Thursday, February 22, 2007

Im sorry just a quick amendment. My Great grandmother was married to Raja Ngah Mansur the eldest surviving sons of Sultan Abdullah who was banish to the Seychelles for his involvement on the murder of J.W.W. Birch. He was not the Raja Di Hilir, his son was Raja Kamarulzaman who was responsible for the tune of Terang Bulan being adopted as the National Athem of Perak. He was (Raja Mansur) apparently responsible for the lyrics to the tune.She was just one of the wives and is known as Teh Mansur.The other event remain true except Raja Kamarulzaman was the ADC to Sultan Idris the 28th Sultan of Perak who was visiting England at that time.My apologies to sort of my Aunt Raja Toh Puan Teh Zaitun Raja Kamarulzaman the wife of the late Governor of Malacca Tun Abdul Aziz's. A picture of Raja Mansur will be posted soon. Sorry for the blunder!!!!

* Picture of YM Raja Mansur with his dad Sultan Abdullah the husband of my Great grandmother.


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