The 1989 Haadyai Peace Accords ( Part 2 )
(1) Agreement Between The Government Of Malaysia And The Communist Party Of Malaya To Terminate Hostilities, and (2) Administrative Arrangment Between The Government Of Malaysia And The Communist Party Of Malaya Pursuant To The Agreement To Terminate Hostilities.
The text of the Agreement Between The Government Of Malaysia And The Communist Party Of Malaya To Terminate Hostilities has been published in the immediately preceding entry headlined Haadyai Peace Accords in full text (Part1) in this blog.
The text of the Administrative Arrangement Between The Government Of Malaysia And The Communist Party Of Malaya Pursant To The Agreement To Terminate Hostilities reads as follows:
Administrative Arrangment Between The Government Of Malaysia And The Communist Party Of Malaya Pursuant To The Agreement To Terminate Hostilities
The Government of MALAYSIA hereinafter referred to as the Government, and the Communist Party of Malaya, hereinafter referred to as the CPM, hereby agree to the following Admistrative Arrangment for the implementation of the Agreement signed on 2 DEC 1989 in HAADYAI, THAILAND to terminate all hostilities.
1.1 The Government and the CPM shall terminate all armed activities upon the signing of the Agreement.
1.2 Press Statement
All press statements issued by either Party thereafter shall be in the spirit of the Agreement and shall not contain any slanderous terms such as "mass surrender" and "capitulation".
2.1 Announcement of Disbandment
The CPM shall disband all its armed units, namely the Malayan People's Army (MPA) in MALAYSIA and THAILAND and shall announce the disbandment not later than two and a half months from the date of the signing of the Agreement.
2.2 Nominal List
The CPM shall furnish the Malaysian authorities with a nominal list containing personal particulars of its members and members of its disbanded armed units, who decide to take up residence in MALAYSIA, for purposes of verification by the Malaysian authorities. The list of such members shall be given to the Malaysian authorities as soon as possible, and in any case not later than one year from the date of the signing of the Agreement.
2.3 Withdrawal From The Jungle
All members of the disbanded armed units led by the CPM shall assemble at the pre-designated places in Thailand not later than two months from the date of the signing of the Agreement.
2.4 Destruction Of Firearms, Ammunition And Explosives
2.4.1 All members of the disbanded armed units shall destroy their firearms, ammunition and explosives not later than fifteen days from the date of their arrival at the pre-designated places in Thailand and not later than two and a half months from the date of the signing of the Agreement.
2.4.2 The CPM shall provide the Malaysian and Thai authorities a list containg the description and quantity of such firearms, ammunition and explosives for purposes of verification before destruction. Such destruction shall be witnessed by the Malaysian and Thai authorities.
2.4.3 Such destruction shall not be photographed or videotaped.
2.5 Location And Destruction Of Booby-Traps
2.5.1 Members of the disbanded armed units of the CPM shall locate and destroy all booby-traps in MALAYSIA that can be found, to be witnessed by the Malaysian authorities.
2.5.2 The CPM shall furnish the Malaysian authorities with all existing sketch plans of the locations of booby-traps in MALAYSIA.
2.5.3 The location and destruction of booby-traps shall commence as soon as possible and shall be completed without unnecessary delay.
2.5.4 The Malaysian authorities shall provide medical treatment, allowances and compensation for any death or inuries suffered by members of the CPM's disbanded armed units in the course of locating and destroying such booby-traps.
2.5.5 All expenses incurred in locating and destroying the booby-traps in MALAYSIA shall be borne by the Malaysian authorities.
2.6 Radio Suara Demokrasi Malaya
The CPM shall within one month from the date of the signing of the Agreement close down the Radio Suara Demokrasi Malaya (SDM) station. During the period of one month, the SDM shall not broadcast any slanderous statement against the Government.
All personal belongings including souvenirs, photographs and other daily necessities of members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units, the possession of which is not unlawful in MALAYSIA, shall be retained by them after inspection before their entry into MALAYSIA
4.1 The Malaysian authorities shall not object to members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units taking up residence in THAILAND.
4.2 Those who have settled down in THAILAND are free to enter MALAYSIA through legal means to visit their relatives, friends and for vocation.
4.3 Those who have been allowed to settle down in MALAYSIA are free to visit their relatives and friends in THAILAND through legal means.
4.4 Relatives and friends of those who have settle down in THAILAND and MALAYSIA shall be free to visit them in either country through legal means.
5.1 Members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units shall be allowed to take up residence in MALAYSIA if they so desire, after they have stayed in the pre-designated places in THAILAND for a minimum period of six months.
5.2 Members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units, who are not of Malaysian origin, may be allowed to take up residence in MALAYSIA, if they so desire, after having stayed in the pre-designated places in THAILAND for a minimum period of six months.
5.3 Those who seek to settle down in MALAYSIA must notify the Malaysian authorities of their intention to do so not later than one year from the date of the signing of the Agreement.
5.4 With regard to Item 5.1 and 5.2, the CPM shall provide the necessary particulars to the Malaysian authorities for processing and verification. In this connection, the Government shall despatch relevant officers to deal with those cases in THAILAND.
5.5 Those who wish to settle down in MALAYSIA shall be categorised as follows:
5.5.1 Malaysian citizens
5.5.2 Non-citizen spouses and children of Malaysian citizens, and
5.5.3 Aliens
5.6 Those who are allowed to settle down in MALAYSIA shall be given identification papers upon their entry into MALAYSIA before they proceed to their respective places of residence of their choice.
5.7 Non-citizen spouses and children of those who are of Malaysian origin may be allowed to settle down in MALAYSIA in accordance with the laws of MALAYSIA if they so desire.
5.8 Those who have taken up resudence of their own choice in MALAYSIA shall notify the MALAYSIAN authorities of their current addresses to facilitate disbursement of financial assistance.
5.9 Those who are allowed to settle down in MALAYSIA shall be taken into the country in small batches and any search that may be conducted shall be in a manner so as not to cause any embarrassment.
5.10 There shall be no publicity of their entry into MALAYSIA.
6.1 Loyalty to King And Country
Members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units who have returned to settle down in MALAYSIA shall be loyal to the King and country and shall abide by the Federal Constitution and the laws of MALAYSIA.
6.2 No Detention, Interrogation Or Prosecution
6.2.1 The Government shall not apply the Internal Security Act, 1960 or any other laws on members of the CPM and members of its dibanded armed units who have returned to settle down in MALAYSIA, for their past CPM-related activities.
6.2.2 Members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units shall be liable under the laws of MALAYSIA for any unlawful activities committed by them in the future.
6.3 Citizenship And NRICs
6.3.1 Those who were in possession of Blue and Red NRICs and citizenship certicificates before they joined the CPMs or its armed units shall continue to use them as valid documents. Any such documents which have been lost or damaged shall be replaced expediently after verification.
6.3.2 Non-citizen spouses and children of those of Malaysian origin who have settled down in MALAYSIA shall be issued with RED NRICs. They can apply for citizenship after two years of continuous stay in MALAYSIA in accordance with the laws of MALAYSIA.
6.3.3 Those who are aliens and those whose citizenship have been revoked shall be issued with RED NRICs should they be allowed to settle down in MALAYSIA. They can subsequently apply for citizenship in accordance with the laws of MALAYSIA.
6.3.4 Those who are of Malaysian origin and who joined the CPM and its armed units before the implementation of the National Registration, shall be issued with RED NRICs should they be allowed to settle down in MALAYSIA. They can subsequently apply for citizenship in accordance with the laws in MALAYSIA.
6.4 Privileges And Obligations
6.4.1 Those who are Malaysian citizens and have settled down in MALAYSIA shall enjoy the same privileges as any other citizens under the Federal Constitution and the laws of MALAYSIA.
6.4.2 Those not of Malaysian origin and non-citizens who have settled down in MALAYSIA shall be governed by the Federal Constitution and the laws of MALAYSIA.
7.1 Members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units who are Malaysian citizens are free to participate in political activities including the formation of a political party or parties within the confines of the Federal Constitution and the laws of MALAYSIA.
7.2 The Malaysian authorities shall expeditiously consider any application that may be submitted by them for the registration of any political party in accordance with the due process of the law and upon registration such party shall be accorded the same status as any other legally registered political parties.
10.1 The Agreement and the Administrative Arrangement shall be signed separately at pre-determined venues agreed by both sides.
10.2 The Agreement shall be signed by both sides in public and the spirit of this Agreement shall be announced in a Joint Communique immediately after the signing.
10.3 The Administrative Arrangement shall also be signed by both sides but it shall not be publicised.
* Signing the Administrative Arrangement Between The Government of Malaysia And The Communist Party of Malaya Pursuant To The Agreement To Terminate Hostilities for and on behalf of the Government of Malaysia were (a) Datuk Abdul Rahim bin Mohd. Noor as Deputy Inspector-General, Royal Malaysia Police and (b) Dato Zulkifli bin Abdul Rahman as Director of Special Branch, Royal Malaysia Police.
* Signing the Administrative Arrangement Between The Government Of Malaysia And The Communist Party Of Malaya Pursuant To The Agreement To Terminate Hostilities for and on behalf of the Communist Party of Malaya were (a) Ong Boon Hua @ Chin Peng as Secretary-General and (b) Rashid Maidin as Central Committee Member.
(Source: Kitti Ratanachaya., The Communist Party of Malaya, Malaysia and Thailand: Truce Talks Ending The Armed Struggle of the Communist Party, Bangkok, Dungkaew, 1996)
Here is a piece written by a so called Major and comment further on what i wrote against me
written by Major (Rtd) D.Swami, June 04, 2009
written by wan zaharizan, June 05, 2009
I highly applauded what is written by Major Dr Swami but whether he is what he is, I doubt it. I need to correct certain pertinent thing
"The Communists did not surrender, period. We could have defeated them but then, the Chief of Armed Forces, General Hashim Ali was the brother in law of our "Great Leader". The IGP was Mohd Haniff, can I say,"
This statement is factually wrong because the IGP concern was Tan Sri Rahim Nor not Haniff. And again here "On the 6th January 1956 on a mountain top in Malaya, Tengku Abdul Rahman, John Davis, a senior district officer in the government of Malaya, Singapore's Chief Minister David Marshall and Sir Tan Cheng Lock , president of the Malayan Chinese Association, met Chin Peng". It was in 1955. An army major should not make mistakes in dates and therefore i can be doubtful on his background.
wan zaharizan, you can go to hell with chin peng in the same casket.
1. Secara peribadi, saya berpendapat bahawa pemikiran serta fahaman seperti Wan Zaharizan inilah yang diperlukan dan diingini oleh musuh-musuh orang Melayu khususnya yang kini semakin lantang melalak unutk menjatuhkan kesatuan orang Melayu diatas tanahair sendiri.
2. Saya yakin bahawa orang-orang seperti Wan Zaharizan ini pada mulanya mendapat pendidikan dari hasil usaha dan idea dari parti tunjang negara iaitu UMNO serta mendapat biasiswa untuk mendapatkan ilmu yang lebih tinggi yang diharapkan membangunkan negara serta anak bangsa.
3. Mungkin, keluarga Wan Zaharizan ini juga hidup atas hasil dari upah dan gaji dari kerajaan yang kini dihina dan dicerca kiri dan kanan. Di samping itu, tulisan beliau berhubung dengan pertikaian Chin Peng ini sebenarnya untuk memperlihatkan betapa ilmu yang dahulunya dinikmati dari sumbangan kerajaan yang dihina ini telah dikhianati dan digunakan untuk menjatuh, memburuk serta meruntuhkan kerajaan yang ditunjangi oleh orang-orang Melayu.
4. Seperti mana yang pernah disuarakan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir - "MELAYU MUDAH LUPA". Tepat sekali dan contoh yang paling nyata kini adalah si Wan Zaharizan.
5. Saya pasti Wan Zaharizan tidak kesal akan apa yang telah beliau tulis dan pertahankan disini. Ini kerana saya percaya beliau tidak percaya kepada kisah silam, sejarah asal usul salasiahnya, dosa dan perbuatan semalam. Apa yang beliau amal dan jadikan budaya hidup adalah melihat hari esok sahaja dan menafikan bahawa semalam itu tidak membawa apa-apa erti. Agungkan diri sendiri, pedulikan orang lain. Matinya pun kelak biarlah orang-orang Chin Peng yang mentalkinkannya kelak.
Syabas kepada Dr Novandri atas usaha berterusan menepis segala tohmahan petualang-petualang negara samada yang nyata dan tidak nyata.
Dear Orang kita
Are you threatening me? Is this how a Malay behave? Why Sungai Manik? Were you born during the incident in 1945? In Abdullah CD book he claim it is because of Malay bandits, I do not know for sure but I know Bintang Tiga was involve. There was a massacre there, many were kill, both the chinese and malays. It was the first racial strife to hit Malaya then. Most young only thought about May 13 but even then many of them do not born then.
It was a part of history bloody one no doubt. So you must be about 80 years old now if you leave in that era, I'm sorry i do not fight an old man! Are you the Malay bandit or are you the Bintang Tiga? In law you have committed a murder and murder case are not covered by law of limitation so be careful you might be charge for murder or at least mayhem. Who are you? Why do you hide under Orang kita? Are you a coward? I am Wan Zaharizan Bin Wan Zan, at least please give me your name so I could call you maybe pakcik or datuk. It is a malay thing to give regards to old people.
Now to Anonymous too please give me your name, best I answer you. Hero or Wira is different than Pejuang or Warrior. Our father of independence Tunku in Baling 1955 recognize Chin Peng as such(warrior). That is why( if you have time please read the war records)he was offering an olive branch to Chin Peng. He told Chin Peng that since you and were fighting for independence and since independence would be given by latest in 3 years time than you should lay down your arms and join us. But Chin Peng refuse because he could not receive the terms of surrender! He wants the party to be recognize as it once was in 1945. He refuse to be rehabilitated. Tunku refuse and that's why it fail.
By doing so many communist lay down their arms and return back to the fold and by 1960 3 years after independence the Emergency was lifted. The meeting in Baling was oppose by the British and even David Marshall the spherphadic Jew who was at that time the Chief Minister of Singapore. As for death, many of my died during emergency but it was war then and we accept our lot in life. Wahi Anuar was captured/surrender(depends whom you get it from) in 1951. So if you want to find me leave a note in my blog and your number and I will call you.I am not afraid of Sungai Manik I've been there. Novandri mintak maaf I have to answer them -
...Apa slahnya dia balik tetapi dengan syarat2 tertentu. Orang sudah tua sebagai orang Islam dan orang melyu kita di ajak bertertib terhadap yang tua.
sdr. wan,
ironinya dgn mmbwa blik 'org tua" CP kita akan melukakan hati beribu-ribu hati org2 tua x kira melayu, cna @ india.
mgkin bnar spt kt fahmi reza glongan muda skrg dh tak mau bertaut pd emosi & cerita lama. org muda mmg idealistik.
tp kita kena igt yang di kalangan yang menderita tu adalah ibu bapa & dtuk nnek kita. Ini bukan soal beremosi atau mengenang ksah lama.
salahkah kita atas dasar MENGHORMATI PERASAAAN org2 tua yg pernah menderita semasa zaman komunis dlu & keluarga2 parajurit2 yg tlah terkorban utk menolak kembalinya CP?.
mudah untuk kita bercakap kerana bkn kaki kita yg putus @ keluarga kita yg terbunuh.. -
Aduhhhh...sedih sungguh baca tulisan cik/encik wan. Kat mana belajar nie.. Sekolah abis tak. Hati org nak jaga, apasal hati pahlawan/askar - askar kite tak jaga. CP telah di beri peluang utk bergabung dgn mainstream. Tapi ia memilih jkn keganasan hanya kerana ieology yg berbeza. Jgn lah terlalu idealistic sampai maruah terjual.
Rozi 66 -
sapa wan zaharizan niii
wahai Wan Zaharizan. Anda mmg mangko dah bodoh sombong.Udahlah.Sedarlah anda siapa diri anda itu dahulu.
Anda celik semasa semua kemudahan sudah ada di depan mata.Anda belum pernah rasa sengsara akibat perbuatan komunis yg terlalu kejam dan dajal satu waktu dahulu. -
Sdr Wan terconfuse agaknya, dlm mencapai kemerdekaan - ada segolongan manusia yg bencikan keganasan dan sebahagian lagi menggunakan keganasan. Yg bencikan keganasan menang dan mendapat kemerdekaan tanpa pertumpahan darah. Sebaliknya yang menggunakan keganasan, menerima akibatnya dan hukumannya.
Bagi saya komunis adalah pengganas - bukan pejuang kemerdekaan; sama mcm mereka yg berdemonstrasi di jalanan menentang kerajaan yg dipilih melalui kaedah demokrasi; mereka bukan pejuang demokrasi sebaliknya manusia yang menyalah gunakan kebebasan dan tdk menghormati demokrasi.
kedua, sdr wan tdk sensitif - ramai yg masih marah atas perlakuan chin peng dan pengganas komunis - RAMAI. klu sdr tak terlibat, itu soal sdr; tp bagi yg menjadi mangsa atau mempunyai datuk, nenek, ayah, ibu yg menjadi mangsa, kita berhak menolak kepulangan chin peng; sebenarnya kalau boleh; elok jugak klu dpt ditembak chin peng sbagaimana dia dgn zalimnya membunuh org ramai ketika itu.
Kalau sdr tidak merasa marah dgn kezaliman komunis - itu sdr punya pasal - but young person mcm saya masih merasa marah; so kami akan tentang walaupun kami terpaksa mati kerana menentang org spt sdr wan. -
I do not know I am dealing with so call intellectual Malay. Maaf then because this issue has been clouded with too much emotion but lack factual account.
Chronology of event. SM Idris of Humanitarian International( If I am not mistaken) brought up the issue of Chin Peng to allow him to come back on humanitarian ground. This champion like all Penangites knows is a Muslim, President of CAP. Whether he is a Malay or not I do not know but the fact remains he can be a Malay according to the constitution.
It was pick up the Gerakan Head of Penang Dr Tan. It was brought up in the cabinet meeting last Wednesday and Tan Sri Koh has to explain the reason for the statement. It was accepted by the Cabinet and why can't we accept it. i have accepted the verdict so why can't you. Why is it you harping on Dr Tan and not SM Idris? Are all of you that chauvinist? I am racist when it comes to being Malay but i will never be Chauvinist like you and this what you get with half past 6 Malays who fly off the cap without understanding the issue at hand. Don't hide behind pseudonoym, reveal yourself like I do. As for what is my qualification, well enough to say I completed my primary education and I am still a student until I die. Knowledge will stop only when i die fools stop acquiring knowledge and Kamu semua bodoh kerana hanya tahu mengata tapi tak tahu hujung pangkal! -
Sorry Ketua Penang Gerakan adalah Dr Teng Hock Nan, maaf ye!
Dr Novandri.,
Kes ini berpunca dari GERAKAN, ditentang oleh UMNO, apa kene mengena dengan pembangkang pulak, Ini membuatkan kami di akar umbi GETIK... -
Doc, dengan izin...
i've written short article on this issue, and yet i have only some petty questions that require clarification (considering you've said orang lain as "Kamu semua bodoh kerana hanya tahu mengata tapi tak tahu hujung pangkal!")
Firstly, if really Chin Peng fights for our independance, how about the deaths of armed forces of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu’s army (who clearly are not British) and civilians, especially the villagers (who were clearly the innocent party in this rebel against the British)? Moreover, Malaysia gained independence on 31st August 1957, why must Chin Peng and PKM continue the war against Persekutuan Tanah Melayu?
Secondly, If the war was to serve the purpose of removing the British (the very same reason why Japanese being fought too), why should the local people also being killed? Can someone give a rationale answer to justify the killings?
Thirdly, a review on Chin peng's writings mentioned this:
“Significantly, Chin Peng comments on the linking of the struggle of his party to events in China. He was to become a supporter of the Chinese in the later Sino-Soviet dispute..".
Question is was his fights really for Malaya, Persekutuan Tanah Melayu or China?
These are the three simple question that a smart alec like you can answer for those who is not as knowledgeable as you are.
Kindly, indulge us with your knowledge...
~ OnDaStreet
Labels: Haadyai Agreement
With reference to Malaysiakini's report on "Create a 'heroes and traitors' museum", the person Omar Mohd Hashim of the Malaysian History Association (PSM), is living in his own deluded world. Yes, as a former soldier from a very well blooded regiment , I too stand with other soldiers on not allowing Chin Peng to settle in Malaysia.
I too have friends who were maimed and killed during the insurgency. I say Osman Mohd Hashim is deluded, because he says, "This was the first time that an independent country had managed to defeat the communists". Well, we did not defeat the Communists if one were to read and understand the treaty, see image here. The treaty is titled " Agreement Between The Government Of Malaysia And The Communist Party Of Malaya To Terminate Hostilities", which is a historic document. The operative word here is "Cessation of Hostilities". I cannot and did not see the word surrender in the document. We did not defeat them, we could have decimated them to the last man, if not for the capitulation of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
It states in Para 3.2 " Members of the Communist Party of Malaya and members of its disbanded armed units, who are not of Malaysian origin, may be allowed to settle down in Malaysia in accordance with the laws of Malaysia, if they so desire". It is an international treaty. Our so called Great Leader, Mahathir had this treaty negotiated without a referendum from the Malaysian people. But then he was a Dictator, surrounded by sycophants and apple polishers.
On the 6th January 1956 on a mountain top in Malaya, Tengku Abdul Rahman, John Davis, a senior district officer in the government of Malaya, Singapore's Chief Minister David Marshall and Sir Tan Cheng Lock , president of the Malayan Chinese Association, met Chin Peng. The Tengku asked this of Chin Peng, that the Communists would only be allowed to return, if they surrendered, disbanded their armed forces, and abolished the Communist Party. After their surrender they would each be subjected to a loyalty investigation and would be restricted to a specific area of the country, but once investigated, most would be allowed to enter political life again so long as they did not pursue a Communist line. Said Chin Peng: "I and my people will never submit to investigation."
Singapore's David Marshall responded by saying this: "As a human being, I ask you to realize that there are 7,000,000 people in Malaya and 3,000 Communists. I appeal to you to think of their welfare and to accept the sacrifice of your pride in the mild humiliation which you state is implied in the investigation of the loyalty of M.C.P. members before their release."
Chin Peng responded to this : "To report to the police means surrender." Snapped the Tengku: "I will never give in, so you must give in." Replied Chin: "The amnesty means surrender. Surrender means humiliation. We will not accept surrender at any time. We will carry on the struggle to the last man." The Tengku was a warrior at heart and not a quitter.
The Communists did not surrender, period. We could have defeated them but then, the Chief of Armed Forces, General Hashim Ali was the brother in law of our "Great Leader". The IGP was Mohd Haniff, can I say, I blame him for capitulating to this dastardly parchment? The Army which bore the brunt of the fighting was one of the most experienced counter insurgency fighting forces, in jungle warfare, I may be so bold as to add, in the world. We could have totallly defeated them in the same way the Sri Lankans did to Velupillai Prabhakaran
We would not spend our time and energy discussing Chin Peng's return today, nor would our "Great Leader" have embarked on a policy of marginalising certain segments of the Malaysian population, with his agenda . He capitulated for expediency, to push his agenda speedily. He did not want the CPM to be thorn up his, 'where the sun does not shine'. So who did actually surrender? He went against everything the Tengku wanted as far as the CPM was concerned. The treaty was an international treaty, I ask you to decide on Malaysia's honour.
In his reasoning, Omar Mohd Hashim fails to discuss the double standards? See images of our enemies feted by Malaysian VIPs. See more double standards here where an enemy of ours, Shamsieh Fakeh and her family who applied to the Malaysian government for permission to return to the country from 1985onwards. People like Omar Mohd Hashim of the Malaysian History Association (PSM), should just shut up, I know there are many like him, who push forth their own agenda, who ignominiously have no problems with double standards. Oh, I forgot, no one must question the special rights? Right? You would not know a real traitor when you see one. The answers are only too obvious.
The message to him should be stop insulting the intelligence of the soldiers and civillians alike. Read here for a sanitised version from Malaysiakini.