Tuesday, August 21, 2007

So in 1952 a working relationship was establish with MCA and MIC so UMNO by then could work towards independence. They won and trash IMP during the election of 1955 and so by then the British has to work with the alliance. Malayan even by then were not willing to work together as one unit but was very communal. Even now a party like PPP or DAP which es pouch multi cultural ism and multiracial tend to skewered to only one community.

People have ask me whether I am an UMNO member, I am not, I would have been a PRM member ( the people's party(a socialist party) if it still exist). But the President decided to merge it with PKRM (the people justice party) which to me was a cop out. Somehow or rather practicality got the better of principal. Yes, during her heydays the socialist party was strong. Headed by the late Dato Ahmad Boestamam, who founded PKMM, she has strong moral principal.

But people enjoy the good life, easy money and the alliance and later the National Front party (form in 1974 which consist of an enlarge member parties plus the former alliance party). The politics of hate which started in 1955 continue unabated. But during Malaya infancy we have people like Tunku although seem weak but very resolute and determine in his decision. Even Mahathir was firm but since then the leader seems weak. Too much playing to the gallery, too much being nice, too much smile. In Singapore, PAP remain strong, yet this Chinese control government brook no dissent against their policy. The Government remains autocratic yet the west are quite about the dismal human rights condition in that country. Racial discrimination remain unabated yet everyone knows in Singapore the talk of meritocracy and multi racial policy are just poppycock the truth is not so charming.

But then in Singapore the Chinese are 70% of the population and they control the economy unlike here in Malaya they are a minority. So they complain and rant that this country is unfair, that they were not given a fair share of the economy and discrimination policy are set against them. Yes, it is true I will be lying if I say no. But they forgot that in the private sector where they are in control discrimination on pay remuneration and upward mobility are continually denied by them to the Malays and Non Chinese. You can see advertisement on the papers in Singapore(now since last year was disallowed) and Malaysia where job placement requires the candidate to know Chinese!

This is covert racialism but yes Malaysia practice overt racialism. But this is because the social contract that was agreed upon by UMNO, MCA and MIC leaders. Ketuanan Melayu was the cornerstone that form Malaya and later Malaysia. It was agreed by the parties that represent the communities and which won the election. Fairplay and justice were thrown out the minute that the Alliance won the 1955 election. The people has spoken, IMP lost and Parti Negara failed miserably in the ensuing battle after independence. The people long divided by History and manipulated by the British wish not to inter grate but to coexist. Assimilation was never approach as the basis of Bangsa Malaysia or Malaysian Race but by embracing the diversity and differences of colour and culture of the inhabitants. All was fine in the beginning but the Malays who has now woken up from slumber keep asking more and more from the government. The government which started as a Malayan Government turn into a Malay Government. While the Chinese exert her control on the Private Sector the Malays in turn would fill up the key personnel in the Public Sector. The Indians were left wanting so much so that their economic cake has dwindle from 1.5% during independence to 1% now. Many Professional Indians have migrated due to the perceive lack of opportunities and mobility both in the private sector and public.

The Aborigines of Malaya and other minorities bear the brunt of this upheaval. They were worse off comparatively before independence and after. Yes, actions were taken trying to alleviate them but not enough e.g. the Eurasian community were now regard as bumiputra. But for the Aborigines their ancestor land is constantly being taken away. Precious timber that grow on their hunting land were harvested by unscrupulous Chinese Timber tycoon co hooting with the Malays Administrators. Yes when it comes to Monies everybody are friends! Malaya inherited a sound Government when the British left in fact I have to give Credit to the Ruling Party for up to Tun Huseein Administration rule of law was abide although there were abuses. But it was under Tun Mahathir the abuses were legendary. Tun Mahathir was the first Prime Minister who has not have any legal training and was the first to be graduated from the local University. I am not belittling his credentials but I believe a man's concept and ideas are influence by the surroundings around him.

So Tun Mahathir was a man in a hurry. Being deprive of going overseas and practically seeing first hand the plight of the malays, as a doctor in the 1960's, he has a sense of urgency. A person who breed no nonsense and practically abhors fatalistic attitudes and the lackadasial attitude of the malays he harbours the idea to change this mindset that plague the malays mind. I sincerely believe that the people who gave us our independence be it Tunku, Tun, Cheng Lok or even Sambathan was like minded. All of them wanted a free and independent Malaya where each citizens are equal and justice is for all, regardless of race colour or creed. The Malayan Government of that time reflect that atmosphere. It was a Malayan Government. Sadly in 1969 this change, the ultra Malays lead by Dato Harun fought for what they believe was the inherent rights of the malays to equal social status which they have been deprive from. They believe they were deprive to participate in the economic field which by that time the Chinese has usurp the vacuum left from the British Capitalist flight out of the country. And until now the Chinese like their counterpart in Indonesia controls the economy. Let's look at the documentary below i hope my readers would understand the story although narrated in Malay! Qnd if you look at the pictures of old the dream of merdeka is shared by all so we must never forget that. We owe our merdeka to them. (Merdeka mean Freedom in this case not independence)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Our Country will celebrate Merdeka soon. Merdeka is Independence Day Malaysia. We achieve our independence on 31st August 1957. We are now 50 years old. We are still young compare to all the great nation and still a long way off where democracy is concern.

Our democracy is a hybrid one ,created and suited to the Malaya as it was and presently it has to change. But changes that need to be done is meet with recaltricant opposition both by Malays and non Malays. The Malays especially after been indoctrinate that this country is theirs by virtue of rights of abode by God is grossly mistaken. The non Malays too need to understand the concept of achieving independence which was achieve before unreasonable demands are made.

I found it disturbing being a Muslim and trying to reconcile the idea that this land is ours forever for as a Muslim we are taught this land is God's land and we are just the Khalifah ie the Guardian of the land which is temporal. we seek to do justice and as the root of islam means to serve him in all the capacity as Muslim should. We should not harm other human beings unless we are harm we are to dispense justice which is fair and reasonable to all concern regardless of colour creed or faith.

These are the fundamental values which a Malay must cherish and protect, yet the new Malays hardly portray that idea unlike their forefathers.My friends told me I belong to the old generation, of the Malays who believe in value before self, in honesty and chivalry. I am proud because I am so. At least I am the Malay Gentlemen as describe by Frank Swettenham minus the negative character! I am a Malay, I will always be one and proud to be one. I am a racist but not a chauvinist for I define racism as belonging to one race and identify as one. I hate chauvinism of any kind, I like to be just to all other races, to emphatise with them and I found that from both sides the Malays and non Malays lots of misconception and deep set prejudices that I believe will take years to crumble.

Malaya before the war was fragmented. The Malays were identifying themselves with their own state thus we have Perak Malays Selangor Malays etc. The Chinese from the Malays state were divided not just by clan Ghee Hin or Hai San but by tribes Hokkien Cantonese Hakka Teowchew etc. They also divided by allegiance to Koumitang under Chiang Kai Shek or Communist under Mao. The Straits Chinese were different ie from Malacca Penang and Singapore, they were sympathetic to Koumitang but they realise that their future lies here in Malaya. They were very anglophile and many were nyonya and babas where their lingua franca consist of a hybrid of Malay Chinese words, even their culture too assimilate the Malays in outlook, perhaps because of the intermarriage that happen.

The Indian who mostly live in the states also identified their nationalistic feelings to India where they follow closely the exploit of Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru. Some leftist celebrate Subha Chandra Bose. So although Malaya was home to these people it was not their homeland. To the Malays their homeland is the states that they came from to the Non Malays their Country is the land of their forefathers and which they dream they will go back too. Yet. among them a feeling of Nation hood or Malaya as the homeland did take root especially to those Non Malays who have made it here in Malaya. But it was the Malays who begin to identify Malaya as a nation for the Malays. Malays who are clever enough would be absorb into Teachers Training College Like SITC ( Sultan Idris Teachers Training College in Tanjong Malim Perak). These were ordinary Malays and not of the ruling class. The idea was to train these Malays as teachers for the Malay School so that the Malays could be given basic education, One British Administrator sum up as to train them to better fisherman and farmers not doctors or engineers!Please see http://www.malaysia-today.net/books/2006/01/18a-kmm-young-malay-union-1938.htm

But having Malays from different state would result in camaraderie which never before been seen. Malays identification by state were getting blurred and lessons that were taught lead them to believe of a greater Malay Empire as one of yore as great as Malacca or Majapahit. So KMM the first national base political party was form in 1938 by Ibrahim Yaacob a lad from Termeloh (Kerdau) Pahang. Thus Melayu Raya or Indonesia Raya was the aspiration of the Malays but sadly the ruling class would look at them with trepidation. After all the ruling class were happy with the status quo. Jobs were reserve for them ,they were school in an elite atmosphere but compare to Tuan and Mem of the British they were far off but then again compare to the other malay race they enjoy a class distinction. So KMM the first National Base Political Party would die as expected not just because the British would deem them as leftist and communist and a traitor to the rulers but the Istana herself regarded them with disdain. The British did try to rope in many Malays not from the ruling class to enjoy or to turn into British Gentlemen. People like Dr Pandak Ahmad a boy servant who would later become the first Malay Doctor from Perak and Ibrahim Haji Mohammad alias Pak Sako a former Magistrate from Pahang seem fruitless. They would later turn against their White Tuans

Both this people would support KMM. Taiping at that time was the State Capital of Perak became the town where Malay Nationalism grew in fact My Great grandmother house became the venue of their meetings. Hatta and Soekarno even met Ibrahim Yaakob at the house to discuss the independence of Melayu Raya in 1943. You can not blame the Malays to be frighten of the Non Malays after all in Penang a Non Malay member of the legislative council would question the idea of Malaya is for Malays but most non Malays in the federated states left no doubt which is their homeland.

When CPM or MCP the Malayan Communist party was founded it garner the support of many chinese students from Chinese school. The party was founded in 1928 or 1931 depends on the book you read. It influences manage to seep through all the Chinese School throughout Malaya. Most Chinese practically adore Sun Yat Sen but abhors Chiang Kai Shek of the Koumintang. Through AEBUS an organisation created to channeled money to China during Sino Japanese war in 1937 the communist idea manage to seep through. Under Lei Tak or Loi Tak the first Secretary General of the party who was not even Chinese Malayan but Vietnamese it manage to grew. But Loi Tak was a famous double agent and in the 50's would be kill in Vietnam by the Vietnamese Communist Party after his treachery was found out. Ong Boon Hua or Chin Peng would assume the role of the Secretary General. http://www.fcchk.org/correspondent/corro-oct-nov03/chinpeng.htm

But again the idea of CPM was never the independence of Malaya as a primary motive but the abolition of all things Colonial Masters. It set to make Malaya a satellite State of China, subservient to her call and whims. It has no concrete agenda for the nation and receive all her instruction from Mainland China. MIC or Malayan Indian Congress was an offshoot of the Indian Congress Party in India. It was form in response to galvanise the support of Indians to fight for the independence of India. It was form in 1946 with John Thivvy as the first President. Tun Sambathan was not the founder but was the fifth President see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysian_Indian_Congress

That was how it was in Malaya until UMNO rallying cry was change to Merdeka in 1951. Each race was only thinking of themselves and although Malaya was home, nationhood was not yet fully understood by all except few. Yes they were Malay heroes like Leftenen Adnan and non Malay heroes like Sybil Khartigesu but these people fought for British Malaya. Malay warriors like Datuk Bahaman Mat Kilau or Datuk Mat Lela were fighting British for their States or basically because they were angry that their way of life to collect taxes etc was taken over by the Tuans.

KMM and later PKMM was the first party that ask for Merdeka(Independence) but their idea of Merdeka has no place for the Non Malays. Malaya was for Malays only, luckily they did not receive the blessing of the Sultans if they do than Malaya would not be as today. She will be Monotonous and grey. Suprisingly UMNO was founded at the step of the Istana by Sultan Ibrahim the Sultan who is famous for chasing Dorothy Lamour and in the 1930's was regarde as one of the richest man in the world. When Sir Harold Mcmicheal was send by the colonial office to make at last Malaya a colony not a prectocterate, the Sultan knowing the impossibilty to fight British ask his adopted son or godson Dato' Onn to galvanish the Malays againts Malayan Union which he has to agreed to earlier. In Terenggannu for eg the Sultan was force to abdicate (Sultan Ali) and his uncle Sultan Ismail Nassaruddin was put in place,so too was Perlis which during the japanese time the uncle was sworn in as Raja. Coercion and sometime challenges of abdication was made to force the Sultan to sign and they did with tails behind their back.

So the birth of UMNO was never to fight for the Malays and in fact Sultan Ibrahim was dead set againts independence. He spoke out at a dinner in 1955 where Tunku and alliance leader were present and which they later would stage a walkout. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,869059,00.html. So UMNO who under Tunku change the slogan from Hidup Melayu to Merdeka, although it seems that history has been rewritten by alluding the slogan was first mooted by Dato Onn, which amount to blasphemy to Tunku's memories. in the begining of 1950 Dato Onn wanted to open the door of UMNO to the Non Malays as non voting members and instead of independence wanted to go for self rule. This was not offend his Godfather Sultan Ibrahim who vehemently oppose Merdeka. He wishes was sideline and with the British help he form Independent Malayan Party. IMP in fact was the party use by the British to disunite the Malay supporters but to no avail.

Yes, Tunku has his fault. He never deny he loves his drink and his horses. He loves his siesta in the afternoon but he was the prince that represent all the races in Malaya. He epitomise the Malay Gentlemen. He won people over by his goodness and sincerity. He was a reluctant leader yey he has geuine love for his race and Malaya as a whole. He was invited by Tun Razak and like minded individuals who understand that Malays were feudal in nature. Without the ruling class behind them UMNO would die a lingering death like KMM and PKMM as before. So he reluctantly agree and in a fight with Mustapha Hussein for the post of the presidency of UMNO he won. And from that time onwards the ruling class would rule UMNO, and much later on would be dispatch off by the new nouveou rich Malays who were more ruthless and uncouth in their zest for power.

Under Tun Mahathir new rich Malays emerges which were more corrupted and vile. They were ruthless and cunning. I remember that Tun Ismail and Tunku was never found of Mahathir. He lack the social graces of the Malay blue blood although he was married to one. Yet it was under him that Malays make good stride in the economy. But what about the Aboriginies or Orang Asli (Original People) of Malaya. They were always been regarded as the ruler's subject. To be protected and guarded. Their loyalty to the ruler was paramount to their survival. I allude to the oath of allegience made by their forefathers Demang Lebar Daun in Sejarah Melayu or Malay Annals by Tun Sri Lanang to that effect. In fact the Geliga Embun or the Crystal Orb which form part of the part of the royal regalia was their gift during the oath of allegience eons back. But somehow the Malays and their kerajaan (government) has forgotten that oath. They, who live at the fringe of the jungle seems to lose everything to the might of greediness that plague the Malays now.

Let's go back to Merdeka. The British was reluctant to give way to UMNO and Tunku. They were worried about the Chinese and Indians who are basically their subject thus have right under their law Pop. (1955 est.), 6,058,317 (Malays, 2,967,233; Chinese, 2,286,883; Indians and Pakistanis, 713,810; other groups, 90,391). see http://www.geocities.com/federationofmalaysia/timeline.html.

If the new independent country refuse to accept the Non Malays as citizen British would be swarm by these people. This was one of the sore point of the 1997 question pose when Hong Kong has to be return back to China. Yes, this was the 1950's where prejudices are still strong. Just imagine British with 1 millions plus immigrants after the war slinted eyes and brown skin,of garlic and curry powder in the British Isle. It would be a disaster even now British are grappling with coloured immigrants. So British would never grant Malayan independence unless this problem can be solve and their business intact. It was Tunku, his stroke of genius made it possible. Many regard Tunku as a bufoon but to me he was an extremely inteligent man, although he loves life but after all he is the Malay Gentleman as epitomise by Swettenham. He decided to from an alliance and not open the door of UMNO to the non Malays as Dato Onn wanted. but an alliance with other rascist base party. The MIC (Malayan Indian Congress) and MCA (Malayan Chinese Party).

In 1955 Federal Legislative Assembly election IMP under Dato Onn which receive support from British were routed. Out of 52 seats the Alliance coaliton won 51 losing only one seat to PAS (Islamic Party). MCA which was form in 1949 feb 27 was a direct response to UMNO and MIC which have been form earlier. MCA founding President the Baba Nyonya Tun Tan Cheng Lock a Malacan knew that the future of the Chinese belongs in Malaya.With KL Devesar the then MIC president they work with UMNO under Tunku to demand for independence. Tun Tan Cheng Lock was anti Communist which has by then seep through all the labour union of Malaya. I have to continue on another scroll it is getting too long.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

This an article on Raja Nazrin the crown prince from my state. Good article

16/08: Royal voice for racial harmony
Category: General
Posted by: Raja Petra
By Ooi Kee Beng,
For The Straits Times
In a country where royalty is often silent, a vocal prince speaking about issues that interest the general public has been more than welcomed...The question that remains is: How far will he let himself go, and how far will he be allowed by the powers that be to go? THE crown prince of Malaysia's Perak state, Raja Nazrin Shah, holder of a Harvard University PhD in Political Economy and Government, has always been a respected personage in Malaysia, but never nearly as much as he is esteemed at present. Why this is so is explained by his choice of issues in a series of speeches he has been giving recently, and by how his focus earns ready response among common Malaysians. In a real sense, this love affair acts as a painful reminder of what it is that ails the present regime in 50-year-old Malaysia.
Perhaps this new phase in Raja Nazrin's relationship with Malaysia's citizens started a fortnight after the annual meeting of the dominant United Malays National Organisation (Umno) in November 2006 at which provocative remarks were made by party members against non-Malays despite the proceedings being telecast live. Feelings ran high for a while, testing even the patience of non-Malay parties within the ruling coalition. Deeply concerned, Raja Nazrin pondered openly in a newspaper interview then that 'dividing lines of race' had become prevalent after the 1969 racial riots, eclipsing the perception first generation leaders held that national unity must come before all else.
Despite the enviable economic progress that Malaysia has enjoyed since 1969, inter-racial attitudes have indeed deteriorated from a give-and-take attitude to a belief that progress is a zero- sum game, which leaves little room for 'humility, generosity of spirit and intellectual curiosity'. The key question the prince asked was: 'Why has economic wealth not improved inter-ethnic relations?'
His answers were as simple as they were clear: first, Malaysians no longer considered diversity a blessing; second, there were too many immature and irresponsible leaders using parochialism for their own ends; and third, racial and religious segregation was being encouraged and allowed from a very young age. The nine months or so following that interview have seen the prince utilising a series of platforms to voice his worries and speak against the belief that national unity was achievable through domination by one race, one religion or one ideology. He instead urged that mutual understanding, genuine respect, good role models and sound institutions were what a diverse Malaysia needed.
On April 3, he made an excellent speech (excerpts of which were published in these pages) to young Malaysians, calling for the Constitution, the Rukunegara (Principles of the Nation) and Vision 2020 to be 'defended and promoted'. Most noteworthy was his statement that 'Malaysians of all races, religions and geographic locations need to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have a place under the Malaysian sun'. 'The price of racial and cultural intolerance,' he added, 'must be made prohibitively high.' His great fear was that young Malaysians would, given present trying times, increasingly entertain 'cynicism and hopelessness'.
He reiterated his stand two days later at the Ave Maria Convent in Ipoh, calling on students to defend the 'unique identity' that had evolved out of racial diversity. He donated RM100,000 (S$44,000) to the Catholic school. The following week, he gave RM100,000 to Sam Tet Secondary School, and on that occasion advised teachers and parents to teach their children to reject 'racial extremism and religious fanaticism'. Throughout May, the 50-year-old prince was busy with his marriage to Zara Salim Davidson. Not only was the news of the royal wedding welcomed, Raja Nazrin's advice to firms and individuals to avoid buying advertising space to congratulate him and his family and to donate the money to charity instead went down very well with his countrymen. His popularity increased further when he declined a state offer to fund the wedding, saying that he would bear all expenses himself. Raja Nazrin continued to develop his thoughts about reforming Malaysia further, and on July 30 he gave a speech in commemoration of the late Prof Syed Hussein Alatas, Malaysia's most famous social scientist. He spoke then against corruption, an issue that has concerned and frustrated Malaysians for decades, and warned that 'once corruption becomes widespread, it will no longer seem immoral and unlawful - just business as usual'.
He called for regulatory and institutional curbs, and proposed that those with 'a chequered past or clear evidence of questionable morality' should not be allowed to take office. Although the prince has always avoided criticising the present administration directly, his words nevertheless echo the widespread displeasure Malaysians feel about Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi's lack of success, and will, in fighting corruption, and with the fact that many who are in power are tainted by allegations of corruption. On Aug 3, speaking at the launch of the Malay translation of a book on Malaysia's former deputy prime minister Tun Dr Ismail (disclosure: I wrote the English original of the book, The Reluctant Politician) at Universiti Malaya, Raja Nazrin was overcome by emotion several times.
He later told friends that it was because he was overwhelmingly reminded of the sacrifices that the late Tun Dr Ismail had made for the country, and of how much still needed to be done. While the prince had spoken of the need for role models before, he had not provided any names to emulate. He seemed now to have found character traits worth promulgating in Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman. Praising his commitment, integrity and openmindedness, he said that he saw in Tun Dr Ismail 'a statesman, an inspirational leader and a visionary...who envisaged a Malaysia for all without colour lines, without ethnic borders and without any one group feeling a sense of inferiority'.
Again, the prince's disappointment in certain leaders could be discerned: 'The citizens' loyalty to their leaders must not be defiled by the actions of leaders...driven by greed to obtain wealth for themselves and their families.' He ended his poignant speech by declaring to Tun Dr Ismail's family that 'the country and the people are indebted to you'. Two days later, the prince continued along the same vein when addressing the inaugural Student Leaders Summit in Kuala Lumpur. He asserted that rule of law, inviolability of the Constitution, economic and social justice for all, good governance and a thriving civil society were necessary for successful nation building. He advised his young audience to familiarise themselves with the Constitution, seek inspiration from history, study past sacrifices made by exemplary leaders such as Tun Dr Ismail, take personal ownership over the well-being of the country, resist cynicism and opportunism, promote inter-ethnic activities and develop their personal capacity. In closing, he reminded his audience that while expertise of all sorts could be imported, what could not be bought or hired was integrity. In a country where royalty is often silent, a vocal prince speaking about issues that interest the general public has been more than welcomed. The approach the prince has developed over the last few months strikes a chord with many, even leading an opposition leader to request that he be made adviser to the prime minister. The question that remains is: How far will he let himself go, and how far will he be allowed by the powers that be to go?

Sunday, August 05, 2007

I just came back from Padang Indonesia. It is in Sumatera facing the Indian Ocean. It is the land of the Minangs and where the famous Nasi Padang originates. It is a very fertile land but hilly. It seems the people told me Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia only have five(four?) states in it the rest of the states is in Palembang. In fact the royal household of Negeri Sembilan has built an Istana(palace) at Pagar Ruyung which has just been hit by lightning a while back. Negeri Sembilan or Nine (very small) States is a state that follows Adat Perpatih where the woman are supreme.
They like Chilli a lot and beef. Anything from the cow from the brain to the offals are food to them.
I do like beef a lot but not that much! Most people do not understand that the South Part of Sumatera and us are much similar in culture and language. Unlike Java we identify easily with Sumatrans. The founder of Malacca is from Palembang Sumatra and indirectly is also the founder of the last Malay Empire that exist up to Raffles time, The Empire Johore-Riau. The Malay Language that is use in the penisula and is the basis of The Bahasa Malaysia originates from this Empire.
Yes, it feels like going back to your 'kampong' when you visit Suamtera but the home has change and what you have are memories which are coloured by fantasies and one's imagination.Oh before I go on today is the ceremony of my cousin's wedding. Back to my ramblings, about what could have been and what is now. Most people forgot that Malaya was never a colony of the British except for Penang Malacca and Singapore, the Malay States were protectorates. The British exert her influence through the Ruler of the states and the Ruling class which were the elite then, to be their lackeys in promoting their sence of justice. Overall the British were fair Masters compare to the cruelty of the Dutch.
In fact many Malay elites are still very much anglophile even now. This famous policy of divide and rule was not an idea that develop instantly but as time goes it was a means to the end.It help the British a lot.To me the British were exploiters,first and foremost they are just traders. They are not interested to evangelised the natives or to convert them. To them if the natives enjoy a degree of civilsation which is not nomadic in nature with a government in hand, they are regarded as civilised barbarians unless like in the States Africa the Americas and Australaisia where the climate is mild and the civilisation are basic in nature do the British came in as conquerors. It does make sense for one thing withe their firepower they minimise bloodshed and they justified it by saying to bring christiandorm to these uncivilised barbarians. It works like charm and now US is using the same slogan changing it a bit and use it to enter Iraq. But here they forget the rule of the game, that Iraq has a strong and 'civilised' government and destroying it just for trade would create anarchy. How cruel a country is, it is their country. I sincerely believe any regime change must come from within or not it would be chaotic for any foreign country to exert change from outside.

Enough of political talks let's go back to Padang. Since it is very Malay it reminds me of the East Coast of Malaya. And it has a picture postcard reality to it. It's landscape is beautiful with padi fields growing aplenty. When we reach the Airport we were wisk away to Batu Sangkar a small town 4 hours journey away. We manage to get a good view of the hilly countryside. It was tiring. It is a Moslem country and mosque are in abundance yet like the old malay of yore underneath it is mysticism. When I was at the airport I have my second reflexology done by a Woman who is already 52 but hardly look her age. She was beautiful and with a little bit of the supernatural where she ascess your ilness then she began her painful reflexology. It was excruciating pain but it was ok. I am very reluctant with all this hocus pocus maybe because I too have that ability so I was reluctant but as she was the one who approach me to cure my ailments and persuaded by my friend I was game for it. She was right in sensing I doubt her in the begining and she admit that I have very storng chi too but I am sick and she says things which i know to be truth. I wanted to visit her again but there was so little time. Maybe when I visit them again I will try to let myself be more relax and let her ease my pain. Maybe in the near future,I do that.

I have to go now. I was in Padang for 3 nights 4 days. We took the 7.50 am flight going there and the 8.30 am (local time) going back. Indonesia is One hour later than Malaysian time. After eating Malay food for breakfast lunch and dinner I was hungry for Malaysian food with it's wide variety of taste and choice to choose from.