Sunday, June 29, 2008

Yesterday on the 29th of June 2008 a guy by the name of Saiful Bukhari made a police report for being sodomise by the former Deputy Prime Minister Dato' Sri Anwar Ibrahim. As usual denials from his aide and conspiracy theories were bandied. I am aghast and alarm that the Malay public would still believe this man especially the plot about him that says he is to be assasinated by the powers that be. It is ludicrous and boder to extreme paronia of the aides and him in question. Reprint below is an article written by Astora Jebat in 1998. He is a well known jounalist of Utusan.

Fitnah Pas senjata makan diri



Jangan berasa muak membaca perbincangan mengenai Amanat Haji Hadi kerana penulis dalam ruangan ini akan membincangnya dari sudut yang berbeza daripada yang pernah dibincang pada masa lalu. Sebenarnya Amanat Haji Hadi merupakan antara beberapa senjata yang digunakan oleh Pas untuk memerangi UMNO, tetapi malangnya ia kini menjadi makan tuan.Malah lebih dari itu senjata seperti itu nampaknya mampu membunuh imej pemimpin-pemimpin Pas tertentu atau sekurang-kurang mengurangkan pengaruh mereka terutama di kalangan golongan berpendidikan.Sebagai contoh Timbalan Presiden Pas Abdul Hadi Awang yang sering menggunakan senjata seperti itu sedikit demi sedikit kelunturan imej.Sebenarnya banyak senjata yang digunakan oleh Pas menjadi senjata makan tuan.
Senjata makan tuan Abdul Hadi sendiri bukan Amanat itu saja, tetapi ada senjata-senjata lain termasuk membaca sebahagian ayat al-Quran dan menyembunyikan sebahagian ayat lain untuk menghukumkan kerjasama UMNO dengan bukan Islam adalah haram seperti penulis pernah dedahkan dulu.
Senjata makan tuan Abdul Hadi yang terbaru ialah buku beliau yang berjudul Qazaf, Mangsa Fitnah.Buku yang kata pengantarnya ditulis Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim itu memaparkan gambar Anwar mata lebam sebagai kulit.Buku ini didakwa membincang tentang keadilan sejati menurut al-Quran dan sunah, tetapi yang sebenarnya adalah sebaliknya kerana ia pandangan Abdul Hadi semata-mata.
Abdul Hadi dalam buku itu cuba menghalalkan fitnah Pas dengan al-Quran dan sunah. Al-Quran dan hadis tidak kena mengena dengan fitnah yang digunakan oleh Pas untuk meraih sokongan politik dalam pilihan raya umum ke-10 pada tahun 1999 dulu.Penulis menganggap senjata makan tuan Abdul Hadi itu sebagai senjata makan tuan terbaru kerana beliau baru mendokumentasikannya dalam buku. Tidak lama lagi penulis akan mengupaskan kandungan buku itu satu persatu dalam bingkai membincangi hudud Pas.Dalam buku Qazaf itu Abdul Hadi cuba menutup fitnah Pas.
Ini kerana yang mendedah keaiban Anwar bukan UMNO, tetapi Pas.Mungkin ada orang-orang tertentu yang menjadi seteru Anwar dalam UMNO turut menggunakan keaiban Anwar untuk menjatuh beliau selepas tersebar khabar angin mengenai salah laku seks beliau, tetapi yang jelas ialah Pas lebih ketara dan lebih berkesan dalam menggunakan isu itu untuk menghentam kerajaan. Sebagai contoh Pas melalui Harakah dan Tamadun membuat serang besar-besaran dalam mendedahkan keaiban Anwar dengan tujuan untuk menggunakan isu salah laku seks beliau sebagai senjata untuk menjatuh kerajaan.Harakah dan Tamadun pada tahun 1997 dan tahun 1998 menyiarkan pelbagai cerita dan komen yang sensasi mengenai Anwar dan yang jelas menjejaskan imej bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri ketika beliau masih berada dalam kerajaan.
Penulis percaya Anwar sedar perkara ini dan beliau tidak akan lupa buat selama-lamanya. Salah seorang yang terlibat secara langsung dalam memerangi Anwar dalam Harakah dan Tamadun ialah penulis buku politik Ahmad Lutfi Othman.Ahmad Lutfi hampir setiap keluaran Harakah dan Tamadun menulis tulisan yang mencemarkan imej Anwar. Ahmad Lutfi baru mengubah pendirian dan berhenti menyerang Anwar pada September 1998.Beliau dalam Harakah keluaran 7 September selepas Anwar dipecat mula mengubah pendirian dan menunjukkan sikap sedikit simpati kepada Anwar dan mengkritik Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad pula.
Selain Harakah dan Tamadun, ceramah-ceramah Pas juga digunakan untuk mendedahkan keaiban Anwar untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan.Ahli Parlimen Kuala Kedah, Muhamad Sabu umpamanya dalam ceramah beliau di merata tempat menggelarkan Anwar sebagai Anwar al-Ju****.Selain itu Ahli Parlimen Baling, Taib Azamudden Md. Taib pernah bersetuju membuat rakaman video dengan seorang mangsa Anwar ketika beliau masih menjadi Imam Masjid Negara. Beliau pada ketika itu masih bekerja dengan kerajaan, tetapi hati telah berpihak kepada Pas.Dikatakan beliau bersetuju membuat rakaman luahan hati mangsa berkenaan kerana berniat untuk merencanakan perkara itu bagi menentang Anwar dan sekali gus membantu Pas menjatuh kerajaan.
Bagaimanapun, seperti kata pepatah, kita hanya merancang tetapi Tuhan yang menentukannya. Pas atau Taib Azamudden tidak sempat menggunakan rakaman video dengan mangsa Anwar sebagai senjata untuk menghentam UMNO atau kerajaan. Ini kerana tidak berapa lama selepas itu Anwar dipecat daripada kerajaan dan UMNO. Sedangkan Taib Azamudden pula kembali ke pangkuan Pas.Sebagai hasilnya senjata Pas itu menjadi senjata yang memakan diri sendiri.
Kini rakaman video Taib Azamudden itu tersebar luas di kalangan masyarakat.Jika memperhatikan tindak tanduk Taib Azamudden sejak berada dalam Pas, kita akan mendapati bahawa beliau merupakan seorang ahli politik Pas yang paling kurang bercakap tentang Anwar.Kenapa? Jawapannya kerana beliau sendiri percaya apa yang dilakukan oleh Anwar berdasarkan kepada perbincangan beliau dengan mangsa Anwar yang dirakam dalam video itu.
Rakaman yang memakan masa lebih satu jam dan salinan yang dibuat ke atas kertas pula melebihi 20 muka surat itu mengandungi pertanyaan, minta nasihat, kaunseling dan pandangan agama oleh mangsa.Mangsa yang menganggap dirinya dipaksa dipermainkan secara sumbang itu di antara lainnya menyoal Taib Azamudden apakah dia boleh bertaubat, adakah taubat akan diterima Allah.Dalam pada itu jika diperhatikan pendirian beberapa orang pemimpin Pas kecuali Datuk Fadzil Noor, kita akan dapati bahawa mereka juga menunjukkan sikap menentang Anwar atau sekurang-kurangnya tidak berpihak kepada beliau ketika khabar angin mengenai salah laku seksnya tersebar luas.
Malah ketika Anwar sudah dipecat dan mula menggerakkan orang ramai supaya melancarkan reformasi pun, kita dapati ada di kalangan pemimpin Pas yang berpendirian tidak menyokong Anwar.Sekadar contoh penulis mengutip kenyataan Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat di mana beliau pada 5 September 1998 menyatakan bahawa Pas tidak tertarik dengan ajakan Anwar supaya parti-parti pembangkang menyertainya menubuhkan sebuah organisasi bagi melancarkan gerakan reformasi di negara ini walaupun sehari sebelum itu Nik Aziz menyatakan dukacita dengan perlucutan jawatan Anwar akibat tuduhan-tuduhan yang dilempar kepadanya.Pada 15 September 1998 pula Nik Aziz menasihati Anwar membersihkan diri daripada sebarang isu berkaitan peribadinya dahulu.

So now Anwar has gone into hiding frothing conspiracy theories and act as he is being victimised again! I wonder why is it so gullible the malays to jump into his lies! If it is so that he is to be assasinated why hide in the Turkish Embassy if not ( I am being a devil's advocate hero) waiting for the instruction from his jewish master after all Turkey Israel relationship is well documented. See or here We all know that Paul Wolfowitz the former Secretary of Defence of US and former world bank President who happens to be a jew is his good friend. The scandal clad wolfowitz
therefore is it not safe to conclude that the reason that he could bring the old price down is because his close relationship with the jews, as the main reason for the unbelievable high oil price is because speculation of the trading house which sadly and mainly controls by Jews such as Sach and Solomon? Since he is a weak Goyim thus he needs protection for his penchant and wait for instruction from his Masters. Is he groom to be the next Attarturk?, reformer who is the bane of Muslim all around the world who is said to be gay too! maybe, he is after all a Munafik? see Wallahuallam Bisawab!

Note : If Datuk Sri is hollering conspiracies everywhere why can't I! Two can play the same game only mine would never be accepted as the Malays like heroes and I am not one!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I feel vindicated! Today I got my new Identity Card and i feel happy! Below are emails written by me to a star journalist and a letter written about the reason oil price. At least what I have voice out for so long has found the light of day!

Contrary to popular belief, globalization and capitalism in its form today is never going to lift the life of the poor, reduce the income gap worldwide and eradicate global poverty.
By themole
Capitalism in definition and practice is an economic system which concentrates the economic power in the hands of the few at the expense of majority. The proponents of free market capitalism argue that free circulation of capital (one of the basic tenets of neo-liberalism) will increase the quality of life of world’s poorest by growing their collective wealth by an unprecedented rate. But yet, we continue to witness the relentless pursuit of short term profit in capital market that has collectively reduce the cumulative capital of the society and has left millions homeless, starved and risking death.
For the neo-liberalist, the market is apparently so wise in that it can bring good out of evil. By looking at the way it operates one has to wonder whether is the market suffering from a disease termed ‘economic myopia’. Its symptom includes a long standing problem of economic blindness. To be precise, selective blindness- against the impoverished member of the society, the old, the jobless and the sick. If you are all that they say, it’s your fault because you did not work hard enough. Fuel price is burdening? Well, is not life just tough? Live with it, they will say.
According to an interesting article by David Boyle regarding the unbalance distribution of income worldwide, he notes that currencies are changing hands of about $2 trillion a day with only 2% involves trading in real goods and services. The rest is all speculation. This speculative flow increases to fewer people and fewer places and sucks more of the world’s capital day by day. It is so attractive due to its short term profit. In the long run, capital will be pulled away from much needed investment in infrastructures, human capital or scientific research particularly in developing economies.
The skyrocketing prices in food and fuel have triggered riots and demonstration in 30 countries. According to an article in a local finance daily, speculators are the primary cause in the recent fuel price hike. As of 2003, assets allocated to commodity index trading stood at US$13billion, but in March 2008 it has gone up to a staggering US$260billion. Much of it is attributed to hedge funds and future contracts stockpiling petroleum, thereby creating an artificial demand in the market causing others to also buy hoping to profit. This results in positive feedback loop and price rises dramatically.
As more and more speculative demand fund the fuel market, their price get distorted and its highly unlikely it will return to its original pricing. It has to be noted that the increase has nothing to do with underlying supply and demand and the so called free trade is the culprit, and is strongly condemned. Some political leaders like German transport chief Uwe Beckmeyer blame the spike on manipulation and proposed for a worldwide ban on oil trading by speculator. Nevertheless, judging by the strong lobbying power of these free trade bureaucrats, expect the fuel to reach US$200 per barrel in the near future.
Contrary to popular belief, globalization and capitalism in its form today is never going to lift the life of the poor, reduce the income gap worldwide and eradicate global poverty. Instead, we continue to witness how these ‘neo-liberalism’ policies championed by the World Bank, IMF and WTO are forcefully imposed on developing economies which ultimately enrich only certain segment of the society, making the rich richer and the poor poorer. It also suppresses the voice of the local communities; legitimize environmental annihilation and accelerating inflation in developing countries.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

IMF Boss saying the speculators might be responsible for the price hike!

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, seen April 12, tight demand and supply conditions were the key reason for soaring oil prices, which are up fivefold since 2003, but added that may not be thought to explain all the surge.. First Picture

Second Picture
Idris Jala former executive of Shell and now our airline Managing Director

I have been bombarded by negative statement about the risen oil price increase. Most are ludicrous and sadly shows the stupidity of the Malays as the emotional response from them shows their inability to comprehend and lacking the innate ability to deduce the knowledge available. True, the government could have staggered the price increase and this should have been done a long time ago. I am not please with the government for that but that does not give me the right to say what was done was wrong, the manner it was done perhaps was wrong but nevertheless those in the know knew that we need to increase our price.

The trouble with the PM is, he lacks vision nor does he did his homework so that when the time comes whereas he could make a decision that can be his, he relied instead to his advisers. About the oil price, the price is perhaps has been overblown too much. It is perhaps because the characteristic of the modern economy where we allowed people to buy in the future. Futures trading or forward buying's or options are a bane of the new world. A product of the monetarist policy especially Friedman where wealth can be control by the velocity of money produce MV = PT result in business transaction which result in a bubble effect on the economy. Unlike traditional Kensyian theory where inflation can be control by monetary and fiscal policy, Friedman says it can be control by the volume of the transaction process. When you allow forward buying or options you allow people to gamble on the future in these case commodities i.e. oil. This is wrong, it allowed speculators to "play" with unbridled energy. It allows capitalist greed uncontrollable ability to make 'wrong' money. Unlike 1997 when these speculators play with vigor in destroying Asian Countries in speculating their currency, resulting in countries like Thailand and Indonesia seeking financial Aid from IMF and the world Bank, which resulted in the disintegration of companies align to the governments as a protection against and for the native participation in the economic field and made these countries turn back the clock ten years! Indonesia is still suffering of the effect of these crisis and nearly disintegrate as a nation.

These speculators need to be ban and someone need to control them. In Malaysia when it hit us, we control our currency to be traded. It help us, we retain our independent to make decision base on our needs and need not comply with the instruction of the Bull. Back to Oil, we are lucky that we are a producer and net exporter of oil. Other countries are unlucky, they are suffering because of these speculators. Someone must do something. we need to have a control on our commodities, trade as you must but forward trading must be control, this is not a gambling place for it destroy nation. I am not being anti Jew, but funny, that most of the trading house are Jews like Sach, Solomon and you start to wonder?

Fossil fuel is bad for earth. Burning it creates a green house effect. Good , let's fine something alternative, but do we need to hit bellow the belt? So far the demand of oil has remain constant, we perhaps has produce I trillion barrel of oil and the world up to now has a reserve of a trillion more and a trillion still need to be found. There should be no shortage of oil in fact there isn't. There is a high demand from countries like India and China but overall it has remain constant. So far the cost of producing oil is less than a dollar, even if price has gone up significantly it is perhaps only three times now than it was before, but then the price of oil has traded from USD30 a while back to USD135 now is mind boggling. Soon it would reach USD200 if the prediction of these trading house comes true. This is ridiculous but the havoc it creates for other countries is bad. The poor is getting poorer, sadly most of the food produce need oil to generate her tools thus food is getting pricier and more hunger is created. we must stop this speculators at all cost. As for Malaysia it can't be help, sadly for a small nation like ours keeping the price low and subsidizing it is not an option for we have one of the largest shoreline compare to other nation. making the commodities a hot commodity to be smuggle if it is so cheap!

The government is trying hard to alleviate the poor but subsidizing it should be direct to avoid leakages. As I said I do understand the predicament that the government is facing but it is tough decision that need to be made. Please read this article below and do read some more before jumping to any conclusion.

Thursday June 5, 2008

Idris: There's no global fuel shortage


ISTANBUL: There is no shortage of oil in the world and its present price level was driven up by unreal speculation, said Malaysia Airlines managing director and chief executive Datuk Seri Idris Jala.

He said the present oil price at over US$135 was unrealistic and based on certain global events that might have caused a shortage of supply.

"These people (speculators and hedge funds) buy oil futures and say that this or that event may cause an oil shortage.

"Not very long after this, people react to this and by then the message would be 'there is a shortage of supply' even though there is none," Idris told the international media here at the close of the 64th International Air Transport Association annual general meeting.

IATA, which is an association of legacy full service airlines with over 200 members, had issued a statement at the end of its meeting that the industry was now in a state of an emergency because of the fuel price crisis.

Idris was a former senior executive with Shell Plc based in London and the Hague for almost 20 years. While there, he had headed various departments, including business development.

Speaking as a former oilman, Idris said there were two ways to see whether there was an oil shortage.

"First, look at the oil tankers at sea. If they are not moving and just floating out at sea, that means they have no crude or processed oil to transport. That is not happening and that means there is no shortage.

"Second, go to the petrol stations. If there are long queues, that means there is a shortage. Again, this is not happening and this can only mean there is more than enough supply.

"As an ex-oilman, I tell you there is no shortage."

Idris pointed out that certain analysts and financial companies that produced reports about the shortage were also oil futures traders.

Asked what he thought was the fair value of crude oil at present, Idris replied: "US$40."

He also criticised speculators and hedge funds, saying that he did not trust anything that he could not touch.

"I always believe in the brick and mortar – something I can touch. These people are trading with nothing.

"Many years ago, we at Shell had wanted to buy Enron. I was leading the team then and we hired over 60 consultants to study how a company with no oil fields, refineries or gas stations could make so much money.

"One of the consultants tried to convince me to recommend to the Shell bosses to buy Enron but I said no because I could not touch what they were trading in," Idris said in the one-hour briefing for the media about MAS' performance and future.

He only expressed his opinion on the oil crisis after being asked by several journalists.

Idris was proven right on Enron because the so-called energy company collapsed four years ago under massive accounting fraud.


Monday, June 09, 2008

My Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad
Everybody seem to talk about the oil increase. Everywhere I go people are annoyed of the oil prices. Petrol and diesel prices has gone up tremendously last two weeks, and every country in Asia the poor are getting difficult to live and that is sad. Here is a piece written by Mahathir Mohammad our former Prime Minister which I tend to disagree with but overall what he say is quite true but I suspect a hidden motive more than anything.

The price of crude oil has increased by 400 percent in the last three years. It follows that the price of products must increase, sooner or later. In other countries petrol prices had already increased. In the United Kingdom one litre of petrol sells for more than one pound sterling or RM7. In the United States it is about RM5.
That the price in neighbouring countries has gone up is shown by the rush to fill up by Thai and to a lesser extent Singapore vehicles.
The Government has now announced an increase in petrol price by 78 sen to RM2.70 per litre, an increase of more than 40 per cent.
I may be mistaken but there seems to be less vehicles on the road today. But obviously that is not all that will happen. All other consumer goods, services and luxury goods would increase in price.
The cost of living must go up. Put another way there will be inflation and the standard of living will go down.
Obviously our increase in petrol price is far less than in the United Kingdom or the United States. But our per capita income is about one-third of theirs. In purchasing power terms our increase is more than in the UK or the US.
The increase hurts but the pain is greater not just because of the increase percentage-wise is higher than in developed countries but because of the manner the increase is made.
A few days ago the Government decided to ban sale of petrol to foreign cars. It flipped. Now foreign cars can buy again. Flopped.
Knowing that in a few days it was going to raise the price and foreigners would be allowed to buy, why cannot the Government just wait instead of banning and unbanning.
But be that as it may what could the Government have done to lessen the burden on the people that results from the increase in petrol price.
In the first place the Government should not have floated the Ringgit. A floating rate creates uncertainties and we cannot gain anything from the strengthened Ringgit. Certainly the people have not experienced any increase in their purchasing power because of the appreciation in the exchange rate between the US Dollar and the Ringgit.
Actually the Ringgit has increased by about 80 sen (from RM3.80 to RM3.08 to 1 US Dollar) per US Dollar, i.e. by more than 20 per cent. Had the Government retained the fixed rate system and increased the value of the Ringgit, say 10 per cent at a time, the cost of imports, in Ringgit terms can be monitored and reduced by 10 per cent. At 20 per cent appreciation the cost of imports should decrease by 20 per cent. But we know the prices of imported goods or services have not decreased at all. This means we are paying 20 per cent higher for our imports including the raw material and components for our industries.
Since oil prices are fixed in US Dollar, the increase in US Dollar prices of oil should also be mitigated by 20 per cent in Malaysian Ringgit.
But the Government wants to please the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and decided to float the Ringgit. As a result the strengthening of the Ringgit merely increased our cost of exports without giving our people the benefit of lower cost of imports.
This is not wisdom after the event. I had actually told a Government Minister not to float the Ringgit three years ago. But of course I am not an expert, certainly I know little about the international financial regimes.
I believe the people expect the increase of petrol price. But what they are angry about is the quantum and the suddenness. The Prime Minister was hinting at August but suddenly it came two months earlier, just after the ban on sale of petrol to foreigners.
If the increase had been more gradual, the people would not feel it so much. But of course this means that the Government would have to subsidise, though to a decreasing extent.
Can the Government subsidise? I am the "adviser" to Petronas but I know very little about it beyond what is published in its accounts. What I do know may not be very accurate but should be sufficient for me to draw certain conclusions.
Roughly Malaysia produces 650,000 barrels of crude per day. We consume 400,000 barrels leaving 250,000 barrels to be exported.
Three years ago the selling price of crude was about USD30 per barrel. Today it is USD130 – an increase of USD100. There is hardly any increase in the production cost so that the extra USD100 can be considered as pure profit.
Our 250,000 barrels of export should earn us 250,000 x 100 x 365 x 3 = RM27,375,000,000 (twenty seven billion Ringgit).
But Petronas made a profit of well over RM70 billion, all of which belong to the Government.
By all accounts the Government is flushed with money.
But besides petrol the prices of palm oil, rubber and tin have also increased by about 400 per cent. Plantation companies and banks now earn as much as RM3 billion in profits each. Taxes paid by them must have also increased greatly.
I feel sure that maintaining the subsidy and gradually decreasing it would not hurt the Government finances.
In the medium term ways and means must be found to reduce wasteful consumption and increase income. We may not be able to fix the minimum wage at a high level but certainly we can improve the minimum wage.
Actually our wages are high compared to some of our neighbours. The investors who come here are attracted not by cheap labour but by other factors, among which is the attitude of the Government towards the business community and the investors in particular.
From what I hear business friendliness is wanting in the present Government – so much so that even Malaysians are investing in other countries. There are rumblings about political affiliations influencing decisions. Generally Government politicians are said to be arrogant.
Malaysia is short of manpower. The labour intensive industries are not benefiting Malaysians. Foreign workers are remitting huge sums of money home.
The industrial policy must change so that high tech is promoted in order to give Malaysians higher wages to cope with rising costs of living.
The world is facing economic turmoil due to the depreciation of the US Dollar, the sub-prime loan crisis, rising oil and raw material prices, food shortages and the continued activities of the greedy hedge funds. The possibility of a US recession is real. In a way the US is already in recession. The world economy will be dragged down by it.
Malaysia will be affected by all these problems. I wonder whether the Government is prepared for this.
We cannot avoid all the negative effects but there must be ways to mitigate against them and to lessen the burden that must be borne by all Malaysians. I am sure the Government will not just pass all these problems to the people as the review of oil prices every month seem to suggest.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Last Monday I was due to met My Step Grandma but due to heavy rain I have to postpone. I took the bus as normal that day and while waiting for the bus i was pickpocketed. It happen on the the 2nd of June 2008 at 4.30. I lost my wallet containing vital and important documents like my Identity Card and Driving lisence and some monies. The monies I dont mind losing but not the documents. Some are personal and I wish I could get it back but I can't. Yesterday the Government announce a hike in the price of Petrol. A huge jump of 41%, it means the local folks must change their habits because the hike in price also includes Electric tariff. I do not mind using the public transport but make it safe. The LRT and Commuter stations that serve the public are relatively safe but not the bus station. Some are dingy ,filthy and poor ventilation. Light them up and spruce them befitting a country that is going places. Overall make sure the bus run on time. Below i am posting an article written by the late Rustam Sani the son of Ahmad Boestaman. My opinion which to me i still stand was angrilly rebuted. But as I said the Merdeka warriors are different than the merdeka heroes and Merdeka heroes to me is the reserve of Tunku and his cronies at that time. To fight againts the British doesn't make you a hero of the independence it made you warrior but not heroes!

Friday, October 14, 2005
Si jahil sejarah dan keangkuhannya
Oleh Rustam A. Sani
Babak penutup kontroversi antara Ronnie Liu dari DAP dan para pemimpin Pergerakan Pemuda Umno benar-benar telah menelanjangi sahsiah politik para pemimpin Pergerakan Pemuda Umno yang sebenarnya. Sesiapa yang berani menyerahkan masa depan negara ini kepada pergerakan itu sudah sepatutnyalah mulai berasa gusar dan malu.
Segalanya bermula dengan sebuah rencana Ronnie Liu yang menafikan sebuah mitos umum yang cuba diperkembangkan oleh Umno selama ini bahawa para pemimpin parti itulah yang secara eksklusifnya telah memperjuangkan kemerdekaan negara ini. Rencana Ronnie ini sebaliknya mendakwa bahawa ada pihak-pihak lain yang sumbangannya terhadap pencapaian kemerdekaan negara ini tidak sepatutnya dinafikan.
Antara "pihak-pihak lain" yang telah disebutnya itu ialah Chin Peng dan Parti Komunis Malaya.
Kenyataan itu tampaknya telah menimbulkan amarah Timbalan Ketua dan Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda Umno – dua orang tokoh yang sejak akhir-akhir ini beria-ia benar menekankan peranan mereka sebagai pejuang maruah Melayu dan pembela agenda Melayu. Beria-ialah mereka menafikan peranan Chin Peng itu, tanpa sedikitpun menyedari bahawa "peranan" itu tidak dapat dinafikan oleh hakikat sejarah maupun oleh kenyataan rasmi kerajaan yang pernah diucapkan melalui bekas Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Seri Abdul Rahim Noor.
Dalam amarah amat sangat para pejuang yang mendakwa diri mereka sebagai "pejuang agenda Melayu" ini mereka lalu mengada-adakan tuduhan bahawa Ronnie Liu telah menafikan sumbangan Tunku Abdul Rahman. Pada hakikatnya "penafian" yang mereka dakwa itu tidak terdapat dalam tulisan Ronnie Liu itu.
Namun mereka tidak peduli. Dalam kemarahan mereka, bukan sekadar Ronnie malahan juga Ketua Pembangkang, Pengerusi DAP Lim Kit Siang, dituntut supaya membuat penjelasan di Parlimen apakah kenyataan itu sekadar pandangan Ronnie Liu atau sebenarnya merupakan pandangan rasmi DAP. Jelaslah taktik ini merupakan taktik para ahli politik yang licik untuk memperoleh publisiti murahan – bukannya reaksi seorang yang terpelajar yang memahami realiti sejarah negara ini dengan mendalam.
Selain itu, permainan politik licik ini mendapat bantuan pula daripada pelbagai akhbar media arus perdana negara ini, khususnya Utusan Malaysia dan Berita Harian, dan beberapa stesyen televisyen. Selain pandangan orang ramai dan para ahli politik, media terbebut juga turut memperbesar-besarkan pandangan beberapa ahli sejarah bergelar Profesor. Dalam hal ini para profesor itu tidak sekadar memihak kepada Pemuda Umno, tetapi sesungguhnya mendedahkan pengetahuan cetek mereka sendiri tentang sejarah nasionalisme negara ini – sesuai dengan kemampuan mereka sebagai para "sarjana kangkung".
Nyatalah bahawa permainan politik perkauman yang licik ini tidak menggemparkan Ronnie Liu. Sebaliknya beliau telah dua kali mengulang cabarannya kepada Ketua dan Timbalan Ketua Pemuda Umno supaya mengadakan perdebatan umum dan terbuka (secara 'cool') tentang perkara yang telah ditimbulkannya dalam tulisannya – dan tentang kemampuan dua tokoh Pemuda Umno itu memahami apa yang telah ditulisnya.
Saya sendiri berdebar-debar menunggu reaksi para pemimpin Pemuda Umno itu. Malah saya berharap agar "perdebatan" itu tidak sekadar ditumpukan kepada rencana Ronnie Liu itu sahaja, tetapi diperluaskan juga kepada isu-isu seperti nasionalisme Melayu, perjuangan mencapai kemerdekaan Malaya, peranan pelbagai tokoh dan aliran politik di negara ini terhadap perjuangan mencapai kemerdekaan, dan sebagainya.
Saya tentu sahaja sangat berminat terhadap bidang tersebut, sesuai dengan minat saya sebagai seorang yang terdidik dalam bidang sosiologi politik dan telah menulis buku dan rencana tentang nasionalisme Melayu dan gagasan bangsa Malaysia. Saya amat mengharapkan pemikiran saya tentang isu-isu tersebut akan diperjelas dan dipertajam oleh pemikiran mendalam para pemimpin Pergerakan Pemuda Umno yang amat tinggi pendidikannya itu.
Sayang sekali ajakan Ronnie Liu itu telah ditolak oleh Ketua Pemuda Umno. Malah dia menyatakan bahawa dia akan melarang Timbalan Ketuanya menerima cabaran berdebat itu. Alasan yang diberikannya ialah dia tidak akan tunduk begitu rendah untuk menerima ajakan berdebat dengan pihak DAP itu. Ertinya dia menganggap dirinya terlalu tinggi untuk berdebat dengan Ronnie Liu!
Saya sungguh kecewa. Bukan sahaja kerana harapan saya untuk belajar daripada para pemimpin Pemuda Umno yang terpelajar itu tidak akan kesampaian, tetapi juga kerana alasan yang mereka berikan untuk menolak ajakan berdebat itu tidak memuaskan saya. Benak saya bertanya: Apakah benar mereka ini terlalu tinggi untuk berdebat dengan pihak lain yang lebih rendah daripada mereka? Atau apakah mereka ini sesungguhnya sekadar orang yang bersifat "bodoh sombong"?
Namun demikian, ada sebab lain yang lebih besar yang menjadikan saya kecewa. Sewaktu melihat cara dan gayanya sambutan kemerdekaan negara yang ke-48 dirayakan baru-baru ini saya mendapat kesan bahawa terdapat kejahilan yang amat meluas tentang sejarah negara ini. Sebab itulah perayaan hari tersebut dimanifestasikan dengan tidak lebih daripada mengibar-ngibar Jalur Gemilang, kosert duet Siti Nurhaliza dan Mawi, dan ucapan-ucapan lompong dan kosong oleh para ahli politik pemerintah.
Malah "perdebatan tak jadi" antara Ronnie Liu dan para pemimpin utama Pemuda Umno itu sendiri telah dicetuskan pada mulanya oleh kejahilan yang amat nyata – khususnya kejahilan para pemimpin Pemuda Umno – tentang realiti sejarah negara ini. Perdebatan itu kemudiannya diapi-apikan secara tolol dan tidak bertanggungjawab pula oleh para wartawan di media massa yang terkongkong oleh kuasa kerajaan, serta para ahli sejarah dari jenis sarjana kangkung di universiti-universiti tempatan.
Setelah 48 tahun kita masih belum mempunyai pengetahuan yang jitu lagi mendalam tentang sejarah kita. Cebisan-cebisan sejarah itu bukannya dihuraikan secara analitis dan konseptual, tetapi diperalatkan secara amat jahil oleh para ahli politik yang tidak segan silu memperlihatkan kejahilan mereka tentang sejarah.
Suatu ironi yang amat menarik dalam "perdebatan" kali ini ialah hakikat bahawa yang turut terlibat ialah Menteri Pelajaran sendiri, yang juga merupakan Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda Umno. Dalam sebuah sistem pendidikan yang telah begitu parah dikomoditikan dan diperdagangkan maka harapan kita agar mata pelajaran yang begitu penting seperti Sejarah akan diperkembangkan amatlah kecil sekali. Di bawah pimpinan seorang menteri yang begitu jelas kejahilannya (disalut dengan keangkuhannya yang tidak wajar) maka harapan itu bolehlah dikatakan telah sirna samasekali.
Jika pendidikan sejarah dalam sistem persekolahan kita begitu menyedihkan sekali pada waktu ini, maka harapan kita pada sistem pengajian tinggi di negara ini malah lebih menyayat hati lagi. Para ahli sejarah kita yang mengajar di universiti-universiti jelas tidak memperlihatkan kemampuannya untuk menganalisis proses sejarah negara kita secara mendalam.
Oleh yang demikian, sejarah negara kita yang amat kompleks itu tidak akan dapat dijelaskan dengan kaedah dan analisis yang jitu. Interaksi pelbagai unsur sejarah pada zaman dulu disusur-galur dengan menggunakan konsep-konsep dangkal hari ini, seperti "kerajaan" dan "pembangkang". Istilah-istilah seperti "nasionalisme" dan "kiri" telah digunakan dengan tidak amat kritis sekali. Gagasan-gagasan seperti "pengganas komunis" dan "asykar Melayu" dilaga-lagakan untuk memuaskan naluri politik perkauman yang masih tebal hari ini.
Dua tahun dari sekarang kita akan merayakan kemerdekaan setengah abad negara kita. Sayangnya, pada waktu itu kelak kita akan masih merayakannya dengan jeritan lompong dan kibaran bendera yang tidak bermakna. Kita akan berhibur, bernyanyi dan berlawak jenaka bagaikan si tolol – kerana itulah kita yang sebenarnya!
posted 8:05 AM

wan zaharizan b wan zan said...
Kepada Encik Rustam Sani yang budiman
Betapa liciknya penulisan saudara yang bagi saya hanya pandai berkata kata tetapi hakikatnya UMNOlah yang patut kita beterimakasih. Bukan Datuk Onn Bukan Chin Peng dll. Kemerdekaan sekarang ini hakikatnya kemenangan UMNO.
Saya tidak menafikan Darurat mempercepatkan kemerdekaan tetapi kalau itu hujahnya kita juga patut beterima kasih kepada labour party yang menerajui Britain waktu itu. Winston Churchill dari part conservative sekali kali tidak akan memberi kemerdekaan kepada kita.
Ataupun kita patut beterimakasih kepada Amerika Syarikat Dibawah Truman yang memperkenalkan Marshall Plan kepada Europe yaani satu projek raksasa membangunkan balik Eropah dengan duit perbendaharaan Amerika. Sewaktu itu Amerika tidak suka negeri eropah ada koloni dan mahukan negara negara ini dimerdekakan.
Ataupun kita beterimakasih kepada orang yahudi yang menarajui pemikiran dan dasar luar Amerika sewaktu itu. Lihat sendiri white house officials in 1946 to 1961's telaah dan baca.
Sesungguhnya tidak ada akhir kesudahannya keterimakasih kita kerana adanya orang seperti anda. Sejarah membuktikan kemerdekaan dimenangi oleh UMNO yang diterajui oleh Tunku. Jangan tanya motif atau sebaliknya because the argument will never stop.
Sesungguhnya corak kemerdekaan sekarangni adalah kerana UMNO dan jika Chin Peng yang menang lain lah coraknya dan juga jika PKMM yang menang. Baca buku Chin Peng pergi jumpa dia di Selatan Thai tanya sendiri corak kemerdekaan macam mana yang dia hendak untuk Malaya. Seperti mana saya utarakan beberapa kali sebagai cucu bekas komandan ke10 MCP saya amat benar tahu kehendak Chin Peng dan mereka puak kiri yang berjuang didalam hutan bersama Chin Peng.
Syukur Alhamdulillah kita merdeka seperti ini tetapi sekali lagi saya tidak menafikan atau menidakkan mereka meraka yang lepas sebagai pejuang tetapi usahlah kita menafikan juga pengorbanan UMNO walau pun kita benci pada pemimpin dia. Janganlah hanya pandai menulis dan memutarkan ayat hanya kerana benci kepada pemimpin. Jangan Kerana Nyamuk Kita Membakar Kelambu

October 14, 2005 12:38:00 PM
srilemak said...
Wan Zaharizan - pejuang kemerdekaan bukan hanya terhad kapada pemimpin2 UMNO. Jangan nafikan sumbangan penulis, guru, politikus (tak kira berhaluan kanan maupun kiri) dan juga persekitaran politik dunia dimasa itu.
Mereka yang melaungkan MERDEKA di Stadium Merdeka pada 31 Ogos 57 (dan juga mereka2 yang berdiri disampin mereka) tidak memonopoli takrif pejuang.
British setelah berundur dari India menyedari bahawa arus pemikiran politik dunia semasa itu tidak menyebelahi kolonialisma dan menukar dasar dengan memberi kemerdekaan kapada tanah jajahan mereka sebelum mereka dihalau keluar melalui revolusi dan setreusnya kehilangan pengaruh politik dan ekonomi. Dengan kelicikannya, Inggeris telah memberi kemerdekaan kapada semua tanah jajahanya pada tahun 50 dan 60an dengan memastikan mereka tetap memonopoli ekonomi dan politik negara bekas jajahan tersebut dgn menyerahkan kuasa kapada elite yang mereka percayai.
USA pun pada masa itu pun bersikap anti kolonialisma. Lihat saja peranan USA mendesak Belanda dan British (re Revolusi di Indonesia dan sengketa Suez).
Oleh kerana sdr membuat beberapa rojokan dlm blog saya harap sdr dapat membaca buku Kahin (Nationalism & Revolution in Indonesia) dan Emerson (Malaysia: Direct and Indirect Rule) untuk mengetahui sadikit latar belakang peranan USA dalam proses dekolonialisasi.
Untuk mengetahui teori sejarah dan nasionalisma sila bca buku tulisan EH Carr dan Kohn. Saya tak mahu bagi tajuknya. Kalau sdr betul2 mengetahui sejarah sdr sudah tentu tahu nama buku2 itu dan juga membaca dan memahaminya!!!

October 14, 2005 4:53:00 PM

SriBunian said...
Untuk Wan Zaharizan
Jangan hanya asyik meneliti dicelah kangkang sendiri. Lihat juga keadaan sekeliling. Kalau kita asyik memerhati dicelah kangkang sendiri, maka kita akan dapati bahawa yang "kita" itu yang paling bagus, bersih dan enak untuk dinikmati. Orang lain punya huduh, comot, buruk dan busuk.
Tidak ada sesiapa pun yang menafikan akan peranan UMNO mengembeling tenaga dan keringat untuk mencapai kemerdekaan negara ini. Wan Zaharizan harus insaf bahawa UMNO ditubuhkan pada tahun 1946 khusus untuk menentang Malayan Union, kemudian baru bertindak untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan. Prosesnya melalui pelbagai kaedah. UMNO menggunakan kaedah pujuk dan rayu serta tolerensi.
Wan Zaharizan harus ingat bahawa memperjuangkan kemerdekaan dan menghalau Inggeris di bumi ini bermula semenjak tahun 1511 lagi.Marilah kita sama-sama buka buku sejarah. Meneliti dan mengkaji secara jujur dan ikhlas.Kita hendak campak ke mana nama-nama yang tersohor seperti Tok Kenali, Datok Bahaman, Datok Maharaja Lela, Tok Janggut,Dr Burhanuddin Al-Helmi, Ishak Hj.Mohamad, Bostamam dan lain-lainnya.
Mereka ini sedikit sebanyak memberi sumbangan menghalau penjajah termasuklah Chin Ping yang menjadi isu yang paling kontroversi itu,Rashid Maidin dan rakan-rakannya.
Soal ideologi itu adalah masalah ke dua. Yang penting di sini ialah kita perlu melihat sumbangan dari mereka yang saya sebutkan itu dalam memberi suntikan semangat menghalau penjajah dan akhirnya negara ini mencapai kemerdekaan. Janganlah kita menafikan terus peranan mereka ini. Kita akui bahawa matlamat Chin Ping adalah untuk membentuk sebuah negara komunis selari dengan usaha-usaha China ketika itu menjadikan dunia disebelah sini sebagai Negara-negara komunis bertunjangkan Negara China-komunis.

October 15, 2005 12:38:00 AM