra ... how would you like being thrown out of your own house or land ... there might be better oppurtunity else where, but dignity have some values for some, as i know it might not mean nothing to you.We are the champion of justice when it comes to our rights being surpress but we became a silent devil when others are oppressed (laughing to them in their face or even at their face).Yes there a lot of injustice to Malaysian Chinese, as it is a lot of injustice to the non Samy Cronies Indian, and non UMNOPUTERA Malays.The only people whose reaping benefit from this land are UMNOPUTERA and the Chinese Cukong (using Hishamudin Rais terminology).You guys, lambasting everyone full of racism for the only reasons you dont get your stomach full, contracts, loans etc etc. Have you ever gone on the ground fighting for the rights of the poor malay, chinese or indians ... For those who do so, my solidarity to you pure Malaysian ... while others are pure Coward!!!
21/07 12:27:49
Loh wrote:
///Right to retain their Chinese names [The Chinese in Indonesia and Thailand get nothing of that sort. Worse, they have to have Thai or Indonesian names]///The question of changing the name of all Malayans into a specified way of spelling was never raised at all when the Merdeka delagation negotiated among themselves, and with the British.The Chinese in Thailand have their names in Thai language, and all Thais are equal. There is no NEP in Thailand. I expect a retort that due to the absence NEP, the three provinces in Thailand are in trouble now. My answer would be it is because we set bad examples.
21/07 12:40:52
Bruce Teo wrote:
oh yes, there are special riviledges too for malays in singapore. i.e if you are a malay graduate, you can skip national service... well, the system will close an eye lahone area where malays excel in singapore is in terms of having babies early in life albeit before you can even managed to get married
21/07 12:56:15
smeagroo wrote:
Malay language superior? Haha. Even now u watch local dramas u see these bumbling actors using the "i" and 'You" freely. And during one of those interviews with between 2 malay ladies on TV (Financial show), the guest was struggling to talk in Malay! She was trying so hard and in the end she spoke more in English than BM. Already we hv seen so many English words have been "seconded" into BM. So tell me now? Apa ini!
21/07 13:29:19
FrenchFriedTacos wrote:
So even in Singapore, the Malays are largely responsible for drug crimes, social problems, incest (remember the case of the dad marrying his daughters?), and Islamic terrorism.Let's see....Malaysian Malays, Singapore Malays, Pattani Malays, Filipino Abu Sayaff Muslims, Indonesian Muslims.Wonder what the precipitating common denominator is? (HINT: It's not the Malay-ness)
21/07 13:46:01
alanlee wrote:
Mansor Haji if you could stop talking crap about Malaysia Chinese it would be appreciated too.Malaysia Chinese have to buy their way out, nothing is free for the chinese in here. Everything come with a price tag.a, b, c - this had been agreed by our forefathers before getting the independence from the British.d - well in these fields maybe you could ask the Malaysia goverment to provide them enough money and skills to control.e - don't you know they gerrymandering the chinese constituencies.It is not good for both you and your PM to make comments on our situation. If you feel you are being marginalize in Singapore, pls apply for migrating to Malaysia. I think our goverment will be really happy to have you since our goverment have no problem accepting thousands of indonesia.
21/07 14:16:04
alanlee wrote:
Maybe the Malay Archipelago countries should have some sort of NEP to help them.
21/07 14:29:04
Spider wrote:
shamadz72,Agree with you that this "intellect" from Singapore Dr Syed Alwi should answer intellectually by rebutting point by point made by the author, instead of going for an easy character assasination. BDW why are you using quotes for his "Dr"? Are you suspecting something? He is very intellectual you know. He is also the spokeperson of PAP.But unfortunately, some friends of mine in Geylang / Aljuned area told me they don't trust him.
21/07 14:33:26
shamadz72 wrote:
Ahah... I don't know our dear "DR" is the spokeperson for PAP. Now we know why if LKY said the colour is black he will have to say it is black too no matter how rediculous his statement is. :)
21/07 15:05:25
William Ang wrote:
This must be written by a Malaysian... as you can easily see the vast difference in standard.
21/07 15:16:32
ou wrote:
UMNO is all about Malay Supremacy and uses Islam as an effective tool to remain relevant.History has taught us that such strategy will fail, hopefully without bloodshed.Whichever way we look at it, nation building should be about unity among its citizens but what we have is all about race and religion in Malaysia.At least Singapore has separated religion from state despite the racial issue is still sensitive because of historical ties with Malaysia.All in all, Malaysia lack the kind of caliber ministers in Singapore posses. Most if not all our Ministers are half past 6 and blinded by faith, race and greed.
21/07 15:36:07
rakyatmalaysia wrote:
"I say this coz comments published in Singapore (supporting MM's comments) are made from a skewed angle and do not take into account the historical reasons."-----------------------IS this a proper way to address to a PM ? the word "cuz" is used for normal and daily converstation, such as blogging, sms. to write a letter to a PM requires a formal and proper words. Please go and practice at home before trying to attempt further.
21/07 16:24:03
Malaysiaputra wrote:
seroja wrote:Most of us only think about our own stomach ...Malaysiaputra ... how would you like being thrown out of your own house or land ...=====Don't you agree with me that Singapore Malays who migrated to Malaysia will also benefit form the NEP ?. Its a fact isn't it ?. Also there is a a skilled labour shortage ?. So what's wrong if it is pointed out to them there the grass here is greener ?.=======You guys, lambasting everyone full of racism for the only reasons you dont get your stomach full, contracts, loans etc etc. Have you ever gone on the ground fighting for the rights of the poor malay, chinese or indians ... ======Fight for poor Malay rights ?. Those poor Malays did not get Umno's help because they supported the opposition.As for the Malays, Chinese, Indians and all Malaysians, we have been fighting for the NEP to be altered to help all Malaysians irrespective of race or religion but on merit.==
21/07 16:50:11
SiHangChai wrote:
Haah, hah! ex-YB Mansor wrote a frictious fact letter about SIngapore Malays. I have many Malay friends in Singapore whom we grew together (more than 15 years) and they are indeed very happy with the Singapore government. Of course, the opportunities are very competitive in Singapore, but this, they said, has been why Singaporean Malays are far superior than the Malaysian Malays. If you are good, you will your part. If you are lazy and depending for govt help, then you are nothing but a monkey siiting in a cage waiting to be feed every time.Nothing was the MM LKY wanted to interfere Malaysians nor its governmenceship. But, I think our ex-YB MP Mansor should knows better that the BN led-govt has been bullying its neighbour and marginalising Chinese based on jealousy on the wealth creation and the harmonisation of multi-racial citizen in Singapore. This is a fact, ex-YB. This came from many BN leaders' own mouths.Anyway, ex-YB, you should like directly to MM Lee and not Malaysia Today. It shows that our MPs and ex-MPs still have no guts to bring it out personally face-to-face. The letter was clearly shouing an amateur writing who has not been in politics, in my opinion. Sorry, ex-YB
21/07 16:56:26
creeper wrote:
Dear Bruce,The load of crap I was speaking of was the writer's - not your's.This Mansor character isn't nearly (not even close) worthy of Holy Crap from Lord Creeper!
21/07 18:05:09
krisingh1 wrote:
Go to any football game where Singapore is playing. Look at the proportion of Malays at these games. They do not look unpatriotic or a crowd which is not happy with Singapore. The younger generation have changed. They only know Singapore as their home.
21/07 20:47:55
Bruce Teo wrote:
malays are very important to singapore. many years back, a minister was stuck in a lift. He had to wait lnger than usual as there was no technician available. the technicians are mainly malays and they are all on raya leave. see they are art of singapore
21/07 21:01:43
Bruce Teo wrote:
sorry.. some ty errorsmalays are very important to singapore. many years back, a minister was stuck in a lift. He had to wait longer than usual as there was no technician available. the technicians are mainly malays and they are all on raya leave.see they are part of singapore
21/07 21:02:45
kelamkabut wrote:
1) Bahasa Malaysia is almost international language (give it time, orang putih also can understand as it's so English..).2) M'sian trusts one another like brothers man. Distrust is a dirty word here. Tarak paranoia . All M'sian key security sites are accessible even to public. I even had a barbecue in the army arms depot.3) M'sian Civil Dependce takes in very low proportion of Malays. To top it, ours no risk like our helikopter safety records is no 1 in this universe.4) M'sian non Malays all hold key positions in government and statutory boards. Even current PM AAB is Chinese. Suku Hainanese Cina. As majority rules in M'sia, so the other tiga suku is in control of this up and coming First World country, closely followed by Zimbabwe.5) S'pura Malay MP's are given sinecures, so wat. In M'sia, not just MP's are given sinecures but almost the entire public services are proud recipients of sinecures.6) Promotions and postings are on MERITS only like our NO-MORE-QUOTA higher education system. We disdain racism of any kind or forms. 7) In M'sia don't have wait for retrenchment to "should go first". Anytime is a good time to tell the pendatangs to GO, "tak suka, you keluar'lah"8)Only a Proportion of M'sian Malays remained unemployed but statistics are not available as to how many are high. Lagi, M'sian Malay that possess good educational and vocational qualifications are in full employment. In fact thre is a shortage of in certain industries especially in specialist fields like Rempitologist, morality policing etc9)M'sian migration policy in contrast are envy of the rest of the world. We accept only the best.See, how good Malaysia is. So come, my Singa'pura brothers. come back to the homeland and breathe our air of freedom, equality and justice.Arr, when you resign to come here, can you ask your boss if he may consider me for the position arr
21/07 21:15:20
anakjohor wrote:
as a bumiputra hailing from JOHOR, i felt ashamed of what Mansor Sukaimi said. Yes, i would want to be a malay singaporean than to be a shameful malay malaysian.....
21/07 21:51:55
joeawk wrote:
Obviously Mansor does not know the extend non malays have been discriminated in Malaysia. He seems blind to the privilleges enjoyed by the malays or shall I say the UMNOPUTRAs.On the other side of the plate, Singapore Chinese were not given on a plater unlike the Malays in Malaysia.Not to mentioned the wilful manipulation by govt servants associated with UMNO to discriminate against the non malays in matters of appointment, promotion and allocation of places in institution of higher learning, etc, etc.It has always beed akin to robbing Paul to give to Harry, but UMNO will vehemently deny what they have done.Read this news report on the Altantuya case, and the world gonna laugh.
21/07 23:19:12
ValentineHIMSELF wrote:
Mansor Haji Sukaimi..toyol! how many malays in singapore r still living in kampungs (except on Ubin or something)???? orang malas dan suka 'relek je'...jangan harap sedekah... MOVE ON!!!!! masih tinggal pada zaman parameswara...oh toyol...ive met singaporean malays in Harvard and MIT ok...mulut banyak busuk la
22/07 02:11:41
Konkek Najib wrote:
The great BUMMY vs CHINK "i'm better than you" debate goes on with much vigor.The reality is Bummy and Chink (and Bodohland Indians, in fact) are low-lifes who contribute nothing to this world other than lying, cheating, and trying to make a fast buck. You M&^$kers eat, sleep, fuck, shit, blog on MT Day after day, and fight for more money for your children. Day after day, after day. What about your contribution to the world? What are Bodohlanders contributing to this world? Non in science, sports, literature, art, or any field? NONE!YOu're all SEWER material, aka low lifes who live and die like an ameba somewhere at the bottom of the food chain. In the mean time, the rest of the world has left you MOTHERFUCKERS behind so far you cant even take your heads outta your butts.DUMB CHINKS, DUMB BUMMY, DUMB INDIANS = DUMB-asss BODOHLANDERS!
22/07 02:24:13
Konkek Najib wrote:
So what's so great about your race? Assholes.
22/07 02:25:33
ValentineHIMSELF wrote:
a) Right to have Chinese vernacular education from preschool to u think majority of chinese go to vernacular schools ah?? dumbo..most only go in pri school but eventually need to move on to gov schools which are conducted in MALAY...b) Right to retain their Chinese names [The Chinese in Indonesia and Thailand get nothing of that sort. Worse, they have to have Thai or Indonesian names]Singapore malay kenot retain their name ah? which name u mean? arabic or GENUINE malay names?..up to u what..u wanna name urself toyol oso can...and U mean kiatisuk senamuang or tony gunawan are ashamed of their names? what an idiotic statement...PUI! I have indon chinese friends who are proud to just say their indon names, some dun even have chinese ones..nor want them..this is how it shud b...a united country where ppl r not tagged by vietnamese friends tho obviously chinese in ethnicity do not consider themselves chinese...c) Right to display Chinese names in Chinese characters in huge public adverts in buildings and public placessoooo wot????? singapore malay kenot meh??? so many jalan and mrt stations r in malay wot..d) In development projects, they reap early profits as all projects require infrastructures and these materials are controlled by Malaysian Chineseuhuh...and who 'sold' their contracts to the chinese? if not that, ud have to be a crony who sits and purrs obediently at corrupted politicians..e) Voting strength by constituencies also show so many Chinese advantage.ur english sux.. wot does this even mean?? u mean in singapore geylang serai is not majority malay? ayo ppl wanna live among their kind, wot can u do? u want race based politics in singapore??? u want an umno there??? ur thinking kuno and just like umno...----------------------------------------
22/07 02:49:23
ValentineHIMSELF wrote:
1. Malay language has lost its stature in the State and industry. Chinese language has now become a universal precondition in employmentim chinse and erm i dun speak nor write mandarin, but im employed.. last i checked, english is still probably more important...and both malays and whoever else r supposed to be able to converse in it.. all the names in malay have been kept, lagu kebangsaan still in malay (tho many dun understand...still they keep it that way) wot u want? u want malay everywhere? all the expats and PRs from india, west, china must all cakap melayu just FOR THE SAKE OF IT????2. Malays are "cordoned off" in National Service. Many key security sites are out-of-bounds to Malays [Even Malay Ministers and MP's are not allowed to enter such areas] uhuh...where is ur not even with an opinion on this unless u show it!! just hope it's not cos they r just plain not gud enuff... 3. The Civil Defence takes in high proportion of Malays considering the lower stature of CD and the higher death and injury risk in CD services You mean this is official policy? what laughable shite...better be of service here than mat rempiting4. No Malays are holding key positions in government and statutory boards.u said NO...ur wrong!!!! no MPs at all? no ministers??? in Singapore, malays r the majority..just by that rough ratio..u think ud expect the parliment to be 'flooded' with malays? like i said, not good enuff? only u can answer it urself5. Malay MP's are given sinecures. In fact Malays are deemed fit only to be Ministers in Sewerage, Drainage, Refuse, Welfare and Drugs matters One day if i see a malay minister appointed for some other portfolio, u shud move house to the be honest...most drug addicts in spore r malays...hence, it's most appropriate that tarmugi heads this ministry..knowing the social upbringing of the malays...refuse, drainage etc is a big deal in small spore ok...environment is now a number one priority ok...ur childishness is reflected when u immediately equate this to the shit in the toilets...w/o this guy, ur shit will end up flowing back into ur drinking taps!6. Promotions and postings in government and statutory boards also show the Singapore Chinese' disdain towards Singapore Malays where r ur facts? again..not good enuff? not able to compete?7. Recent retrenchments also reflected that Singapore Malays "should go first"ayo answer till tired...these r fleeting statements...i know many chinese who got the boot..honestly, if ur malay and ur an asset to the company and the company is competiting on a global stage...u think they wud sack u for this illogical petty childish immature reason??????8. Proportion of Singapore Malays who remained unemployed is high, notwithstanding good educational and vocational during exams, they see ur name ahmad, straight away minus 20 marks isit? msia, it's equivalent to that..we need 20A1s to beat a 7Cs malay result...AGAIN, ask urself..mau relek je ke>????9. Vast in-take of Chinese from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan into Singapore but strict control of Malays from Malaysia and Indonesia.depends on the quality of the people u need to run ur economy..wot for take lousy ppl who r less educated and kenot compete globally? u see sabah..take all the filipinos..what ahppened??? or the indon workers in JB causing all the ruckus and crime spike...============my point is not to say singapore is perfect..but this guy knows NUTS abt the hardships the general non-malay population in malaysia least the malays in singapore r much better off transforming their thinking and 'forced' to work hard cos they r on the WORLD stage..not jhust some jaguh kampung...nothing is perfect...mansor ur just a lame complainer ...i bet right now ur too lazy to reply this and mau 'relek je'...
22/07 02:49:27
ValentineHIMSELF wrote:
for (4) i meant malays r NOT the majority
22/07 02:52:01
temanmu wrote:
Mansor, are you current in your info?In addition to the responses above may I add:a) Right to have Chinese vernacular education from preschool to university.=> Is there a Chinese language university n Malaysia? Must be a virtual one!In Singapore the common language is English... it is an international language, neutral and promotes communication among all races.Malaysia's Malay, Chinese, Tamil schools do not do that!--------b) Right to retain their Chinese names [The Chinese in Indonesia and Thailand get nothing of that sort. Worse, they have to have Thai or Indonesian names]=> You are comparing Singapore with Malaysia... how come you bring in Indonesia & Thailand? BTW, Indonesia now treats Chinese as Pribumis. See: Thai prime ministers were ethnic Chinese.----------c) Right to display Chinese names in Chinese characters in huge public adverts in buildings and public places=> Singapore allows huge Malay signboards too ... no restriction there.BTW Indonesia & Thailand has Chinese signboards too ... just go to Glodok or Yaowarat & see.---------d) In development projects, they reap early profits as all projects require infrastructures and these materials are controlled by Malaysian Chinese=> Thanks to "Ali Baba"! Even Mahathir said as much!--------e) Voting strength by constituencies also show so many Chinese advantage.=> Nonsense. Gerrymandering has caused Chinese majority wards to be split up.--------------Question: If the Chinese are treated so well in Malaysia, why are there so many working in Singapore? All my cousins have moved there or further afield. They and their children are well-educated and contributing to a foreign country. Malaysia is losing its talents and future talents.
22/07 04:14:40
temanmu wrote:
1. Malay language has lost its stature in the State and industry. Chinese language has now become a universal precondition in employment=> I would counter this by saying that English in a precondition as it is a common language among races in Spore. Chinese is important as China (incl greater China area) business is huge & growing. You want to serve your customers better, you want to speak their language! That is the reality!I see even India Indians in Spore learning Mandarin!---------2. Malays are "cordoned off" in National Service. Many key security sites are out-of-bounds to Malays [Even Malay Ministers and MP's are not allowed to enter such areas]=> Dr Alwi has addressed this previously... can a Spore Malay be relied upon to pull the trigger if the need arises? ----------3. The Civil Defence takes in high proportion of Malays considering the lower stature of CD and the higher death and injury risk in CD services=> It is a respectable vocation & personnel are well trained. The 9/11 firemen are highly regarded. --------4. No Malays are holding key positions in government and statutory boards.=> Meritocracy ... if not smaller minority Indians wouldn't be able reach the top if there were racial discrimination.--------------5. Malay MP's are given sinecures. In fact Malays are deemed fit only to be Ministers in Sewerage, Drainage, Refuse, Welfare and Drugs matters=> Meritocracy ... if not smaller minority Indian wouldn't be Deputy PM if there were racial discrimination.-----------6. Promotions and postings in government and statutory boards also show the Singapore Chinese' disdain towards Singapore Malays=> Meritocracy. But pls provide examples if you have!--------7. Recent retrenchments also reflected that Singapore Malays "should go first"=> Do you have evidence? I personally know a Malay was retained and a Chinese retrenched for a single existing position. ------------8. Proportion of Singapore Malays who remained unemployed is high, notwithstanding good educational and vocational qualifications.=> Pls support with statistics. Malays with good education should have no probs getting a job.-------9. Vast in-take of Chinese from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan into Singapore but strict control of Malays from Malaysia and Indonesia.=> Spore wants quality not quantity (like Malaysia). Take an MRT ride... you hear Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog, China Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Thai, European languages, Japanese, Korean.....and Malaysian Malay too! ------Malaysia should welcome Singapore Malays if they want to migrate to Malaysia - they are English educated, well-trained, computer literate, open-minded.Question: How many Singapore Malays want to live in Malaysia?
22/07 04:54:41
manaboleh wrote:
Lee Kuan Yew knows very well the Malay pscyhe, their basic needs, their complacency, their low threshold of satisfaction, and wanting immediate gratification.Lee Kuan Yew knew also some bits if not a lot of about their religion at the outwoardly aspects.Lee Kuan Yew is a modern socialist more of Harold Wilson style or the Swedish -Nordic style.And what did he do, but to start a program of SOCIAL RE-ENGINEERING and sort of ethnic cleansing of the Malays.He did see that the Malay language, the Malay community as a COLLECTIVE bunch to become a scientific community, a professional community, a civil society, ie. a society that can appreciate the Arts, Music, great Ideas, intellectually inclined; to produce writings, research, or even creative arts and designs ....just look at Sweden, Denmark, and the Scandinavian countries small yet beautiful, relatively peaceful, clean, protestant etc...So, he sort of controls the Malays by making them happy in good public living conditions, public transport, displine living , and lots of window shopping and free trade and tax free godds ...eventually, they are becoming the 3rd class citizens ... menial work, labourers, factory workers, public utilities or small scale retailers and food dispensers.....the Malays are really 3rd class citizens and will never never become anything in Singapore only being just ORDINARY .... there always are few exception ...if not for the Chinese merchantile and trading acumen and of brick work, masonry, iron works and assortment of building skills ...the Malays if left to themselves will stil be in the Kampung Geylang ... in the suraus with the Hadramis Arabs .... and their style of trading ...
22/07 09:14:46
Dr Syed Alwi wrote:
XXXDear manaboleh,Please tell that to our Malay girl who is one of the top Public Service Commission Scholar. Look my friend - you have been brain-washed to think that Singapore Malays are suffering etc. Too bad ! Because Singapore Malays are doing quite well in Singapore. How about your Datuk datuk and Tan Sris who gasak your duit rakyat and are corrput as hell ? Perhaps you need some enlightening ?RegardsDr Syed Alwi
22/07 23:03:01
burn22 wrote:
"in fact, Singapore Malays in their own motherland..."the land does not belong to any special group. it belong to all living things.bangunlah haji... jangan nak tunggu sampai durian runtuh. kaki tangan ada, mata telinga mulut ada... apa nak lagi, usahalah diri sendiri.
23/07 00:30:39
nasibbku wrote:
Well done Mansor.Do you know that now many Singapore Malays "menumpang kasih" in Malaysia.Please continue to write.
23/07 02:00:16
shamadz72 wrote:
Dr Syed Alwi,If your definition of doing well is to be working in the cleaning area or technician job. I feel sorry for you guys. BTW, care for your PAP government to give us the statistic breakdown of Malays professional in Singapore and also in the Singapore Army? :)
23/07 09:56:45
shamadz72 wrote:
Temanmu,2. Malays are "cordoned off" in National Service. Many key security sites are out-of-bounds to Malays [Even Malay Ministers and MP's are not allowed to enter such areas]=> Dr Alwi has addressed this previously... can a Spore Malay be relied upon to pull the trigger if the need arises? ----------Bulshit & lame excuse. So are you trying to suggest if Malaysia decided to setup a battalion of Chinese Malaysian to attack Singapore, the whole Singaporean Army will just capitulate since majority of Chinese Singaporean won't dare to pull the trigger against their enemy from same race. :)
23/07 10:01:40
wanbozo wrote:
DearShmadaz72 dan manabolehAlhamdullilah shukur at least ada orang yang hentam Syed yang besar kemungkinan takda pun PHD. I have repeatedly shown the marginalisation of Singaporean in many of the comments made. I have attach site written by Singaporean both Chinese and Malay attesting to the marginalisation of the Malays in Singapore. It seems that the commentators tend to forget. I have repeatedly ask for a duel to the death with the so call Dr yet as most coward he hids under the frock of a woman. He is to me Munsyi Abdullah another jawi peranakan who extoll his master's ideas although unfair in this case it is LKY. If any one of you could give this Dr's phone number and address to me I will be forever gratefull. Pls do contact me at 019 569 4011 or email me at for i will be away overseas in the next few days. PLs I want to send my Malay djinn to this Dr Ingat Jangan Pandang Belakang!
23/07 11:07:23
shamadz72 wrote:
Wanbozo... Nak pakai tudung pun tak boleh. :)
23/07 13:11:02
anakjohor wrote:
23/07 14:11:29
wanbozo wrote:
Shamadz72 boleh pakai tudung german pun boleh ada gula2 lagi! Tapi ingat jangan beli made in Singapore, tak cuci lagi bersih, tak halal, simpang malaikat 44! Beli dari jinjang selangor takpa! ok :)Hei Anakjohor sapa kata dia melayu, dia sendiri kata dia hadrami walaupun bapak tak dak Syed! Atas Botak bawah Serabut! Ingat tahu jangan malukan orang Johor!!
23/07 23:17:46
Moved2Singapore wrote:
The Malaysian Chinese are not bumis in Malaysia yet they get nearly every thing:a) Right to have Chinese vernacular education from preschool to university.*** Primary, Secondary School only 1 SUBJECT thought in Chinese, that is Bahasa CINA!!Which UNIVERSITY in Malaysia has Chinese vernacular??? NAME one for me!!There has been NO NEW Sekolah Kebangsann (Cina) or Sekolah Menengah (Cina) Primary/Secondary School built for the last decades!! So the MCA has to relocate the school to prevent the number shrinking. All the Sek Kebangsaan Cina and Sek Men (Cina) already OVERCROWDED and yet no increase of infrastructure nor resource given!! Everything is given via donation by Parents or member of public!!b) Right to retain their Chinese names [The Chinese in Indonesia and Thailand get nothing of that sort. Worse, they have to have Thai or Indonesian names]*** That is BASIC Human Rights!! Does singapore force malay to be name as chinese? This is so lame!!c) Right to display Chinese names in Chinese characters in huge public adverts in buildings and public placesIts only available subject to how big is your underground table. You think its easy to get such approval??d) In development projects, they reap early profits as all projects require infrastructures and these materials are controlled by Malaysian ChineseWhat material controll by Chinese? All goverment projects are given to bumiputra where Bumiputra provide all the materials. Chinese only depends on those Bumi contractors that are Incapable to meet the requirement by goverment (but get the contract due to favorism) and subcontract to CAPABLE chinese. If we depend on Goverment, All die long long already.!!So waiting for contractors to pity us and subcontract to us(due to their lack of skills) is consider BENEFITS??e) Voting strength by constituencies also show so many Chinese advantage.What Chinese Advantage? Only election time come can see the benefits of FEW Limited new infrastructure... other than that, list down the benefits!! You mean that other country the Chinese has no Voting Rights??Another Lame reason.It is good for us not to say that Malaysian Chinese are "marginalized".ONLY this 4 lousy REASON and Malaysian Chinese arre NOT MARGINALIZED????NO WANDER You are being Kick out of Parliment!!
23/07 23:31:13
Moved2Singapore wrote:
1. Malay language has lost its stature in the State and industry. Chinese language has now become a universal precondition in employment*** Hello? You want to use Malay language to communicate and do business with CHINA?? Today China is one of the biggest trading partners for every country. You will need to have Chinese language to communicate with them. Singapore is International Trading Hub. English and Chinese are the main communication language because the trading country are US, Europes, China, Taiwan, Hongkong. ** If Indonesia or Malaysia becomes Powerhouse of the World, then No DOUBT Malay Language will become the precondition in Employment. VERY VERY LAME REASON and NEVER STUDY The ECONOMY REQUIREMENT!!2. Malays are "cordoned off" in National Service. Many key security sites are out-of-bounds to Malays [Even Malay Ministers and MP's are not allowed to enter such areas] **HELLO!!! It is already considred SECURITY site, ONLY Authorised PERSONAL are allow to go in. You think the Chinese that no whatever reason can go to restricted area because they are chinese??? ** If thats the case, Singapore will have major issue just like malaysia facing now!! C4 can be stolen from Military by the ELITE SQUAD to bomb FOREIGNERs!!! Who stole? Chinese Malaysia ah?? Reard the news!! Its Malay POLICE ELITE!! ** Tell me which site in Malaysia that allow CHINESE MP to go into Military SECRET base???3. The Civil Defence takes in high proportion of Malays considering the lower stature of CD and the higher death and injury risk in CD services ** EVERY SINGAPOREAN MALE has to Go NS and Civil Defence is part of their CITIZENSHIP Requirement. But I won't say anything about this because I have no infomation on this.4. No Malays are holding key positions in government and statutory boards.** Mr Abdullah Tarmugi is Speaker of the Singapore Parliament (Chairman). Go to Singaore and you could see so many MP is MALAY!! Are you trying to bluff us by saying Malays don't have key positions? PRESIDENT of SINGAPORE is NON-CHINESE!!!Deputy Prime Minister, Co-ordinating Minister for National Security and Minister for Law Prof S Jayakumar, MP (NON CHINESE!!)Malaysia NEVER has the chance for NON Malay to be Deputy Prime MINISTER!!5. Malay MP's are given sinecures. In fact Malays are deemed fit only to be Ministers in Sewerage, Drainage, Refuse, Welfare and Drugs matters ** Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, and Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Assoc Prof Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, MP ** ENVIRONMENT and WATER RESOURCES!! Its the most important basic living service that are important to every human. And he did a good job!! Why? Cos NEWATER is from his department!!! Accessment of Environment before any Development project is crucial. Once the natural habitat is lost, its not recoverable.** If singaore gov is bias, why would they PUT the most IMPORTANT living factor to a Malay MP?? They put him in because he is capable of doing the job effectively!! 6. Promotions and postings in government and statutory boards also show the Singapore Chinese' disdain towards Singapore Malays Promotions is base on MERIT. Only Capable or Caliber person are promoted. Maybe your defination of Caliber is =Malaysia Halfpast Six gov servant Caliber. Then DEFINATELY they cannot compare with CHINESE and INDIAN or any other RACE from other country to get promotions.Many CAPABLE MALAYS/CHINESE/INDIAN are being given Manager or higher post (private company). 7. Recent retrenchments also reflected that Singapore Malays "should go first". Whoever that don't perform go first. This is GLOBALISATION. DO you expect that the Company to keep the employees that cannot perform up to the required standard and let those Employess made the company Go into financial trouble??8. Proportion of Singapore Malays who remained unemployed is high, notwithstanding good educational and vocational qualifications.Really? Paper qualification is one thing. Workable as team is another. 9. Vast in-take of Chinese from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan into Singapore but strict control of Malays from Malaysia and Indonesia.That is not TRUE!! There are many CAPABLE Malaysia Malays and Indonesian Malays are being transfered by the Parent company to Singapore. READ : CAPABLE!! I work MNC company and I do SEE it does happen!! How do you strick control? Employers in Singapore say they need the talent and Government denied them entrance??? Not many Malays from Singapore/Indonesia go to singapore because they already FAIL during INTERVIEW time!!If you wish Singapore to be like Malaysia GOVERMENT, Singapore already long gone into the drain, sunk into the south east asia SEA.
24/07 00:08:42
Moved2Singapore wrote:
With so many caliber Malay in Parliment, you call they are Marginalise?
24/07 00:09:13
shamadz72 wrote:
Moved2Singapore,Give us percentage of Malays in Parliment please and also in other sectors. You know what people said "talk is cheap" :)
24/07 09:28:37
buluhitam wrote:
HORNED RAT wrote,"One of Dr Syed Alwi's ealier letters have already stated the Singapore Malays' position. Better to be a Malay in Singaporea than a bumi malaysian."Dr Syed Alwi is only one of the very small group of Singapore Malays who says that The Singapore Malays are better off than the Malays here in Malaysia. The majority of Singapore Malays just suffer in silence. The list of items describing how the Singapore Malays, as written by Mansor Haji Sukaimi (former Singapore Parliamentarian) are being marginalized are very real. And just compare them agaist the so-called blessings that Malaysian Chinese are enjoying in Malaysia.The facts speak for themselves!!
24/07 11:39:06
wanbozo wrote:
Hey moved nak pindah ke singapore pindahle! Is the Chinese marginalised here in Malaysia?,yes! So what!, I still maintain that the Chinese are better of here than Singapore! Why? because here since the Chinese Business communities is strong they sort of neutralise the marginalisation of their people. You pergi penang lah if you are a qualified malay voleh dak dapat kerja di Penang, Sorry in fact look at the ad which very sublty says looking for Chinese Speaking looking graduates at the private sector job ad di Singapore baru saja ban tapi di Malaysia hentam kromo saja! Books written by Singaporean Malays and Chinese admit to the marginalisation of the Malays jadi apa perlu bising. Pls look at my comments earlier cari lah do your homework! Don't sit on your cut arse type sendiri! Trouble in Singapore like their counterparts here, their business communities is not strong thus the effect of marginalisation on them is much worse, ok so kalau tak suka sini chaolah ikut buntut Syed! ok Alan kita habis di sini buat study dulu, letih aku dok cakap ask Syed to debate with me anytime anywhere and you datang dan dengar! Let Raja Petra jadi moderator!
24/07 11:44:37
eeevvala wrote:
sama aje both sides of the causeway one race hentam the other.Al least kat malaysia boleh cari kerja pasal pre requisite is must know malay and english.Kat SG so many job advert say bi-lingual ( code word for - must speak chinese). Macam mana nak dapat kerja macam gini, terpaksala kerja dispatch, pizza delivery man etc.The fact is i have heard alot of complaints from the minorities in both sides of the causeway .Where got a country , where the majority is fair? Thats just figment of a politician untrustworthy mouth.So no need to debate which side of the causeway is bad - both the same.....
24/07 12:18:23
eeevvala wrote:
sama aje both sides of the causeway one race hentam the other.Al least kat malaysia boleh cari kerja pasal pre requisite is must know malay and english.Kat SG so many job advert say bi-lingual ( code word for - must speak chinese). Macam mana nak dapat kerja macam gini, terpaksala kerja dispatch, pizza delivery man etc.The fact is i have heard alot of complaints from the minorities in both sides of the causeway .Where got a country , where the majority is fair? Thats just figment of a politician untrustworthy mouth.So no need to debate which side of the causeway is bad - both the same.....
24/07 12:30:12
baiti wrote:
shamadz72 wrote:Baiti, what intelect is there in this so called "Dr" from Singapore? 21/07 12:14:58 Syabaslah pada sdr, wanbozo, dll. yang berani berdebat secara bersemuka dengan "Dr" dari Singapura ini. Kalau beliau benar "intellectual" atau 'cendekiawan', maka beranilah tampil berdialog secara berdepan.
24/07 13:24:01
bosan sokmo wrote:
Di singapura, melayu sudah lama dikebumikan, melayu di singapura digelar pendatang dari malaya, mereka diletakkan dalam kelas warganegara yang ketiga, sama bangsat dengan pelarian.Hari ini, dalam sejarah dan peta singapura, mereka digelar kaum minoriti, mereka bukan sahaja tiada keistimewaan tetapi tidak juga sama taraf, di letakkan dalam prioriti terakhir untuk menjawat sebarang jawatan tinggi dalam pemerintahan, kaum ini dirgaui kesetiaan mereka kepada singapura, kaum ini dianggap akan menyokong pengganas taliban, kaum ini akan dianggap rakyat yang menyusahkan pemerintah dengan tudung, purdah dan adat resam yang lapuk...Bagaimanapun untuk beberapa tujuan sosial, beberapa orang melayu digilap dan dijadikan model untuk mengabui mata dunia khususnya mata malaysia, kejayaan seorang dua melayu ini diwar warkan sebagai singapura tidak mempunyai diskriminasi perkauman.Kalaulah tragedi 13mei berlaku di singapura, kita percaya kaum ini akan dilenyapakan terus dari bumi singa..
24/07 16:02:27
Moved2Singapore wrote:
shamadz72 wrote:Moved2Singapore,Give us percentage of Malays in Parliment please and also in other sectors. You know what people said "talk is cheap" :) 24/07 09:28:3Shamadz72. You are a Disgrace. The information is Widely FREELY available on the singapore goverment website. Use your Finger to type and search Singapore PARLIAMENT. Then go and calculate yourself. You have been SPOONFEED for too long since you are a baby. You want information, go DICK yourself. USE your Match Calculation (Very simple.. only need to use the Plus and the percentage or Windows Calculator in the PC) to find the Figures YOURSELF. Unless you are TOO LAZY, OR Too Stupid enough that you cannot even made simple calculation, then That's YOUR PROBLEM.
24/07 16:56:49
Moved2Singapore wrote:
How do you explain the 1st Singapore IDOL are Malay? His name is TAUFIK.
24/07 16:57:42
eeevvala wrote:
Malaysia Idol also non malay what - Jaclyn Victor , so does this mean malaysia is not a racist country that pratices inequality.Please la grow up dont equate entertainment business with reality.I remember oprah complaining about racism in the US which was targeted against her , until the person serving her realised she was a star , then she got better treatment .So please get off your fat arse and see the world as it is on both sides of the causeway.
24/07 17:35:23
wanbozo wrote:
yabada budu! Aku suka makan budu! bagus eevala, tepat sekali dong! Moved2Singapore ni mouthpiece Syed barua. Dia remain aloof dan suruh belaci dia maki! Inilah kerja Syed atas botak bawah serabut! Ketiak masam terkentut kentut!Baiti aku dah jenuh panggil dia semuka tapi cabaran ku tak di endah! Pasai bukan dia saja pengecut tapi saorang yang plagiarise macam editor NSTtu yang keling formerly from Singapore. Memang dasar darah keling Singapore mencuri aje! No telok at all! Inilah intelektual Singapore yang half past six!
24/07 18:21:23
shamadz72 wrote:
Moved2Singapore,The reason I want you to give us the figure because I want every one here to see how you are going to put your foot where your mouth is. 9% of Malays MP compared to 16% Malays population and 1 Malays Cabinet Minister out of 18? If that is not discrimination, I don't know what it is. Furthermore, the only Malay chap in that cabinet seems to be the only one with "Prof Dr" title. So aren't he should be the one qualify for the PM post? Oh.. I forgot. That post is already reserved eternally for someone from Lee Dynasty. :)And now can you give us the breakdown of workers statistic according to sector?
24/07 20:05:13
KucingBelang wrote:
I have been wondering if Singapore is all so good and Malaysia is a shit hole why dont those who complaint kiss LKW arse and beg for Singapore's citizenship and migrate.Syed Alwi,Dont get upset over a small remark made here. He was just an MP. Two terms MP. Nobody compares to YOU. Hahahaha.
24/07 22:11:00
Moved2Singapore wrote:
shamadz72 wrote:Moved2Singapore,The reason I want you to give us the figure because I want every one here to see how you are going to put your foot where your mouth is. 9% of Malays MP compared to 16% Malays population and 1 Malays Cabinet Minister out of 18? If that is not discrimination, I don't know what it is. Furthermore, the only Malay chap in that cabinet seems to be the only one with "Prof Dr" title. So aren't he should be the one qualify for the PM post? Oh.. I forgot. That post is already reserved eternally for someone from Lee Dynasty. :)And now can you give us the breakdown of workers statistic according to sector? 24/07 20:05:13 Obiously your Math skill is totally OUT!!There are total of 94 MP in singapore.There are:12 Malay MP10 Indian MP4 Others races MP68 Chines MP.If you do the math.. its 12.7% and Not 9%.Malay 12.7%Indian 10.6%Others 4.3%Chinese 72.4%Population of 16% of malay with 12% of MP is sufficient. If 1 Malay in the cabinet(Asso Pro Dr Yaakob Ibrahim), then it means only 1 has the CALIBER to take on the positions. Look at Professor S.Jayakumar, he is the Deputy Prime Minister. Why he is in Deputy positions and Not Asso Pro Dr Yaakob Ibrahim or not other Chinese taking that deputy seat? Definately Professor S.Jayakumar can take on the responsibilty on the job Much Much better than any other person. You expect the Singapore Government follow the Malaysia government to give QUOTA to Malays so that they are term "NOT MARGINALISE?" Then I can guarantee Singapore which has no natural resource will go sinking into water worst than Penang.So far my workplace has only 2 Malay Manager which manage few key accounts in the company. Do you know whey only 2 in the company that lasted so many years??? Its because they DELIVER what the company required to fullfil the customer expectation!! while the rest of previous Malay staff are gone because they SCREW up the customer!! Well, not just Malay, any people that cannot deliver will be bye bye.No point of hiring a person (no matterr what race he/she is) that cannot do the job just because of Racial Quota or "Marginalise". No doubt that Singapore Government is not the best in the world, but they are the best in this Region and they deliver.base on 2002 GNP, Singapore has SGP$150Billion in GNP while Malaysia is only RM300Billion. A TIGER which has so many advantages cannot surpass a Small tiny LION which has Nothing. With PEOPLE like you that a SIMPLE mathematics also cannot calculate correctly (USING CALCULATOR oh.. yet cannot calculate), No wonder you are a Disgrace to Malay, Disgrace to Malaysia and YET so PROUD of YOURSELF!!
25/07 00:50:15
temanmu wrote:
shamadz72:The Chinese have been fighting each other for over 5000 years! They are spread all over the world, encompassing a wide spectrum of religion, political ideology etc. They do not have the sentiments and emotions that the more homogeneous Malays have.... and they rarely run amok.
25/07 02:44:28
temanmu wrote:
shamadz72 wrote:"9% of Malays MP compared to 16% Malays population and 1 Malays Cabinet Minister out of 18?If that is not discrimination, I don't know what it is."---------That is meritocracy. How come there are so many Indians in Spore Parliament including a Deputy PM?You are conditioned by our NEP for too long! Where is there a requirement that every aspect of life has to follow the racial composition of a society?
25/07 02:59:54
Moved2Singapore wrote:
temanmu, don't follow shamadz72's calculation of the 9% of Malay MP. The correct percentage is 12.7%. His Math is DISGRACE to Malaysia Education.
25/07 13:06:29
Jarab wrote:
ok la ..Singapore is d best country in SEA then why not all chinese move there ..I'm sick with all these chinese who think they r superior than d malay fuck you man...the probem with the malay is they are too kind for their own i think its good that more indonesian gangster come here so they can rob, rape and kill those bloody chinese...and I support UMNO for their waving keris act..we should get rid all these chinese bastard....memang geng kurang ajar tak tau di untung...kita ni lembut sgt...perang jom...perang..senang sikit...buat ethnic cleansing......aku dah fed up dah ni....
25/07 14:52:57
scout7272 wrote:
The writer is someone from Singapore who writes from his personal experience as an MP there. Thus I would have thought he would know the issues better than most of us.Reading LKY's Singapore Story - it is clear he has followed an elitist policy when it comes to key positions in Govt and Defence. He hasnot only marginlised Malays but Indians as well. Why have no Malays & Indians been permitted to take key positions in the Armed Forces or Govt.? despite them excelling in Military studies. But at the end of the day these arguments may be moot - as Singapore is suffering a brain drain of its finest brains of all races. Birth rates in Chinese Singaporeans have been falling rapidly. Educated Singaporean women in particular are marrying later and having few if no kids.The reverse is happening with Malays and Indians.Singapore itself is rtunning out of space and has reached its limit for reclamation. Cost of living has risen exponentially and new migrants are using Singapore as a springboard to 3rd countries.Thus the country will have to change to survive.Before anyone starts freaking - because Singapore has these problems does not suddenly make everything here rosy; as I think events over the past couple of days proves that point.But people is glass houses should not throw stones.
25/07 20:27:09
shamadz72 wrote:
TheWrathOfGrapes,"The assumption that office holders and successful businessmen or any sector of the economy must follow racial percentage will only be true if:1) All races are of equal and identical capability and capacity.So you are saying one races is superior than others? Hehehe... don't you think you started to sounds like Germans in the early 30's?BTW, I am still trying very hard to swallow your guys reason on why Malays can't be trusted holding vital post in the military. Mr Grapes, care to help your dear friend "Dr Syed" to find a more reasonable answer :)---Moved2Singapore -> Hehehe... I missed out a few so called Malays with an Arab name and you are arelay having a field day. If you are too smart, care to also help all your friends on my simple question on 'why malays cannot be trusted in Military?' ---scout7272 -> I never said that Malaysian didn't discriminate against the minority, in fact I believed it happened every where. I am just find it sick inside my stomach when a Singaporean is trying very hard to show how rosy their small red dot is...
25/07 23:29:44
shamadz72 wrote:
typo error arelay -> already Sorry for the error due to a syndrome of different keyboard layout between my Notebook and desktop :)
25/07 23:31:13
shamadz72 wrote:
Moved2Singapore,Hehehe... you are good at putting your foot where your mouth is. In your own account, you are also questioning why your "Prof Jayakumar" is not be the one chosen for PM instead. Isn't that amazing how your meritocracy system has decided that the power should be handover to someone favourite son's instead. :)
25/07 23:38:10
Moved2Singapore wrote:
The main point in this is to show that Malaysian Chinese is Marginalise and to show Malay in Sinngapore is not marginalise. And not to say that Singapore is 100% FREE to everyone. Singapore is Chinese Majority with Chinese controlled government.Normally in a Multiracial country, by DEFACTO other races will be Deny Access to the top few post of the government. You will NOT find Prime Minister, President or Deputy Prime Minister has any other race other than the majority of the race that control the government. However, Singapore allow access the President and Deputy President to be NON Chinese.At least that is LESS Marginalise and Descrimination.While in Malaysia, Top Post as PM, Deputy PM can only be from UMNO... Which is Malay.Other races are AUTOMATICALLY DENIED ACCESS.Which shows than it is Fully Marginaliise and descriminate.While for Listed Company, the Directors can be any races in any other countries as long as there are few Citizens as Directors.Where as in Malaysia, 30% must be automatically allocate to MALAY. If you don't allow, then listing is Automatically Denied.Majority of the Listed company are own by Foreigner and Chinese. But If don't put in Malay as shareholder with 30% shares, then the Economy will be DENIED by the Government.That's a Marginalise. Government Project directly given to Malays and Non Malays has ZERO.Education, University seat also being given quota of 70%. Non Malays that are good at academic and will be CONTRIBUTOR to Economy and society is Automatically DENIED Access. Does Singapore Goverment do such thing to Malays in Singaopre?If Malaysia,Malays get the contract, Paip Bocor, Highway bocor, and still get away with punishment. (bcos of corruptions and bcos its Malay... Brother take care of brother).(No tender at all, so basically Malays can say Malays also Marginalise??).In Singapore,It is base on TenderThere were once the CTE tunnel leak, the contractor Instantly being HEAVY fine and must rectify the problem within a time frame and paid by the contractor. Look at the Intergrated Resort. Look at how transparent they allow different countries to summit proposal, presentations, etc... And after heavy investigation with facts and figures, they choose what is best and relevant for Singapore.In University, Only those that meet the Critiria will be allow to go into University, it doesn't matter what race and which country you are.Listed Company can operates without the need to fill in Racial Quota. Even China company or foreign company can be listed in Singapore.There is no access denied to whoever that are qualified. Only Denied access to those that pose security threat to Singapore and those work are below international acceptable standard.So, who is being Marginalise? Like I said, there are Malays that are Caliber, no matter in Singapore, Malaysia or Indonesia. As long as they can deliver, they will have a place in Singapore.But In Malaysia, Non Malay that are Caliber will have to go to many obstacles just to survive or get what they deserve.Malaysia PRODUCES Many Caliber Talent, yet those people go out of Malaysia to contribute to other country. Is it because they are UNPATRIOTIC? No,Its because Malaysia cannot provide the infrastructure no matter how harrd they try to do it locally.For example, BIOTECH, Many Professionals wanted to return to Malaysia to contribute to BIOTECH, and what do Malaysia has setup the infrastructure? Many things need government approval to be materialise. And they have to wait long long long long long long till there is no response. Other countries already far ahead and still stuck with UNKNOWN (I don't know) response.MSC, Cyberjaya, all those are suppose to attract Talented malaysia return to Malaysia to contribute. I remember during college time, my lecturer told me MSC needs 35,000 IT professionals. Yet till today, I don't see anything out of MSC in Cyberjaya. Has the number realise?? While you all still DENIED ACCESS those thing to every DESERVING MALAYSIAN, the WORLD is Travel and WARP speed.
26/07 00:21:18
temanmu wrote:
shamadz72:Please look at ourselves first before commenting on others.We have a higher percentage of Chinese in Malaysia than Indians in Spore.At least Prof Jayakumar is a DPM. No Chinese DPM here.
26/07 00:26:15
BedokSouth wrote:
Moved2Singapore you are absolutely right...
26/07 00:56:05
sotplug wrote:
Pathetic that all these are regarded as discrimination rather than the lack of ability to perform.
26/07 02:33:30
wanbozo wrote:
shamdd72 jangan risau moved2 to bodoh this is from my earlier postingwanbozo wrote:Alwi dan konco2nya pls read the book on Said Zahari a malay patriot of SingaporePendapat ini dikemukakannya ketika beliau dan Dr. Lim Hock Siew sama-sama melancarkan terjemahan dalam bahasa Cina memoir Dalam Ribuan Mimpi Gelisah oleh Said Zahari di Johor Bahru baru-baru ini. Buku tersebut membicarakan pengalaman penulisnya selama 17 tahun dipenjarakan di bawah undang-undang zalim ISA di Singapura. Saya masih belum lagi membaca pengenalan yang lebih baik daripada apa yang pernah dituliskan oleh Dr. M.K. Rajakumar mengenainya. Satu perenggan daripada kata pengantar beliau kepada buku kecil Puisi dari Penjara yang memuatkan beberapa buah sajak Said yang berjaya diseludup keluar dari penjara dan diterbitkan pada tahun 1973 menyebutkan: ‘Said Zahari – warganegara dan patriot, wartawan, nasionalis, sosialis, dan akhirnya seorang revolusioner. Sesiapa yang mengenal beliau merasa beruntung, sesiapa yang menentang perjuangannya pasti akan gentar melihat bagaimana perjuangan itu mengubah manusia biasa menjadi suatu tenaga yang kebal dan tidak boleh dikalahkan.’Sorry 18sons for that you are never ask to carry other people's balls if you do shame on you. That is politicians they have no balls to begin with. The first Governor of Malacca was a Chinese but it didn't go down well with the Rulers as they are representing the Agong especially in the matters of religion. In mid 1980's name Tan Sri Omar Ong Yoke Lin was bandied by Tun to be the next Governor of malacca but it was shoot down.But you still have a Chinese Chief Minister in Penang and for a while Singapore when they were still in Malaysia. 08/07 11:04:08
26/07 11:29:44
wanbozo wrote:
lagiwanbozo wrote:Dear SabriYou are hundred % right in condemning Syed. Dia ni orang Singapore, berdarh hadrami tapi bapak takda Syed tapi Ahmad, kalu lidah dah berbelit maka sah lah dia ni jawi peranakan, macam Munsyi Abdullah. Yang bezanya dia ni tak jadi tali barut Raffles tapi lee Kuan Yew!!! Sana pun ada article 152 tapi melayu habok pun takda hanya tinggal nama sja, ketuanan melayu hanya memori pada nama saja, Bahasa Kebangsaan Melayu tapi nak cari Cina cakap melayu pun susah!!! Inilah ketuanan china, down is an excerpt of an interview with the son of Tun Dato MukhrizDi dalam kita mengamalkan konsep keterbukaan, perlu ada batasan terutama sekali apabila ia menyentuh mengenai isu-isu sensitif. Mesti ada suatu "message" tegas perlu diberikan kepada pihak yang lantang memainkan isu ini agar tidak melangkaui batasan. "Enough is enough". Menghimbau kembali keadaan semasa berlaku senario yang sama ketika ayah saya menjadi Perdana Menteri. "Ada suatu buku yang bertajuk "Rhythm of the Malays in Singapore" yang ditulis oleh Rubiah Hassan, Tun Mahathir pernah mencampakkan buku tersebut kepada seorang pemimpin tinggi kaum bukan Melayu, sambil berkata "kita di Malaysia tidak pernah melayan kaum-kaum lain sebagaimana kerajaan Singapura melayan kaum Melayu di Singapura." I can give more excerpts from the late Tun Razak Tun Ismail even Tunku on dealing with non malays chauvinism in the cabinet, but enough, the malays have been a better Tuan than the Chinese LKY anytime although there is room for improvement. Syed Alwi is a buffoon, a coward whom i have ask and beg for a duel but he seem fit to hide behind the skirt of judgejury and the rest. Please readers try to get this book too The Singapore Dilemma is by Lily Zubaidah Rahim. Ini semua orang Melayu Singapura tulis. Lily Zubaidah pun ada doctorate juga dan ini thesis dia buat untuk PHD dia di Australia. 28/06 11:46:29 wanbozo wrote:Dear Sabri Otak udang or JBboleh tolong saya dapatkan alamat serta talipon no orang bergelar Syed ini. Aku nak hantak 'kekuatan melayu' ku yaini tenaga batin ku menghantui dia. Aku nak jin jembalang dan parang kontotku membelah bontotnya yang berbulu itu!!! Tolong tolong aku kerana udah taktahaaaaaannn lagiiiiiii! By the way JBboleh fds itu makna apa? adakah dia bermaksud FUCK THE SHIT OF THE SYED!!!! 28/06 12:02:27
26/07 11:34:15
wanbozo wrote:
. Ingat rukun negara keluhuran perlembagaan jangan jadi Singapura perlembagaan mereka macam toilet paper saja, boleh lap najis Dr Syed!Official language 4 tapi kalau you tulis pada kerajaan dia tamil atau melayu tak di terima! Apa guna official language kalau jabatan kerajaan tak terima pakai, hanya Ingeriss atau Mandarin! Akuni kan Bozo bukan Dr tapi at least I do my homework sebelum menyebut sayonara pada malaysia. And good luck to Malaysia. Bueno suerto!wanbozo wrote:By the way i must have my last say. I wish I have wrote it yesterday tapi busy!!! The fact was you were ban from Islamic City Forum Alwi, Why? doesn't matter, the reason given because you kacau betina, lumrah darh panas dari padang pasir tak boleh tengok, betina, keldai pun nak balun! Tentang your PHD tu patutlah from the States takut takut third class university, tau aje states banyak yang private kalau Ivy league tu kira ok lah macam aku punya education!!! Tentang darah India tu tak jadi masaalah tapi Nabi pun ada cakap pasai keturunan, LKY pun cakap pasai tu. Jadi kalau ada darah peniputu adalah sikit dekat dia. Yang hairannya pasai apa bapak takda Syed hanya Ahmad. Check Dr Syed Alwi punya nama kalian dan klick dekat situ. Tentang Syed itu orang melayu dulu memang bodoh pasai Syed makna Tuan jadi Syed adalah gelaran diberi kepada keluarga nabi dari Bani Hashim jadi banyak lah pak Arab menyamar kata dia Syed konon termasuk Syedni lah kot!! By the way during the Malay Kingdom of Champa (Cambodia) which influences the East Coasr States Like Patanni(takda lagi dah) Kelantan and Terengannu this people are call wan(tuan) so since my roots are there I am also Syed tapi I tak bising pun!!! At least I ni genuine punya person lah compare to Dr Syed Menyamarni!!! 07/06 12:23:27 my commentWelcome back Dr Syed Alwi a lover of Lee Kuan Yew and definately a traitor to the Malay race. A Doctor of letters not of Medicine, and now presribing medicine to the Malays in Malaysia albeit a Singaporean. Are you Syed Jumaat or a real Syed, The indians Muslim trying to be more holier than thou sometime name their friday born son by adding the prefix Syed, Like Munsyi Abdullah another mlay traitor these guys are pompous and pedantic. Come let us duel as before, by fist by words by facts anytime, anyday. Name it, we could do the old way by guns, by swords or as true Malay by Keris. But as you know Man of letters are cowards, they talk about Article 153,they also have article 152 here in toto:Minorities and special position of Malays152. —(1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore. (2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language. Muslim religion153. The Legislature shall by law make provision for regulating Muslim religious affairs and for constituting a Council to advise the President in matters relating to the Muslim religion.Official languages and national language153A. —(1) Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English shall be the 4 official languages in Singapore. (2) The national language shall be the Malay language and shall be in the Roman script: Provided that —(a) no person shall be prohibited or prevented from using or from teaching or learning any other language; and(b) nothing in this Article shall prejudice the right of the Government to preserve and sustain the use and study of the language of any other community in Singapore.Yes the National Language is Malay by golly! yet go to any Singaporean,accept singing the National Anthem they can't read and write Malay! Heck Singaporean can't even read and understand the National Language! Oh my God! What Farce! And look at what it says without exactly stating it, the Malays are Muslims, yet, look how Singapore treats the religion of Islam, you can't even hear the Muezzin callings!Nothing is done to protect the religion and the special position of the Malays!!!! Not one iota in modern and breezy Singapore but it is in the constitution. At least in Malaysia we take pride in our constitution and try to interpret the articles and principle of it the best that we can.We do have warts but it is our warts, we don't need Singaporean to tell us what's wrong with our country since his is much worse!!! So Dr Syed Alwi let's go for it, I challenge you as before my number is 019 569 4011!! Call me lah kalau berani!!!!! 31/05 23:20:09
26/07 11:47:25
wanbozo wrote:
Hei moved2 alan jang dengar baik2 no where in the world you can find no rascism but shit Singapore has always practice rascism as do many chinese. Do yo know you use to call us malay devil or indian devil only you are not a devil. Malaygawi kelinggwai or gwailo were use in your everyday language. Look in the 60's there were a lot of malay kampong or enclave ingeylang etc but they were destroy and these malays were displace in HDB flats and to reflect the composition of the population these HDB flats were divided to 75% 16% the rest others. What happen is that you limit these maalys politically but you futher marginalise them by making them live in a chinese control area. Do you like if I destroy Jinjang and all chinese enclave and uproot them, fill them up with Bumis 60% and the rest non bumis and you will be at the mercy of our neighbourhood with no pork to be sold and the muezzin call yelling loudly in your ears. At least here you have a choice although I admit there is marginalisation but we are better off than Singapore. I think I ask Pak Lah to do that after all we hold 60% of the population? I think so, so pack your bags and go to Singapore!!!!
26/07 11:57:35
eeevvala wrote:
wanbozo you are really a heck of a racist clown.Some of your points with regards to SG is true , but stop you racist bullshit man.Makes you sound like a nut job.
26/07 14:40:59
wanbozo wrote:
kamar we are all rascist and we must face the fact but we must not let chauvinism destroy us.I didn't open the can of worms moved2 wants to know! As I said Syed Alwi start me down the path a long time ago!! If you are offended I am sorry but then again no country in the world instituinolised race based party only Malaysia and Singapore except UMSO is dead and what is left is PAP diluar saja adil didalam tidak. I can go on and on about history but why should I? Moved2 nak tahu! I studied in a northern state where suprisingly the Malays are marginalise both by the non malays and the jawi peranakans.So don't tell me I am a nut job Syed sampai sekarang tak mahu debat on facts alone with me in Malaysia or Indonesia for that matter. I can come up with all emperical evidence to support my views can he?Anyone of you I challenge base on facts not emotion that I am wrong. I do not denied the fact that we practice racialism but to me the Chinese need not argue economically they still hold a big chunk of the economic pie but for the Indians yes, they seem to lose out from 1.8 down to only 1%.I am fair to all races but are the race fiar to me? Ask yourself that?
26/07 16:47:18
shamadz72 wrote:
Moved2Singapore, my comment is marked with >>The main point in this is to show that Malaysian Chinese is Marginalise and to show Malay in Sinngapore is not marginalise.>> Because you said so? You still haven't tell us why LKY didn't trust Malays And not to say that Singapore is 100% FREE to everyone.>> Hahaha... now you have admitted. FYI, I have never said that Malaysia is a fair country but to hear a Singaporean saying that about their country make me want to puke...Singapore is Chinese Majority with Chinese controlled government.Normally in a Multiracial country, by DEFACTO other races will be Deny Access to the top few post of the government. You will NOT find Prime Minister, President or Deputy Prime Minister has any other race other than the majority of the race that control the government.>> Good.. Now you have admitted that Singapore is NOT 100% free country based on meritocracy. So can we cut this meritocracy craps?However, Singapore allow access the President and Deputy President to be NON Chinese.>> Yeah... give them a consolation prize and that will make them happy. :)>>Perhaps you don't know that Penang Chief Minister is not Malay right?At least that is LESS Marginalise and Descrimination.>> While in Malaysia, Top Post as PM, Deputy PM can only be from UMNO... Which is Malay.>> Are you sure it can only be from UMNO? Last I check our constitution, I didn't recall anything along that line. Are you that ignorant? If you are, than perhaps I am wasting my precious time debating on this issue.Other races are AUTOMATICALLY DENIED ACCESS.Which shows than it is Fully Marginaliise and descriminate.>> Any party with the biggest majority in Parliament CAN elect a Prime Minister. Don't you know that, dude? While for Listed Company, the Directors can be any races in any other countries as long as there are few Citizens as Directors.Where as in Malaysia, 30% must be automatically allocate to MALAY. If you don't allow, then listing is Automatically Denied.Majority of the Listed company are own by Foreigner and Chinese. But If don't put in Malay as shareholder with 30% shares, then the Economy will be DENIED by the Government.That's a Marginalise.>> I have never said that Malaysian didn't discriminate against its minority but to hear some Singaporean like "Dr Syed Alwi" trying to paint as if everything is rosy in Singapore triggered me to response to its stupid remark. Government Project directly given to Malays and Non Malays has ZERO.>> Hehehe... Tell that to YTL, Sunway etc Education, University seat also being given quota of 70%. Non Malays that are good at academic and will be CONTRIBUTOR to Economy and society is Automatically DENIED Access.>> As I have said it earlier, I have never denied Malaysian government has been fair to its minorities but at least they are not trying to hide it behind some meritocracy bullshit like what you guys are doing down south.Does Singapore Goverment do such thing to Malays in Singaopre?>> YES it is. The different is that they are doing it as unwritten rule instead here in Malaysia. The same is happening here in Malaysia. Practically many private Chinese company here in Malaysia has been doing this as an unwritten rule. Some of them even go up further with having 2 set of pricing for Chinese and non-Chinese (This is true especially in the area where they are dominating the sector such as in the supply chainof construction material)--Snip all craps not worth of replying--
26/07 22:09:41
shamadz72 wrote:
Wanbozo, hari ni kat dalam Malaysiakini "Mamat Dr" tu ada tulis article pasal "Why Singapore cautious with its Malays"Hehehe... still masih nak tegakkan benang yang basah :)Sat lagi aku ingat nak cadangkan kat ATM untuk tubuh satu batallion Cina. Senang sikit kita nak overrun Singapore kalau perlu, since bangsa Cina nih takkan lawan bangsa Cina (Kalau ikut logic "Dr" tu ler)...
26/07 22:40:27
wanbozo wrote:
shamadz72 aku tak boleh masuk pasai tak member kalau tidak dah lama aku taruh dia.You ask farouk for his number and email. I think he got it.Aku seronok balun Syed!
26/07 22:51:06
temanmu wrote:
shamadz72:Saya pasti bangsa Cina akan lawan Bangsa Cina kalau ada alasan yg sah.
26/07 22:58:28
shamadz72 wrote:
Temanmu... Jadi apa alasan Singapore nak discriminate Melayu kat dalam army dia orang? Cakap negara meritocracy... Nih kira macam cakap tak serupa bikin ler...
26/07 23:03:02
ValentineHIMSELF wrote:
ooo banyak nya UMNO cybertroopers sini...teruklah wayang ni...btw wanbozo...memang bozo the clown
27/07 02:05:06
ValentineHIMSELF wrote:
u bozos and shame-ads need to learn something u probably were never taught how hard and EARN ur rewards...jangan nak bagi banyak alasan (like the UMNO-trooper jarab...mulut bau kentut..who talks abt 'bumis being nice')...pathetic...
27/07 02:11:00
shamadz72 wrote:
Valentine.. We all know NEP is actually just a smoke screen by the elites to gobble up our wealth and distribute among themselves. It is a shame that you can't see that ordinary Malays worked like shit day and night just like the rest of other races
27/07 10:44:52
shamadz72 wrote:
Valentine.. Baguskan dapat label orang as UMNO Cybertroopers bila you can't counter their argument in a proper way. :)
27/07 10:47:07
wanbozo wrote:
Valentine oh valentine why are you so rile up! I am not against Malaysians just Singaporeans, be it Chinese Indians or Malays. LKY is a chauvinist pig, do you know when you stand near him like I did you can smell a foulness in him, a putric acidic smell, not the kind of old man smell but more foul, that make you vomit, with his slanted eyes he is an abomination of the highest degree. One whom I will piss on his grave, a person who is so cold and looks like a devil maybe he is the gwai of all, the mother of all gwai!Ask yourself readers if you are angry with that statement why? He is a Singaporean, I never utter anything about Lim Kit Siang the late Tun Tan Cheng Loke or even Tan Sri Tan Chee Koon (silap ejaan kot). Perhaps he is your idol or perhaps he is Chinese, if it is so I rest my case. I have said we are all racist but that must not blind us to the fact that we are Malaysians, we are bound to this country and I admit we have warts, we are not perfect but I would never accept any foreigner trying to belittle my country, and trying to say their country is better. We are a still a young nation only 50 years old, and look at US who achieve independence in 1776 it took them nearly a hundred years to free the slave although in their proclamation of independence all man are created equal. After the civil war 1861-1865 they still grapple with equality and it took them a hundred years later in 1965 did civil rights were set and blacks are now equal in the eyes of the law but if you go traveling in the states they still pockets of racism and underlying each white men they is still resentment.I am not an UMNO cybertroopers, you can go to my blog and read about me but don't kid yourself by saying that Singapore is better than us. I am ready to debate on this issue with the dubious Dr Syed but he refuses, so what's wrong if I show scant respect for him who also plagiarize my thoughts and ideas and print it out as his. Maybe someday Malaysia will be free from racism not during my lifetime or yours but for our children children's perhaps they can find away out of this mess created by the British in the meantime go to hell Syed cakap tak serupa bikin!!!
27/07 11:32:01
kowtim wrote:
I think we better let the Indians arbitrate on this issue. We will nominate Dato' Seri S Samy Vellu, Professor Jayakumar, Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi to study whether the Malays treat the Chinese in Malaysia better than the Chinese the Malay in Singapore. They are given 6 months to prepare the report to be submitted to both parliaments for further debate.
28/07 00:04:52
Spider wrote:
shamadz72 wrote:" .. We all know NEP is actually just a smoke screen by the elites to gobble up our wealth and distribute among themselves. It is a shame that you can't see that ordinary Malays worked like shit day and night just like the rest of other races "You are right. Not all malays are lucky to benefit from the NEP. The ordinary malays also feel being marginalised on this. Ask them what they get? The ordinary malays just have to work hard, they have to toil day and night - like the rest. They don't bother, they don't wait. NEP is not easy, NO WORK NO SORU. Except to those who are politically .....??
28/07 00:31:55
sieg Heil wrote:
Syed sampai sekarang tak mahu debat on facts alone with me in Malaysia or Indonesia for that matter----------------------------------------Dr syed tak ada ball..hahahha atcually aku ni memang geram dgn syed bangang ni..Wanbozo hentam di cukup2 and sebenarnya dia ni bukan melayu islam...orang melayu singapore tak mcm syed alwi banganglah kau...macam siak ah engkau
28/07 00:43:47
temanmu wrote:
shamadz72:Please look at our own discrimination before pointing to others.It is a matter of degree, not absolutes. Just fill in your estimates for Msia vs Spore:Meritocracy vs Racism:Or look at the quality of our cabinet vs Spore cabinet ministers. Someone had posted the comparison in another article.
28/07 08:49:19