Thursday, June 24, 2010


Saudi Arabia: Will the Real Muslim Please Stand Up

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I’m sure the title has probably caught your attention. This article is not meant to mock or to be interpreted as sarcastic. It is an observation based on personal observations and as a result of many comments that have made from other posts on the topic of Islam.

From my perspective and how I was exposed and introduced to Islam, Islam was straight forward and simple. If possible, perform all the pillars of Islam, be kind, be just, do not be judgmental and live your life in a “Godly” manner. These consistent actions from the heart are what make up a sincere and exemplary Muslim.

Arriving in Saudi Arabia it became clear there are differing categories of Muslim for both men and women.

Starting with the Muslim men, they can be found in long thobes and short thobes or even Western clothes. Some will be with or without beards. Some will typically carry prayer beads regardless of what type of dress they prefer. There may be some among them who will choose to drink alcoholic beverages.

The majority of the Saudi women will wear the hijjab (head cover). Many more will also wear a niqab or perhaps a complete face veil. Some believe it is mandatory for them when wearing their abaya and out in public, to also include black gloves and thick socks. Other women will only wear the abaya without gloves and open-toed shoes minus socks. Some Saudi women believe it is mandatory for them to forego make-up or to pluck their eyebrows. Other women will wear make-up and routinely have their eyebrows shaped.

But is the appearance really all that important when questioning whether one is a real or a sincere Muslim? Aren’t the actions and what is inside of one’s heart the most important when it comes to believing and living one’s chosen faith? One can certainly look “pious and all-believing” but that does not always equate to the reality.

Is Islam in Saudi Arabia more about uniformity than unity? How much has the culture impacted on the religion since both are so intertwined in Saudi? What is YOUR interpretation of Islam and the true Muslim?

My Comment

wan zaharizan, on June 24, 2010 at 8:50 am Said:

it is an interesting topic. What is a Muslim? Coolred38 says it well a Muslim is one who submit to the will of God i.e. he is a servile servant of God for we all are his servant or his children!!! Muslims of Saudi and Indonesia will be different as Muslims in China. Even their (the architecture)mosque is different!!! In Iran Syiah is the most prevalent school of thoughts but others in the world Sunni! But even Sunni School of thoughts is divided to 4 known groups and Wahhabi which is practice in Saudi is not considered Sunni by many!!! In Syiah there are the 12 Imans and ismailiyah is the most famous because the leader happens to be Aga khan!

Here in my country we practices Sunni of the Shafie school but our belief system is a bit different than Indonesia which practice the same. Here a renown Jurist has issued fatwa disallowing Allah to be use by christian while in Indonesia this is allowed!!!

How we became Muslims too was different. In many parts of the world it was by the sword but here in the far east it was through trade and deeds of the traders.

Again (the)temperamental (of the) people that became Muslim too must be taken into account. Cultural differences that exist makeths a Muslim present his religion in a belligerent form or not!!
So what is a Muslim? A sufi one says all human were born a Muslim it was his or her action in life points him or her to be a kufur or not!! A Muslim must strive earnestly to achieve a higher state of Man. A Muslim is not just praying 5 times a day pay alms or fast it goes beyond that!!! To be a Muslim is to achieve the lofty ideas of man and that sadly many Muslims fail tremendously!!

So again what is a Muslim? Why do we need to differentiate that by tagging us one or not! Enough that we believe that each one of us is following a different path which eventually lead to one. Sorry to digress years back I met 2 Afrikaners ladies and they ask me similar question. I answer them an example of a good Muslim is Mother Theresa and Jaques Cousteau. I answer by faith they are not but by their deeds they are!!! I hope that answer the perplexing question what is a Muslim

My comment in American Bedu again

One of the most common questions I receive via emails from a foreign woman who has fallen in love with a Saudi is whether or not she should convert to Islam. She says she wants to please him. Or he has told her that it will be easier to acquire the governmental marriage approval or his family may accept her easier…if only she will convert.

Many of us, whether male or female, muslim or non-muslim would likely do a lot in the name and for love. However, changing a religion in the name of love is not a wise idea. Neither is changing a religion to (allegedly) facilitate a governmental approval or in the hopes of a family acceptance. Changing a religion for any reason other than believing and submitting to a specific religion is tantamount to coercion.

If ones heart is not in the true place of a religion, a spouse and family will know. In turn, the woman who changed her religion will lose much of her credibility.

Playing devil’s advocate, if a Saudi man asks a woman who has been true to another faith to change her religion for love of him, try asking him to convert instead. Listen carefully to the reasons he provides.

It is critical for a couple who follow different faiths to have an honest discussion on the topic and especially when one half of a couple is a Saudi man who would like to take a foreign wife with him back to Saudi Arabia. Islam is intertwined and a part of the Saudi man. It is difficult for someone who has not been exposed to Islam and not living in a Muslim country to see or understand the implications. Yes, a family may “accept” a foreign woman easier knowing she had converted to their religion, Islam. But how long will that acceptance really last?

My Comment

wan zaharizan, on June 20, 2010 at 10:51 am Said:

Many parts of the world to marry a muslim you have to convert. In the western countries where secular law are practice this is not the case. A friend of mine who adopt a European country citizen is a Muslim but his wife is not. Although he is back here in the country and apply as a second home thus not a citizen enjoys that privilege.

Our former Lord President the late honorable Suffian whose father was a kadi married a british wife whom never converted. She was also a jew. But that was during the early days!!! His wife who died before him was tragically converted under dubious situation by his brother against the explicit wish of Mrs Bunny Suffian where she has wanted to have her body cremated. The honorable Tun (the highest award that a civilian can achieve in Malaysia) Suffian was broken hearted and later died of cancer a few years after but alone surrounded only by the grand niece of our first Prime Minister. He was given an honorable burial by the Sultan of Perak who succeeded him as Lord President for a while in the Royal Crypt.

As you can see Muslims has become intolerable as time passes. The quid al Azeem the founder of Pakistan Jinnah love his brandy and bacon. He is an Ismailiyah!!! He married a Zoroastrian woman a Parsee who converted and bore him a child. She the daughter would later converted to her mother’s religion and married a parsee too!!

What is the point here! Marriage is personal. Living together and sharing one love’s need sacrifices!!!! Understand the meaning of Islam and being Muslim which really mean one who surrender to God thus many are Muslims not in beliefs but in deeds!!!! And many Muslims are Muslims in beliefs but never in deeds!

In the quran it is said the different between Man and Woman is their “deeds” to me. I leave it at that so think carefully please!!!

I am sorry! I have not been updating my blog recently my mistake. I am writing an article which is to be posted on my blog about the halalness of food which to me this subject has become a tool of divisiveness to the Muslim masses! The subject has become too contentious to my liking. It is a tool whereby the conservative could flex their growing muscle again!!!!

I will not divulge what i am writing but enough to say to the Malays understand halal and haram well and understand that fermentation would lead the glucose or sugar and carbohydrates to change to ethanol and many fermented things that we ate does contain alcohol which is haram. Tempoyak or fermented durian which is used by Malays to cook in their curries especially in Perak would contain alcohol. Alcohol does burn if you cook at high temperature but not when you cook in stew or soup base! Soya sauce that is used in all food as an enhancer does contain minute amount of alcohol!!! What about Vinegar, it is a further process of fermentation where ethanol(alcohol) is change into ascetic acid! Enough that i leave you with this thought! I here will reprint articles that I have commented on American Bedu

Saudi Arabia: Distinctions between Dogs and Children

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I was dialoguing with a friend about differing customs and cultures. One distinct cultural difference that came up during this discussion I wanted to share with American Bedu readers as it really does showcase an excellent example of perspectives.

In the United States many are enamored by dogs. America is also a “dog-friendly” country. People can easily travel with their dogs and many hotels accommodate people who travel with their dogs. There are many doggie parks scattered around the country too. A doggie park is an expansive gated area where people can go and play and exercise their dogs without the restriction of a leash. Whether in a city or in the countryside it is common to see people out walking with their dogs. At public parks and at many beaches families will bring their dog along to the outing. Dogs will catch Frisbees out of the air or chase tennis balls into the water. Some of the dogs will wear a colorful bandana around its neck. Other dogs may even be decked out in a shirt or coat or maybe even wearing boots. Long haired or fluffy dogs might have little bows or ribbons in their hair. The toenails may even be painted. It is pretty common for people who like dogs to come up to those who are out with a dog and freely pet a strange dog. In Saudi Arabia dogs are viewed as haram (forbidden) by a large percentage of Saudis. The dogs are viewed as unclean and not to be touched. A lot of Saudis believe the only purpose to have a dog is as a guard dog. They would never consider having a dog as a pet.

Saudis are attracted to little babies. In spite of a closed and conservative culture, a Saudi will smile spontaneously at a baby. Some Saudis may even come up and kiss a baby or pat the baby’s head. It does not matter if the person is a stranger, children are revered. Yet what is viewed as a natural action in Saudi Arabia to kiss or pat a baby in passing could send alarm bells in the United States. Anyone coming up to an unknown child in the United States would likely be met with suspicion…especially if they look and sound foreign.

Yes, in America it is tacitly okay to pet an unknown dog but stay away from a baby. Whereas in Saudi Arabia you can kiss or coo to a strange baby but may be viewed with horror if interacting with a dog.

My Comment

wan zaharizan, on June 20, 2010 at 11:13 am Said:

It is funny when it comes to dogs. In the Quran Dog is given an exalted position for her story is mention in the chapter of the Cave as the companion of those who slept for a hundred years! The only thing was Dogs and Pigs are said to be najis mughalazah the closest meaning is dirty which is basically not the same, similar yes but not the same!!!!

Even then if it is wet, yet if you keep a hunting dog and if the dog pick up a bird which have fall after you shoot it, the food is halal. You do not need even to slaughter it!!!!! and samak it although the dog has bite it!!!!Samak the closest meaning to it is to clean , to me you can clean it with water and soap it would do in fact all food need to be clean that way!!! But many conservative muslims require a ritual of soil and water. It is just part of belief not of faith!!!

The only one you can find about dog is in the hadiths where the angel jibrail was angry at the dogs barking thus Muhammad pbuh was to have said those who keep dogs th angels would never come in. This was the basis of the values that many cultures says don’t keep dogs!!! For me if it is true then better for me to keep dogs then the angel of death would never come in and I could leave forever!!! How happy I would be then!!!!

There are many hadiths against the keeping of dogs but hadiths is not the Quran and we have to understand that Muhammad is man, a husband an Arab and most importantly a prophet, hadiths must be analyze further to understand.

A very famous story both in Islam and Christian is regarding the prostitute who gave water to a Dog. Because of her act she goes to heaven!! Why these two factors were introduce perhaps it is for us to think. A Prostitute is a human she errs. She might be the scum of the society but she is still a servant of God. A lowly dog is the biggest najis combine the 2 it tell us it is not important so much about dogs or cats,it is about duties the we humans are ask to perform. We must not forget that!!!

A dog too is a creature of God being kind to to God’s creature is ask of us!! Not to malign them or hurt them but to love them. They have the right to exist like we have and for that we are ask to protect them. I hope this explain solve the dilemma whether you can keep dogs or not. My father kept dogs, he loves dogs but since my society have become conservative we can’t anymore~~~~

Aafke-Art, on June 20, 2010 at 12:56 pm Said:

wan zaharizan, Good comment!
I am sorry you can’t have dogs anymore.
I have a dog and my life is much happier for it.
Also i feel much safer walking home in the dark.

Jerry M, on June 20, 2010 at 10:07 pm Said:

@wan zaharizan

There aren’t any well known stories from Christian scripture about a prostitute giving water to a dog.

wan zaharizan, on June 22, 2010 at 8:46 am Said:

@Jerry M true this story is found in Muslims but if you dig deeper this story or like it is found throughout the Arabian peninsula. Whether it is Islamic or not the moral of the story should be emphasis!!!

I want to tell you a story of Buddha when he first enter Nirvana and met Brahma who entice him to go back and preach to the world about enlightenment carries similarities on Moses going up the mountain to receive God’s commandment and also similarities in the flight of Muhammad to the stars to receive the commandment to pray!!

Thus if you go deeper you be surprise of the eerie similarities of all apostle of gods. But again i stress i am a Muslim but i found the differences that is enunciated by men of cloth does not have bearing on me when it comes to acknowledge people who are inherently good and i believe will be judge accordingly for their piety regardless of what faith they wore on their sleeve but what is important is what in their heart!!!