Ahhh At last someone heard me!
Funny most of what is written and email to me was highlighted by me in a blog Syiah or Sunni. It seems this prominent scholar here has taken my idea and presented it to the press. It takes them 4 months for them to see what I saw! Better late than never!
2) It forbids takfir (declarations of apostasy) between Muslims.
3) It sets forth the subjective and objective preconditions for the issuing of fatwas, thereby exposing ignorant and illegitimate edicts in the name of Islam.
2) It would assure Malaysian Muslims as a whole that those who demonise Shias and place them in the same category as cults such as “Tuhan Harun” have not gained control of the Religious Establishment and are not dictating policies pertaining to Islam.
3) It would serve to assuage the fear among thinking Malaysians that certain aspects of our domestic and foreign policies are being increasingly influenced by the interests of retrogressive, conservative forces from elsewhere who are unwittingly undermining our social cohesion, on the one hand, and our national sovereignty, on the other.
4) It would reinforce our commitment to the unity of the Muslim ummah especially since the Sunni-Shia divide has been exploited by various groups to weaken Muslim solidarity in the face of monumental challenges emanating from global powers bent on perpetuating their hegemony.
5) It would contribute significantly to national unity since the Amman Message also contains ideas which are most conducive for fostering empathy in a multi-religious society. It states lucidly that “Islam honours every human being, without regard to race and religion.” It further emphasises that “Islam demands that the faithful treat others as they desire to be treated. It urges tolerance and forgiveness, qualities that elevate human life, and calls for treating others justly, safeguarding their rights and possessions.”
Yayasan 1Malaysia
1257, Jalan Telok
Off Jalan Gasing
46000 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-7781 4575
Fax: 03-7770 4568
Website: www.yayasan1malaysia.org
Chandra Muzaffar.
The recent proposal by some political and religious leaders to amend the Malaysian Constitution to specify that Article 3 which states that “Islam is the religion of the Federation” refers only to the teachings of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah(ASWJ) has far-reaching implications. Does it mean that non-Sunni, minority sects will not be recognised as Islamic? If such sects --- the Shias being a case in point --- are not recognised as Islamic, what would be their status? How would such an amendment impact upon Malay Shias since Islam is one of the defining attributes of Malay identity?
From the perspective of the global Muslim community, this attempt to confine Islam to the ASWJ runs contrary to the thinking of the vast majority of Sunni scholars themselves. Though they acknowledge the differences between the ASWJ and the Shias, they have always regarded the minority sect as a legitimate part of the Muslim ummah. This was reiterated in unambiguous language in the Amman Message which has been described as one of the most important declarations produced by the Muslim world in the last one thousand years.
Initiated by King Abdullah 11, the monarch of Jordan, in November 2004, the Amman Message was formalised by 200 of the world’s leading Islamic scholars from 50 countries at an international conference in Amman in July 2005. Among them were the Grand Shaykh Al-Azhar, Shaykh Mohammed Sayyid Tantawi and Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, both Sunnis, and the Grand Ayatollah Sistani, a Shia. The Amman Message embodies three essential points.
1) It recognises the validity of all 8 Mathhabs (legal schools) of Sunni, Shia and Ibadhi Islam; of traditional Islamic theology ( Ash’arism); of Islamic Mysticism ( Sufism), and of true Salafi thought.
2) It forbids takfir (declarations of apostasy) between Muslims.
3) It sets forth the subjective and objective preconditions for the issuing of fatwas, thereby exposing ignorant and illegitimate edicts in the name of Islam.
These three points were adopted at the OIC summit in Mecca in December 2005 and at other scholarly assemblies culminating with its acceptance by the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of Jeddah in July 2006.
The official website of The Amman Message shows that the Message and its three points have been endorsed by a large number of Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers and
other high officials, apart from notable religious personalities representing the majority and
minority sects within the ummah. Both King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Ayatollah Al-
Sayyid Ali Khamenei of Iran are endorsers.
It is significant that from Malaysia, the former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,
heads the list of endorsers. The current leader of the Opposition, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim is
also an endorser as are two serving Ministers in the present Federal Cabinet, namely, Dato
Seri Shahidan Kassim and Khairy Jamaluddin. Two established Malaysian Islamic scholars,
Professor Hashim Kamali and Professor Kamal Hassan, are also on the list of endorsers.
In the last couple of years there have been other efforts to reduce the antagonism between
Sunnis and Shias and to promote better understanding between the two sects. In May 2013,
through JUST, I initiated a joint appeal from Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and the former
Iranian President, Muhammad Khatami, to Sunnis and Shias the world over to stop killing
one another. In early October this year, I co-convened a special session at the World Public
Forum in Rhodes, Greece which brought together Sunni and Shia scholars from different
countries who reiterated their support for the Amman Message and proposed various other
measures to improve ties between the two groups.
Given the prevailing negative attitude towards Shias among some religious and political
figures in Malaysia, it is imperative that the Prime Minister, the Minister in charge of Islamic
Affairs in the Prime Minister’s Office, and State and Federal Territory Muftis publicly
endorse the Amman Message. There are at least 5 compelling reasons why they should do
1) It would signal a clear rejection of the erroneous view propagated by a segment of
the media and various public personalities that the Shias are a ‘deviant’ sect. As we
have seen, this is a view that is totally unacceptable to the overwhelming majority of
Muslims who see them as integral to the ummah.
2) It would assure Malaysian Muslims as a whole that those who demonise Shias and
place them in the same category as cults such as “Tuhan Harun” have not gained
control of the Religious Establishment and are not dictating policies pertaining to
3) It would serve to assuage the fear among thinking Malaysians that certain aspects of
our domestic and foreign policies are being increasingly influenced by the interests
of retrogressive, conservative forces from elsewhere who are unwittingly
undermining our social cohesion, on the one hand, and our national sovereignty, on
the other.
4) It would reinforce our commitment to the unity of the Muslim ummah especially
since the Sunni-Shia divide has been exploited by various groups to weaken Muslim
solidarity in the face of monumental challenges emanating from global powers bent
on perpetuating their hegemony.
5) It would contribute significantly to national unity since the Amman Message also contains ideas which are most conducive for fostering empathy in a multi-religious society. It states lucidly that “Islam honours every human being, without regard to race and religion.” It further emphasises that “Islam demands that the faithful treat others as they desire to be treated. It urges tolerance and forgiveness, qualities that elevate human life, and calls for treating others justly, safeguarding their rights and possessions.”
It is not enough for our political and religious leaders to merely endorse the Amman Message. The Message should be made part of the Islamic curriculum in secondary schools and universities. It should be distributed within the entire community of ustaz and ustazah (religious teachers) throughout the country. The Amman Message should be integrated into the Friday Khutbah (sermon) and the media, especially Radio and Television, should focus on it.
When the Amman Message becomes an important dimension of the collective consciousness of the people, Malaysian Muslims will have a better appreciation of the relationship between Sunnis and Shias. They will understand their similarities and differences in the context of the essence of Islam. It is when they become really knowledgeable about the essence of Islam that the inclination to switch from one sect to another will also diminish.
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Yayasan 1Malaysia and President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST).
23 December 2013.
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to share here an article by Dr Chandra Muzaffar.UPHOLD THE AMMAN MESSAGE.
The recent proposal by some political and
religious leaders to amend the Malaysian Constitution to specify that Article 3
which states that “Islam is the religion of the Federation” refers only to the
teachings of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah(ASWJ) has far-reaching implications. Does it mean that non-Sunni, minority sects
will not be recognised as Islamic? If
such sects --- the Shias being a case in point --- are not recognised as
Islamic, what would be their status? How would such an amendment impact upon Malay
Shias since Islam is one of the defining attributes of Malay identity?
the perspective of the global Muslim community, this attempt to confine Islam
to the ASWJ runs contrary to the thinking of the vast majority of Sunni
scholars themselves. Though they acknowledge the differences between the ASWJ
and the Shias, they have always regarded the minority sect as a legitimate part
of the Muslim ummah. This was reiterated in unambiguous language in the Amman
Message which has been described as one of the most important declarations
produced by the Muslim world in the last one thousand years.
by King Abdullah 11, the monarch of Jordan, in November 2004, the Amman Message
was formalised by 200 of the world’s leading Islamic scholars from 50 countries
at an international conference in Amman in July 2005. Among them were the Grand
Shaykh Al-Azhar, Shaykh Mohammed Sayyid Tantawi and Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, both
Sunnis, and the Grand Ayatollah Sistani, a Shia. The Amman Message embodies
three essential points.
1) It recognises the validity
of all 8 Mathhabs (legal schools) of
Sunni, Shia and Ibadhi Islam; of traditional Islamic theology ( Ash’arism); of
Islamic Mysticism ( Sufism), and of true Salafi thought.2) It forbids takfir (declarations of apostasy) between Muslims.
3) It sets forth the subjective and objective preconditions for the issuing of fatwas, thereby exposing ignorant and illegitimate edicts in the name of Islam.
three points were adopted at the OIC summit in Mecca in December 2005 and at
other scholarly assemblies culminating with its acceptance by the International
Islamic Fiqh Academy of Jeddah in July 2006.
official website of The Amman Message shows that the Message and its three
points have been endorsed by a large number of Kings, Presidents, Prime
Ministers, Ministers and other high officials, apart from notable religious
personalities representing the majority and minority sects within the
ummah. Both King Abdullah of Saudi
Arabia and Ayatollah Al-Sayyid Ali Khamenei of Iran are endorsers.
is significant that from Malaysia, the former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah
Ahmad Badawi, heads the list of endorsers. The current leader of the
Opposition, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim is also an endorser as are two serving
Ministers in the present Federal Cabinet, namely, Dato Seri Shahidan Kassim and
Khairy Jamaluddin. Two established
Malaysian Islamic scholars, Professor Hashim Kamali and Professor Kamal Hassan,
are also on the list of endorsers.
the last couple of years there have been other efforts to reduce the antagonism
between Sunnis and Shias and to promote better understanding between the two
sects. In May 2013, through JUST, I initiated a joint appeal from Tun Dr.
Mahathir Mohamad and the former Iranian President, Muhammad Khatami, to Sunnis
and Shias the world over to stop killing one another. In early October this
year, I co-convened a special session at the World Public Forum in Rhodes,
Greece which brought together Sunni and Shia scholars from different countries
who reiterated their support for the Amman Message and proposed various other
measures to improve ties between the two groups.
Given the prevailing negative attitude towards
Shias among some religious and political figures in Malaysia, it is imperative
that the Prime Minister, the Minister in charge of Islamic Affairs in the Prime
Minister’s Office, and State and Federal Territory Muftis publicly endorse the
Amman Message. There are at least 5
compelling reasons why they should do so.
1) It would signal a clear
rejection of the erroneous view propagated by a segment of the media and
various public personalities that the Shias are a ‘deviant’ sect. As we have
seen, this is a view that is totally unacceptable to the overwhelming majority
of Muslims who see them as integral to the ummah.2) It would assure Malaysian Muslims as a whole that those who demonise Shias and place them in the same category as cults such as “Tuhan Harun” have not gained control of the Religious Establishment and are not dictating policies pertaining to Islam.
3) It would serve to assuage the fear among thinking Malaysians that certain aspects of our domestic and foreign policies are being increasingly influenced by the interests of retrogressive, conservative forces from elsewhere who are unwittingly undermining our social cohesion, on the one hand, and our national sovereignty, on the other.
4) It would reinforce our commitment to the unity of the Muslim ummah especially since the Sunni-Shia divide has been exploited by various groups to weaken Muslim solidarity in the face of monumental challenges emanating from global powers bent on perpetuating their hegemony.
5) It would contribute significantly to national unity since the Amman Message also contains ideas which are most conducive for fostering empathy in a multi-religious society. It states lucidly that “Islam honours every human being, without regard to race and religion.” It further emphasises that “Islam demands that the faithful treat others as they desire to be treated. It urges tolerance and forgiveness, qualities that elevate human life, and calls for treating others justly, safeguarding their rights and possessions.”
It is not enough for our political and religious
leaders to merely endorse the Amman Message. The Message should be made part of
the Islamic curriculum in secondary schools and universities. It should be
distributed within the entire community of ustaz and ustazah (religious
teachers) throughout the country. The Amman Message should be integrated into
the Friday Khutbah (sermon) and the media, especially Radio and Television,
should focus on it.
When the Amman Message becomes an important dimension
of the collective consciousness of the people, Malaysian Muslims will have a
better appreciation of the relationship between Sunnis and Shias. They will understand their similarities and
differences in the context of the essence of Islam. It is when they become
really knowledgeable about the essence of Islam that the inclination to switch
from one sect to another will also diminish.
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is Chairman of the Board of
Trustees of Yayasan 1Malaysia and President of the International Movement for a
Just World (JUST).
Feel free to forward it to members of your organization and friends.
We welcome feedback. Please email to contact@yayasan1malaysia.org
Thank you.
Yayasan 1Malaysia
1257, Jalan Telok
Off Jalan Gasing
46000 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-7781 4575
Fax: 03-7770 4568
Website: www.yayasan1malaysia.org
Chandra Muzaffar.
The recent proposal by some political and religious leaders to amend the Malaysian Constitution to specify that Article 3 which states that “Islam is the religion of the Federation” refers only to the teachings of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah(ASWJ) has far-reaching implications. Does it mean that non-Sunni, minority sects will not be recognised as Islamic? If such sects --- the Shias being a case in point --- are not recognised as Islamic, what would be their status? How would such an amendment impact upon Malay Shias since Islam is one of the defining attributes of Malay identity?
From the perspective of the global Muslim community, this attempt to confine Islam to the ASWJ runs contrary to the thinking of the vast majority of Sunni scholars themselves. Though they acknowledge the differences between the ASWJ and the Shias, they have always regarded the minority sect as a legitimate part of the Muslim ummah. This was reiterated in unambiguous language in the Amman Message which has been described as one of the most important declarations produced by the Muslim world in the last one thousand years.
Initiated by King Abdullah 11, the monarch of Jordan, in November 2004, the Amman Message was formalised by 200 of the world’s leading Islamic scholars from 50 countries at an international conference in Amman in July 2005. Among them were the Grand Shaykh Al-Azhar, Shaykh Mohammed Sayyid Tantawi and Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, both Sunnis, and the Grand Ayatollah Sistani, a Shia. The Amman Message embodies three essential points.
1) It recognises the validity of all 8 Mathhabs (legal schools) of Sunni, Shia and Ibadhi Islam; of traditional Islamic theology ( Ash’arism); of Islamic Mysticism ( Sufism), and of true Salafi thought.
2) It forbids takfir (declarations of apostasy) between Muslims.
3) It sets forth the subjective and objective preconditions for the issuing of fatwas, thereby exposing ignorant and illegitimate edicts in the name of Islam.
These three points were adopted at the OIC summit in Mecca in December 2005 and at other scholarly assemblies culminating with its acceptance by the International Islamic Fiqh Academy of Jeddah in July 2006.
The official website of The Amman Message shows that the Message and its three points have been endorsed by a large number of Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers and
other high officials, apart from notable religious personalities representing the majority and
minority sects within the ummah. Both King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Ayatollah Al-
Sayyid Ali Khamenei of Iran are endorsers.
It is significant that from Malaysia, the former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,
heads the list of endorsers. The current leader of the Opposition, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim is
also an endorser as are two serving Ministers in the present Federal Cabinet, namely, Dato
Seri Shahidan Kassim and Khairy Jamaluddin. Two established Malaysian Islamic scholars,
Professor Hashim Kamali and Professor Kamal Hassan, are also on the list of endorsers.
In the last couple of years there have been other efforts to reduce the antagonism between
Sunnis and Shias and to promote better understanding between the two sects. In May 2013,
through JUST, I initiated a joint appeal from Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and the former
Iranian President, Muhammad Khatami, to Sunnis and Shias the world over to stop killing
one another. In early October this year, I co-convened a special session at the World Public
Forum in Rhodes, Greece which brought together Sunni and Shia scholars from different
countries who reiterated their support for the Amman Message and proposed various other
measures to improve ties between the two groups.
Given the prevailing negative attitude towards Shias among some religious and political
figures in Malaysia, it is imperative that the Prime Minister, the Minister in charge of Islamic
Affairs in the Prime Minister’s Office, and State and Federal Territory Muftis publicly
endorse the Amman Message. There are at least 5 compelling reasons why they should do
1) It would signal a clear rejection of the erroneous view propagated by a segment of
the media and various public personalities that the Shias are a ‘deviant’ sect. As we
have seen, this is a view that is totally unacceptable to the overwhelming majority of
Muslims who see them as integral to the ummah.
2) It would assure Malaysian Muslims as a whole that those who demonise Shias and
place them in the same category as cults such as “Tuhan Harun” have not gained
control of the Religious Establishment and are not dictating policies pertaining to
3) It would serve to assuage the fear among thinking Malaysians that certain aspects of
our domestic and foreign policies are being increasingly influenced by the interests
of retrogressive, conservative forces from elsewhere who are unwittingly
undermining our social cohesion, on the one hand, and our national sovereignty, on
the other.
4) It would reinforce our commitment to the unity of the Muslim ummah especially
since the Sunni-Shia divide has been exploited by various groups to weaken Muslim
solidarity in the face of monumental challenges emanating from global powers bent
on perpetuating their hegemony.
5) It would contribute significantly to national unity since the Amman Message also contains ideas which are most conducive for fostering empathy in a multi-religious society. It states lucidly that “Islam honours every human being, without regard to race and religion.” It further emphasises that “Islam demands that the faithful treat others as they desire to be treated. It urges tolerance and forgiveness, qualities that elevate human life, and calls for treating others justly, safeguarding their rights and possessions.”
It is not enough for our political and religious leaders to merely endorse the Amman Message. The Message should be made part of the Islamic curriculum in secondary schools and universities. It should be distributed within the entire community of ustaz and ustazah (religious teachers) throughout the country. The Amman Message should be integrated into the Friday Khutbah (sermon) and the media, especially Radio and Television, should focus on it.
When the Amman Message becomes an important dimension of the collective consciousness of the people, Malaysian Muslims will have a better appreciation of the relationship between Sunnis and Shias. They will understand their similarities and differences in the context of the essence of Islam. It is when they become really knowledgeable about the essence of Islam that the inclination to switch from one sect to another will also diminish.
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Yayasan 1Malaysia and President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST).
23 December 2013.
