Sunday, November 17, 2013

Who has the last laugh?

This piece was written in a comment in 2008 at a well known blogger site run by a group of Mahathir supporters Jebat Must die. I was hit left and right by Jebat in the end who has the last laugh? Whom do you think?

wan zaharizan
It is easier to blame than to understand. Yes Pak lah made many grave mistakes and he is paying for his mistakes but that does not absolve TDM one bit. JMD as a person who is knowlegeble you must be aware under Tun we lost a bit of our freedom. We gain Economic freedom but civil liberties were trampled. Tun was responsible for creating a vibrant Malay middle class of which I pressume you belong too. But he left divided Malay too! Many Malays fail to appreciate what NEP has achieve. I believe you were born post NEP so you have first hand knowledge of NEP vis a vis the Malays. but it was Tun who hurried the process. In the end we lost some of our soul. We grapple with ourselves the meaning of what malay means, we hide ourself in religion sometime adopting cultures alien to us. Our own culture were discarded and some are regarded as blashphemous. I wonder why? Tun likewise came with the idea of Islamization a political coin word that create a chism among the Malays and the non Malays. Liberal Malays who fought for Malay were shun those who wear sheep clothing but are wolves like Anwar were praise. These were Tun’s dong. I wrote in his blog too, it was never publish. I am perhaps from the old school which believe that religion and politics don’t mix. I am of Tunku’s idea that we are a secular nation. Tun open the pandora box, Pak Lah try to put a lid on it by proposing Islam Hadhari or Civilasation Islam that means what is good of Islamic administration. Thus he tries to nulify the Islamisation process but to no avail. Like Tun he was laugh at, mock at by the islamic group even by Tun.
Tun is perhaps the most brilliant Prime Minister we ever had but surely not the wisest. Even his brilliance is overshadowed by Tun Razak. Whose doer face his son shares. Because of Tun he made the Malays having a superiority complex which sometimes make them unberable bigots. I am rascist like you. To say am not is blasphemy. I do not buy the idea rascism is wrong for a rascist to me is someone who love his race but it does not make me a bigot. Under Tun bigots in race and religion was let loose. But Tun was a strong leader, he brood no disent thus he will always be in control, Pak Lah is weak maybe because of that he thought he could control Pak Lah but he forgot that weakling of a man is besotted with his family thus his children always will be his bane. He made a mistake like he did with Anwar. So Tun do make mistake just like Perwaja and now Putrajaya.
Pak Lah fail because he did not surround himself with inteligent man so he seek his son in law who was an Oxford graduate to help him. He in turn rope in his boys who filled up the fourth floor. They are the one who decide for Pak Lah. Tun lead Pak Lah is lead that is the different. Pak Lah forgot his sahabat thus his mistake quaruple and none can save him but never say to me Tun is a saint he is as guilty Pak Lah for the state of the country.

JMD : Thank you for the comment. I just would like to know what were your civil liberties that was trampled and what was your freedom that was lost during those times? What did you plan to do during those times that was not allowed?
Vibrant but divided Malays. What a predicament ey?
If the Malays failed to appreciate what the NEP had done to them, then they are of course an ungrateful lot. Bear in mind, the NEP has a life span of 20 years. Of course in order to catch up with the other races which are far ahead from the Malays, they need to run twice as fast to catch up. The Malays can never catch up if they are having the same work rate with somebody ahead of them. What more if they were even slower than the people ahead of them.
If Malays were divided and ungrateful, then it must be the work of other section of Malays which called Umno as infidels and everything that Umno did was not beneficial and should be treated with impunity.
If the Malays lost their soul along the way, then religion is the only way to regain some of that back. Wouldn’t you agree? At least there’s a balance between spiritual progress and physical progress. It was a good balance. And by the way, Tun did not advocate extreme taliban like islamisation process. Other people did. If you believe religion and politics do not mix, then I would say you are quite wrong in your views. Politics are the subset of Islam. Islam I think encompass all. And of course, Tunku never declared we are secular nation. Where did you get that idea from? The Constitution puts Islam as the federal/official religion while the rights of other religion are also taken care of. We are not a communist country where religion takes a back seat. If that is the case, then not only politics and religion are separated, religion itself will lose its place in the society. In no time, society without religion as its integral part of its being will downspiral itself into apathy and social degradation.
I could not actually comprehend the last two parts of your comments. I am lost at what you are trying to actually say there. I apologise. But I am sure you’re made some points through.
Addition : I would say your assertion that “Under Tun bigots in race and religion was let loose” was quite wrong. Remember May 13, 1969 where bigots went on riots? That was under Tunku. And years before that, even before independence, racial clashes occured sporadically under the British. Thus the usual admonition that Malaysia, eventhough is blessed with multi cultural and multi religious citizenry, is also can be a cauldron of ethnic strife and racial tension if the country is not governed correctly and without some form of discipline.
Thank you.
Hang Kasturi
Askm JMD,
My thoughts are directed at Wan Zaharizan.
We must agree that comments to be published in blogs ought to be sober, no profanity and ethical even we take a stand to be critical on certain issues
Honestly. I found it difficult to comprehend what he is driving at.A bit muddled up, would you agree , though the issues he is addressing are valid?
So I am not surprised that his comment did not qualify to be printed in TDM’ s blog. Otherwise, we know that TDM is a “sport “. Comments against him also get printed.
You are a ” better sport ” than TDM by publishing his comments.
Hang Kasturi.
JMD : Thank you Kasturi. Was in a hurry at that time which probably had confused me. Will relook at that comment again. Perhaps also, he was in a hurry to type those comments. We shall never know. Anyhow, I just realise I have regular readers with names of nearly all Hang Tuah’s friends. Lekir is missing though. But he is always like that. After he lost his little finger in a skirmish years ago, he becomes loner. That’s why he never gets invited to the royal hunting expedition by Sultan Mansur Shah! Damn I miss poking fun at Lekir… Heheh :)

JMD/Wan Zaharizan,
If one were to write a history paper evaluating Mahathir’s tenure as Prime Minister against a backdrop of democracy, it would not be difficult to support Wan Zaharizan’s premise of a semi-democratic state that curtails civil liberties.
I can say with much confidence that Mahathir is not a supporter of Montesquieu’s separation of power and I recall 20 years back where he argued against the judiciary for attempting to overpower the will of a government elected by the majority of the population.
Having said that, as Fareed Zakaria in his book, The Rise oF Illiberal Democracy persuasively argues that a Government should not be judged solely on a limited set of criteria and a failure of which would cause the Government of the day to be definied as tyrannical.
A country that provides a limited democracy but confers economic prosperity and a better environment for living should also be a criteria for describing a successful Government.
Philippines and Singapore for example are at polar opposites when it comes to what democracy means, but if one were given a choice of a place to live, the choice would be very easy and obvious, Singapore of course.
Mahathir had the unenviable task of managing a country that is not culturally and ethnically homogeneous, a potentially hostile environment. He had his priorities correct, he chose to ensure economic prosperity of the people and a strong economy ahead of expanding civil liberties.
At the time Mahathir took the reins of Government, Malaysia and Philippines weren’t that different economically. What Mahathir did was to choose a different path and went ahead with a single minded purpose of creating an economic powerhouse while the Republic of Phillipines, scoffing at our choice, proceeded to ensure civil liberties. Would anyone now have preferred Mahathir to take the route that the people of Phillipines took ?
China and India is another example, while India has had a proud tradition of western style democracy, it has failed to uplift that standrad of living for much of its people and it’s economy pale in comparison to China, despite China’s very new flirtation with free market economy.
Inasmuch as I would love to scream to the top of my lung that democracy is alive when I see people marching to the streets, protesting at every available opportunity against anything that they find objectionable, I know that in a country like Malaysia, ethnic and religious diversity is a lethal brew that could ignite the flames of passion and could easily flow into a tidal wave of internecine strife.
Which reminds of the happenings after the fall of Soviet Union and the rush by the small states to adopt western style democracy without ensuring economic dignity of the people caused and had resulted in terrible wave of violence and poverty.
But, some people like to read what the West tells them and ridicule what we have achieved and cry that freedom has vanished in this blessed land of ours.
The West can violate principles of soveriegnty and invade another state on some false pretense, kidnap someone from far away land on the basis of suspicion and lock them up for torture in a third country that practices such heinous crime, economically sabotage another country, attempt to colonise/recolonise a soveriegn state in the name of free market and if you have the patience to read Robert Fisk’s book, read in horror what the Coalition of the Willing is perpetrating in Iraq…. but we are told that the West must be listened to, we are all dumb Asians that must be taught the ways of the white man, failing which we are all “recalcitrants”.
Having said that viva Las Vegas and I miss you Los Angeles.
JMD : Thank you Lekiu for the informative comments. I added new thoughts in that comment of his also.

    1. wan zaharizan
      To your awnser when did tunku assert his believe that this is a secular nation, than JMD pls refer to the Star in his coloumn As I See It as publish in the paper. One of the reason of the operation lalang 1987 and the closure of the paper Star and Watan was this column.
      So if you talk about muzzling the press, who was the Home Minister then? was it not Tun. As for Islam, well what type of Islam are you proposing. To the Arabs what they consider islamic is different than the liberal westernised Muslim who resides in the US and western world. To a bosnian Muslim it is different and so to the turks. Their differences show in their perception of life tentang hukum dan hakam. I am not going to dwell in that to much but sad to say perception plays an important part in human mind. I am againts divisive policy because my faith in my religion is not about pandering to slogans but i believe we have enough fragmentation in our mind between us to futher divide us with religion. Let it be separate because moral guidance is subjective and i believe should remain private. If I am wrong than you cannot blame taliban and the rest us unislamic because this is an extention of their faith however misguided they are as your belief predates it. To the taliban and the fundamentalist they are right, to you they are wrong but what justified them to be label as such. Conservatism has envelop the human race from the west to the east, and mixing religion and politics is potent especially in Multi racial Malaysia. This is my belief but promoting faith in any religion is positive to the nation but not labeling it like what Tun has started. I rest my case.
      JMD : Actually, Tunku said this – ‘This country has a multi-racial population with various beliefs. Malaysia must continue as a secular State with Islam as the official religion’. He did not say, this country is a secular state fullstop. A lot of difference there.
      Nevertheless, is Islam Hadhari in itself not a label? I am sometimes confused. At one hand you criticise the ‘labelling’ of islam, but in the comment before this, you applaud Pak Lah for creating Islam Hadhari.
      Do you know why Operasi Lalang took place? Polcie did not want another May 13 to happen. Do you know when extremists ran free on the streets inciting hatred among the races, Tunku was too weak to do anything. Why? Because he championed democratic freedom too much. He did not do anything to ones who had pushed the envelope too far. In the end, May 13 occured. Did you know how many people were detained under the ISA at that time? Double the amount of people detained in Operasi Lalang.
      Fortunately, no bloodshed occured back in 1987. As the police stamped out extremism before it gets way out of hand. 4 papers were banned at that time, among them was Watan – a malay newspaper with huge following. Like the Star and another chinese daily, it was banned because, naturally, they fought fire with fire. If these papers were not banned, the situation at that time will exacerbate into a nightmare for the country.
      Actually, your line of thought contradicts your own conviction. What is it do you want? Separating Islam from governance? Then I think you abhor PAS’ idealogy. But at the same time, you seem to be defensive when concerning the Taliban.
      When you say “Let it be separate because moral guidance is subjective and i believe should remain private”, Islam Hadhari says this in its 10 fundamental principles –
      • faith and piety in the Almighty;
      • a just and trustworthy Government;
      • a free and independent people;
      • the vigorous pursuit and mastery of knowledge;
      • balanced and comprehensive economic development;
      • a good quality of life for the people;
      • protection of the rights of minority groups and women;
      • cultural and moral integrity;
      • safeguarding natural resources and the environment; and,
      • strong defence capabilities.
      Basically, islam and governance cannot be separated. It is infused in our day to day guidance. It is a good guide anyway. Ironically, to me, Islam Hadhari is actually nothing new. Pak Lah just rebranded the whole tenets of good governance in Islam into a package he calls Islam Hadhari.
      By the way, when Tunku said ‘This country has a multi-racial population with various beliefs. Malaysia must continue as a secular State with Islam as the official religion, nation can still be functional as a secular state with Islam as the official religion.”
      What does that mean? Was he just stating the obvious?
      Read this too –
      Thank you.
      p.s. – I like your writing on the origins of Negaraku. By the way, too bad I can’t comment in your blog as I do not have a google account! Will make one soon.
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    2. wan zaharizan
      sorry for the late reply my computer was down
      JMD : You wrote in your blog that you are sad. Don’t be bro. We must always remain steadfast in our own conviction or beliefs. Stand for you believe in but always think rationally. Thanks!
      Rate This
    3. minicooper
      haha patut laa.. rasanya Wan Zaharizan ni org PKR ni.. Facebook friend dia si Tian Chua tu hahaha
      Rate This
    4. wan zaharizan
      mini cooper, tien chuah share a common friend. I knew Nadia Bamahdaj and Halinah Todd whose son Kamal Bamahdaj were killed in East Timor 1991. I never met him hanya did correspond by email once or twice. I am not a member of PKR or any other parties. During APCET meeting in Kuala Luympur which was held close door under the order of Anwar with the consent of Tun this meeting were disrupted. Syed Hussein was there too, I do not compromise on my principle and never will. Tien Chua knows I disagree with Anwar and drop it please.
      Who is right who is wrong in my disagreement with JMD. I will leave it to the readers to decide. As I said many a times I never deny Tun’s achievement. But for me let Pak Lah go with dignity. He made mistakes thus let him go, we need not go through the mudslinging. Enough is enough! JMD first statement contradict himself. I for once never go for labeling, Islam Hadhari or Islamization! As good Muslims we wear our faith in our action and ideas. We need not resort to labeling. When I was still in college I work for a circus as a handyman. It was tough work, so when the elephant trainer who was an American , complimented for my diligence and honesty, the word he uttered was it must be because of my faith. It make me proud as a Muslim, it was the greatest compliment. He was surprise I did not smoke or drink neither did I gamble, he remark it must be because of my faith, my religion. I say nay, I choose not to but I added my faith is my barometer and it help to strengthen my resolve. As I said we need not resort in labeling be it hadhari or otherwise. I leave it at that. Cukup disini saja JMD kita komen atas benda lain.
      JMD : Thank you for the comment. Regarding Pak Lah, yes he must be given some form of respect as he is about to leave the scene. I wrote the article that criticised Pak Lah’s loyalists, whom in order to glorify Pak Lah, had belittled Tun Mahathir. I find that disturbing. That is why, I said in this article ‘This pitiful act of glorifying Pak Lah is just an attempt to make him look favourable within the history books in years to come. I would understand or even forgive these attempts by Pak Lah’s lackeys if they did not demonise Tun Dr Mahathir in the process. But what they are doing is wrong.’
      If Kalimullah and Zaid Ibrahim want to glorify Pak Lah, please do it based on Pak Lah’s own achievements. There are a few things that Pak Lah can be proud of. They can even promote him as Bapa Kemasyarakatan or whatever. K-ekonomi or modal insan etc. If they want to present him in a favourable light, then do so honourably. Why the need to compare and belittle his predecessor?
      Hence the reason for this article in the first place.
      As for the labelling of Islam etc, here’s my take of the whole issue;
      You said;
      - Tun labelled Islam through islamisation process in Malaysia since the 80′s.
      - Pak Lah put stop to all these rhetorical labelisation of islam through his Islam Hadhari concept
      - You advocate separation of politics and religion
      - You think religion is important but it is only the barometer of one’s resolve.
      - Malaysia must be secular because mixing religion into politics will only produce bigots in society
      As for the APCET meeting. What a brouhaha back then huh?
      Thank you.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Allah allah when will it end!

Why get emotional, ‘Allah’ not exclusive to Muslims, says Oxford theologian

MM) - Only Muslims with an “inferiority complex” would monopolise the use of “Allah” when the Arabic word for God is not exclusive to Islam, celebrated Swiss-Muslim theologian Dr Tariq Ramadan has said.
The Oxford University professor of contemporary Islamic studies, who was hailed by Foreign Policy magazine as one of the top 100 global thinkers last year, took to Twitter yesterday to add his voice to a growing number of prominent Muslims outside Malaysia who have been critical of the government’s stand that “Allah” cannot be used by followers of other faiths as it will cause confusion to Muslims.

“Why do we get emotional when others use the word #Allah?” Ramadan asked on his Twitter account, @TariqRamadan handle.

“There is only one God. My God is your God. Allah is not just the God for Muslims,” he wrote.

He added: “It is because of an inferiority complex that the word #Allah is monopolized. How about monopolizing good deeds instead?”

Ramadan, who comes from an illustrious religious family—his father, Said Ramadan, was a prominent figure in Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood founded by his maternal grandfather, Hassan al-Banna, while his grand-uncle, Gamal al-Banna, is a famed liberal Muslim reformer—has been a vocal advocate of a progressive and moderate Islam.

In a separate Twitter entry today that seemed a continuation of his critical views on Islam and Malaysia, he remarked that non-Muslims here appear to be sharing the sentiments of Muslim minorities in the West who have been sidelined by the majority in a plural society.

He included the link to an article he had previously penned on religion here, under the hashtag Malaysia.

In the article titled “Malaysia: which challenges towards which modernity?”, Ramadan wrote that Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and atheist Malaysian citizens often feel that they are “captives in a debate that marginalises or exploits them”.

“Like the mirror image of many Muslim citizens in the West, they may be perfectly respectful of the constitution, of the laws and prerogatives of the civil state, but it is as if they are slightly excluded from the shared narrative upon which the Malaysia nation is founded,” said the scholar, who had studied at the Al-Azhar University in Egypt.

“It has proved difficult for them to achieve the fully equal status that would establish their sense of belonging to a pluralist society,” Ramadan added.

Ramadan’s remarks on the “Allah” controversy in Malaysia follows criticism by other international publications against the Court of Appeal ruling earlier this month that found that the Home Ministry’s decision to ban the use of the Arabic word in the Catholic Church’s weekly, the Herald, was justified.

The three-judge panel ruled that the use of the word “Allah” was not integral to the practice of the Christian faith, overturning a High Court decision that the ban was unconstitutional.

Prolific Turkish writer Harun Yahya had last week urged Putrajaya to reverse its ban on the use of the word “Allah” by non-Muslims here, saying the decision was “based on illogical and theologically unacceptable reasoning”.

The writer—whose real name is Adnan Oktar and who had achieved cult status among Muslim here for his rejection of Darwinism—said such a ban would inevitably lead to an environment of severe oppression, despite Putrajaya’s repeated claim that it only applies to local Catholic newspaper The Herald.

“Such a decision cannot be accepted and defended even if it was directed at one newspaper or a single person,” Oktar wrote in an opinion piece carried by Indonesian daily The Jakarta Post on October 25.

He added: “This decision, which is completely against Islam, a religion of peace and brotherhood, must be reversed and there must be freedom of expression for everyone.”

Another Muslim religious scholar, Dr Reza Aslan, also said recently that the word “Allah” was merely an Arabic term for God.

“Allah is a construction of the word al-Ilah... Al-Ilah means ‘The God’. Allah is not the name of God,” Aslan told radio station BFM last month.

The American scholar, who has written two books on Islam and one on Christianity, said it was “almost a blasphemous thought to think that Allah has a name”.

Local Islamic scholar Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin has similarly said that the Quran allows ― and even encourages ― non-Muslims to address God as “Allah”, as long as they are referring to “The Supreme Being”.

The former Perlis mufti said last month that banning non-Muslims from calling God “Allah” is tantamount to “syirik”, which refers to the sin of practising idolatry or polytheism and is an unforgivable crime in Islam.

Ramadan is scheduled to speak at a health conference in Petaling Jaya, Selangor on Wednesday.

Allah decision binding on all Malaysians, says retired AG Abu Talib

All Malaysians are bound by the Court of Appeal ruling on the Allah issue, says former attorney general Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman (pic), who is puzzled that Putrajaya believes the controversial judgment does not affect Christians in Sabah and Sarawak.
The appellate court agreed that the Home Minister could ban the word Allah in the Catholic weekly Herald, but two Cabinet ministers had insisted the decision did not include the Al-Kitab, the Bahasa Malaysia bible widely used in Sabah and Sarawak, and other Christian publications in East Malaysia.
"It has the effect of a binding precedent and all have to respect that decision, whether you agree or disagree," he told The Malaysian Insider, adding it was binding until set aside by the country's highest court, the Federal Court.

Abu Talib, who was the chief legal adviser to the government for 13 years from 1980, said there could be no two sets of law when "we have one nation and one supreme constitution".
"So, there cannot be exemptions given to Sabah and Sarawak on this religious issue based on region or state," he said.
Abu Talib said this in response to Cabinet ministers Tan Sri Joseph Kurup and Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili who had taken the position that Christians in the Borneo states were not affected by the appellate court ruling on Monday and could use the word in their religious practices.
The Muslim Lawyers' Association of Malaysia had also weighed in on the issue, saying the ban only applied to the Bahasa Malaysia section of the Herald.
Abu Talib said the central issue decided was whether people and institutions other than Muslims could use the word.
"The Court of Appeal has made a finding that the name Allah is not an integral part of the faith and practice of Christianity and, by that extension, the word is exclusive to Islam and Muslims," he said.
Abu Talib, who was Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) chair after retiring as AG, said in view of sensitivity of the issue, the Chief Justice of the Federal Court, Tun Arifin Zakaria, must give priority to this case which is of public interest.
"If not properly handled, this hot issue will give rise to further controversies as we live in multi-racial and multi-religious society," he said.
He said the matter must be brought to a finality and once the issue had been decided, "all must move forward".
"The position of Islam as the religion of the Federation and freedom of other religions could come under scrutiny if the merit of the appeal was heard in the apex court.
"It boils down to freedom of non-Muslims to practice their faith and any decision under the Federal Constitution binds all, irrespective of state and region," he said.
Abu Talib said there were irresponsible comments and responses following the Court of Appeal ruling with some bordering on contempt of court.
"You can criticise the judgment but there is limit to it. At the end of the day, the independence and integrity of the judiciary must be maintained and observed," he added. – October 19, 2013.

‘Allah’: Bukan hak esklusif untuk Muslim sahaja

William Mangor | October 13, 2013
"Sebagai seorang Muslim, saya takda masalah agama lain guna kalimah Allah," ujar Datuk Seri Chazy Chaz
KUCHING: Keputusan penggunaan kalimah ‘Allah’ bakal menentukan sejauh mana kejayaan kerajaan dalam berhadapan isu yang melibatkan agama dan keberkesanan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dalam merealisasikan impian ’1Malaysia’.
Walaubagaimanpun, rakyat Sabah Sarawak tetap tenang berhadapan isu ini meskipun laporan FMT kelmarin memaklumkan Jakim melalui khutbah Jumaat menggesa umat Islam mempertahankan kalimah tersebut.
Pengguna Facebook terutama sekali penduduk Sabah Sarawak baik Kristian dan Islam mempunyai persefahaman mengenai isu ini.
“Sebagai seorang Muslim, saya takda masalah agama lain guna kalimah Allah,” ujar Datuk Seri Chazy Chaz
Pengguna Facebook yang lain pula, Abdul Halim berkata: “Sebenarnya, penggunaan kalimah “Allah” telah ada sebelum kerasulan Nabi Muhammad SAW.
“Digunakan meluas di jazirah Arab yang pada ketika itu berada dalam zaman jahiliyah lagi. Jika kita mengkaji dengan mendalam, nabi-nabi diturunkan lebih kerap ke kawasan Jazirah Arab yang banyak didedahkan dalam al-Quran.”
Sementara itu, Gillan Lee menambah: “Tetap akan gunakan kalimah Allah dalam upacara keagamaan terutamanya kerana saya di Sarawak.
“ Apa pun keputusannya, saya berhak mengunakan kalimah suci bersama dgn jutaan umat Kristian lain. Dan paling penting sekali Muslim di Sarawak tidak mudah ‘terkeliru’ seperti di Semenanjung maka tiada masalah remeh.”
Pendirian gereja?
Dalam masa yang berasingan, Pengerusi Persektuan Gereja-gereja di Sabah dan Sarawak  Bolly Lapok (Sarawak) dan Thomas Tsen menegaskan bahawa larangan penggunaan kalimah ‘Allah’ oleh orang Kristian melanggar Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 dimana asas pembentukan negara ini.
“Ini adalah penghinaan, keseluruhannya tidak boleh diterima dan pengkhianatan terang-terangan ke atas Perjanjian Malaysia yang menjamin hak-hak orang bukan Islam di Sarawak dan Sabah untuk bebas beragama,” tegas Bolly Lapok dalam satu kenyataan
Sementara itu, Thomas Tsen berkata: “Dengan menghormati kepada pihak berkuasa pentadbiran, sama ada perundangan, badan eksekutif atau kehakiman kerajaan, kami meminta ketaksuban agama, perkauman dan ekstremisme tidak harus diteruskan dan dibenarkan membarah dan racun negara Malaysia.”
Keputusan bakal diketahui pada Isnin ini. Kes sudah tertangguh sebanyak beberapa kali setelah difailkan sejak 2009.
Bukan Islam pertahankan kalimah
Penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak berpendapat, penggunaan tersebut sebenarnya bukan satu isu yang besar melainkan isu ini dipolitikkan oleh pihak tertentu.
“…mempolitikkan walau apa sekali pun agama mereka boleh menjuruskan seseorang itu mencium bau neraka,” tegas Cornellius Maso
Sementara itu Chris Ap, berkata: “Sabah Sarawak dan penganut bukan Islam.. menggunakan Allah sebagai simbol ketuhanan…bukan kita bikin main-main… rasanya orang Malaya sendiri menggunakan Allah dengan cara yang tidak betul.. sebagai contoh dalam perubatan tradisional atau pun produk kesihatan untuk kepentingan sendiri…”


Muslims can’t stop others from using the word Allah, says PAS president

October 12, 2013

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang (pic) today weighed in on the controversial "Allah" row, saying there is nothing wrong with non-Muslims using the term in their faiths provided it is not misused or misinterpreted.
"There is no law that does not allow other people to use the word ‘Allah’, but if they interpret it wrongly to Muslims, they need to answer because Allah means He is the only God to be worshiped,” Hadi said after launching a seminar on Shariah at the Universiti Selangor in Shah Alam, today.
Hadi's statement comes as the Court of Appeal prepares to give its decision on the appeal by Catholic weekly newspaper Herald to be allowed to use the word.
The High Court in Kuala Lumpur had ruled on December 31, 2009 that the weekly newspaper could use the word.
Following Putrajaya’s appeal against that decision, a three-man bench led by Datuk Seri Mohamad Apandi Ali heard submissions on September 10 from lawyers representing Putrajaya, the Kuala Lumpur Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church and Islamic religious councils.
Hadi said it was not for Muslims to stop others from using the word “Allah”, pointing out that unlike the word "God", “Allah” is an Arabic word which cannot be translated into another language.
This, he added, makes the term sacred.
His comments contrast the recent call by the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) on Muslims to unite against any attempt to misuse the word "Allah".
The Council, in the prepared text of the Friday sermon, has questioned the use of the word "Allah" in the Bible, saying the action was contradictory to Christians' belief in the concept of Trinity.
But Jakim added that use of the term in Christian bibles could cause confusion among Muslims, saying they might be mistaken about the identity of "Allah" and ultimately destroy their faith.
Jakim's call prompted a defiant statement from church leaders in Sabah and Sarawak which said Christians would continue using “Allah” regardless of court outcome.
"The Bumiputera church will continue to use the Bahasa Malaysia Alkitab together with the word 'Allah' both of which are fundamental to all aspects of the profession and practice of the Christian faith," they said in a strongly-worded statement last night.
The Allah row erupted in early 2009 after the Home Ministry threatened to revoke Herald’s permit for using the word in place of God.
The church then took Putrajaya to court, accusing it of violating the constitutional rights of Christians.
The High Court allowed the church's judicial review application and lifted the minister's ban.
Judge Lau Bee Lan said that the church had a constitutional right to use the word Allah in its newspaper on the grounds that religions other than Islam can be practised in peace and harmony, as stated in the federal constitution. - October 12, 2013.

Q&A: What Court Decision on Use of ‘Allah’ Means for Malaysia

ByCeline Fernandez

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Malaysia’s appellate court is scheduled to rule on Monday on whether the Roman Catholic Church can use ‘Allah’ in its weekly publication to represent the Christian God.
Mujahid Yusof Rawa
Dr. Mujahid Yusof Rawa, a Member of Parliament from the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, says if a Malaysian court rules on Monday that the Roman Catholic Church cant use the word Allah to represent the Christian God, the theory that Christians proselytize Muslims will increase.
The battle in the court of appeal was the result of a lower court judgment in 2009 which ruled that the Catholic Church had the constitutional right to use the word Allah in its Bahasa Malaysia editions of the Herald, its newspaper. In early 2010 the same court ordered the Herald not to use the word while the government appealed the decision.
Last month, the Catholic Church argued before the appellate court that it should be allowed to use the word because it has been used for centuries by the Malay-speaking  Christian community.  The government, meanwhile, argued that the then-home minister didn’t act in bad faith when he restricted the use of the word because he had done so from the aspect of security and public order.  The government also argued that the word is specific to Muslims.
Monday’s ruling may be appealed to the next level, the highest court.
Muslims make up about 61% of Malaysia’s 28 million people.  The Christian Federation of Malaysia said that about 60% of the approximately 2.6 million Christians in the country use the word Allah to refer to God.
Observers, including Dr. Patricia Anne Martinez, a Malaysian scholar of Islam who is Catholic, think the decision will go against the Herald, partly because of the current political climate. She pointed out that the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), the dominant partner in the ruling coalition, has been using Islam for political expedience.
“There has been very negative and widespread publicity about the use of the word ‘Allah’ and the Herald case,” she said, noting that UMNO used the issue during the campaign before the 13th general elections in May to show it was “championing Islam.”
The closely watched verdict raises high-stake issues for Malaysia, particularly freedom of religion.
“We are not oppressing the non-Muslims,” said Azril Amin, one of the lawyers in the suit representing the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council, a body that looks after Islamic affairs.  “We are not stopping them from practicing their religion.”
Mr. Azril, who is also the vice-president of the Muslim Lawyers Association, said the government’s side is simply saying “the proper use of the word Allah” should be reserved for Muslims.
Father Lawrence Andrew, editor of the Herald, says the long legal battle  has not worn him down.
“When justice is denied, you don’t consider the tiredness, but the commitment that you have for the good of the people,” he said. “We are just stating what is in Article 11 of the federal Constitution, which says we have the right to worship and to manage our religious affairs. So, therefore, we are basically fighting for religious freedom.”
Dr. Mujahid Yusof Rawa, a member of Parliament from the opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, or PAS, has visited close to 30 churches nationwide promoting interfaith dialogue.
“The court has to stick to the freedom of faith by taking Islam as the religion of the state into account,” said Mr. Majahid, who is Muslim.
Mr. Mujahid spoke with The Wall Street Journal’s Celine Fernandez about what’s ahead. Edited excerpts follow:
The Wall Street Journal: How do you think the court will rule and why?
Mr. Mujahid: The fact that the court has deferred the ruling, which was supposed to be in September, will signal to you the tension of the issue. The court has to stick to the freedom of faith by taking Islam as the religion of the state into account. The extreme right still represents the significant group of Malay Muslims who feel that the word “Allah” used by Christians will lead to religious unrest. The Malays may not agree on the extreme tone of the right. But their concern is that it will not be a good precedent as the Catholic Church will dare to intrude further in demanding their use of “Allah” in many other church symbols. The court also, in my opinion, has to look into these multi-racial dynamics. And of course the ruling party, UMNO, at some degree may influence the ruling.
What will the impact be on religion and culture in Malaysia?
The impact is that interfaith relations will be more tense as many people have an interest in this. Politicians will ride the issue between the extreme right and the liberals. An Islamic party like PAS will be tested in its call for freedom of faith. The liberals will find a good ground to exert with more radical approaches in its belief of freedom of faith. The Malays, who are majority Muslims, will be tested in their pursuit of defending Islam but complying with Article 11, where freedom of faith is protected in the federal constitution. The theory that Christians proselytize Muslims will increase. And the Catholics will be seen as the enemy of Islam among the general Muslim viewpoint. Whatever the outcome of the ruling, it definitely will have a great impact for Malaysia and the international community.
What will it say about freedom of the press?
That’s the whole issue. Catholics were banned from using the word “Allah” in their publication the Herald, but the high court found the ban as contradicting the notion of freedom, although the circulation must be limited to the Christians only. The government went to the court of appeal. The Catholics defended, and now it is time for the court of appeal to give its ruling. I think the issue was given such a highlight for the purpose of political gain rather than looking into a brighter future in faith relations.
Some observers say if the court rules in favor of the government, Malaysia will remain a nation divided, not just by race, but increasingly by religion. Your thoughts?
Race relations in Malaysia are intertwined with religious sentiment, and it has served the present ruling party well. The increase of citizens’ rights has contributed to the demand of greater freedom enshrined in the federal constitution.
Second, the Malay political parties, the UMNO and PAS, will be forced to play by the racial and religious tone for the purpose of wooing voters. It is at that point the two parties need to handle it more maturely because their moves will affect the path of the interfaith and racial fabric of Malaysia. Religious tension calls for trust between followers, dialogue and understanding of the federal constitution so that the issue is [presented] to the public in a civilized manner. Worst is, extremism will find its way into society. And violence in the name of religion will only depict a bad picture of religion. Myanmar, Somalia, etc., have had tragic incidents of violence using religion as a cover. Political will of all divides in Malaysia must condemn citizens who use faith to promote violence and hatred among fellow Malaysians. I believe in dialogue and good will to promote peace among different faiths in Malaysia.

Perkasa? Isma? Who cares!

Perkasa calls video producers ‘rude’, insists on action over ‘Allah’ clip

(MM) - Perkasa has described the producers of “That Effing Show” as “rude” youths who do not respect the president of the Malay rights group and the “sensitivities” of others, claiming that they lack knowledge of the country’s Federal Constitution and independence.
When contacted yesterday, Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali also insisted that the government should take action on those running the online satirical show over their video clip last week on the “Allah” controversy.

“These youths are rude, kurang ajar (lack manners), don’t know what is the Constitution, what is independence,” he told The Malay Mail Online.

“(They) don’t know how to show respect, memainkan (poking fun at) the president of Perkasa,” he added, referring to Datuk Ibrahim Ali.

He was asked for a response to the online satirical show’s anchorman Ezra Zaid’s remarks on Friday in a new video titled “Perkasa Terasa”, which mocked Perkasa’s Perak chapter for going to the police over another video clip on the “Allah” controversy.

Syed Hassan then took a jab at Ezra’s father Zaid Ibrahim, a former Umno minister who had reportedly left politics.

“These kids need to be taught but the problem is the one who is teaching them is also a liberal, someone who dreams day and night...has no place in NGOs and (political) parties,” he said, agreeing that he was referring to Zaid.

Zaid himself had called for Perkasa to be denounced and attempted to draw similarities between the group and the German Nazis, but Ibrahim had in reply thanked him for the publicity and recognition given to Perkasa.

Syed Hassan explained that Perkasa had lodged a police report over the earlier video titled “Allah, Apa Lagi?” by “That Effing Show” as it had allegedly insulted a Court of Appeal ruling and Islam.

“We want the government, the authorities to take action. This video insults the court,” he said, adding that the video clip contained a line that had also “insulted Islam”.

When asked about Ezra’s tongue-in-cheek comments that “That Effing Show” and Perkasa shared a lot in common including Ibrahim’s alleged liking for comedy, Syed Hassan reminded the show’s producers that the Malay rights group had a large membership of around 500,000 people.

He also claimed that Perkasa had over 3 million supporters, citing a survey by Merdeka Center which he said showed that over 70 per cent of the local Malays supported the organisation — despite the pollster’s clarification that the poll was on Perkasa’s demands for the maintenance of quotas and economic protection for the Malays.

“Don’t insult Perkasa, Perkasa is not Ibrahim Ali only,” Syed Hassan said, pointing to the group’s strength in numbers.

“Don’t challenge Perkasa, we will teach all of these budak (kids),” he said.

According to a Bernama report on Wednesday, Perkasa’s Perak chapter lodged a police report on “That Effing Show’s” 95th episode that was aired on YouTube on October 25, claiming it mocked the Court of Appeal’s decision on “Allah”.

Its head Mohd Hafez Mubin Mohd Salleh together with 10 other Perkasa members lodged the report at the Ipoh police headquarters in Ipoh, at 1.44pm, the report said.

Mohd Hafez reportedly said that the six minutes, 30 second clip, titled “Allah, Apa Lagi?”, showed disrespect to the sensitivities of Muslims here.

Over 30 members of Perkasa’s Selangor branch had similarly lodged a police report on Friday over the same “Allah, Apa Lagi?” clip, news portal Sinar Harian reported yesterday.

Selangor Perkasa chief Abu Bakar Yahya reportedly claimed that the video had touched on the sensitivities of the Malays and local Muslim community, saying that he hoped the authorities would take stern action.

Last month, the Court of Appeal ruled that the Home Ministry’s decision to ban the use of the word in the Herald was justified, finding that the use of the word “Allah” was not integral to the practice of the Christian faith.

The ruling— which overturned an earlier High Court decision that the ban was unconstitutional — has since sparked confusion over the use of the Middle Eastern word by Christians in their worship, especially with conflicting opinions within the government itself on how far the ruling would affect practising Christians.

Churches in Sabah and Sarawak have said that they will continue their age-old practice of referring to God as “Allah” in their worship and in their holy scriptures.

Several ministers also said recently that the 10-point solution issued by Putrajaya in 2011 — which allows the printing, importation and distribution of the Al-Kitab, the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Christian bible, containing the word “Allah” — should stand, despite the appellate court ruling.

The Najib administration issued the 10-point solution shortly before the Sarawak state election in 2011 to end a Home Ministry blockade of shipments of Christian holy scriptures in the Malay language containing the word “Allah”.

The Cabinet, through Minister Datuk Seri Idris Jala, had stated in the resolution that the large Bumiputera Christian population in Sabah and Sarawak could use their holy books in the Malay, Indonesian, and indigenous languages.

PopTeeVee says will cooperate with police after Perkasa reports against ‘Allah’ episode

(MM) - Producers of “That Effing Show” PopTeeVee pledged their cooperation with the authorities today after Perkasa lodged police reports against a video on the “Allah” controversy.
Hardesh Singh, PopTeeVee founder and executive producer, also said today that PopTeeVee and the Malay right-wing group share “an equal passion in building a better Malaysia”, thus showing more proof that “there is even more in common” between the two.

“We have only heard about Perkasa lodging police reports via the press. If this is true we will cooperate with the authorities if and when required,” Hardesh said in a statement today.

“Perkasa works for what they believe makes for a better Malaysia. We believe in following the footsteps of our experienced and passionate leaders in doing the same,” he added.

After Perkasa lodged police reports against “That Effing Show”, the online satirical show aired another video last Thursday, where anchorman Ezra Zaid said tongue-in-cheek that the show had “a lot in common” with Perkasa, such as sharing a love for comedy with Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali, whom he said was described by Wikipedia as a “comedian”.

Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali then described the producers of “That Effing Show” as “rude” youths who did not respect Ibrahim and the “sensitivities” of others.

He also said that Perkasa had lodged a police report over the earlier video titled “Allah, Apa Lagi?” by “That Effing Show” as it had allegedly insulted a Court of Appeal ruling and Islam.

According to a Bernama report on Wednesday, Perkasa’s Perak chapter lodged a police report on “That Effing Show’s” 95th episode that was aired on YouTube on October 25, claiming it mocked the Court of Appeal’s decision on the “Allah” issue.

Perkasa Perak chief Mohd Hafez Mubin Mohd Salleh reportedly said that the six minutes, 30 second clip, titled “Allah, Apa Lagi?”, disrespected the sensitivities of Muslims here.

Over 30 members of Perkasa’s Selangor branch were reported to have lodged a police report on Friday over the same clip.

Selangor Perkasa chief Abu Bakar Yahya reportedly claimed that the video had touched on the sensitivities of the Malays and the local Muslim community, saying that he hoped the authorities would take stern action.

Last month, the Court of Appeal ruled that the Home Ministry’s decision to ban the Catholic Church from referring to God as “Allah” in its weekly, the Herald, was justified, finding that the use of the Arabic word was not integral to the practice of the Christian faith.